Friday, March 21, 2014

Blogging about Misdiagnosed Miscarriages!

Ten years ago, you would be hard pressed to find any information on misdiagnosed miscarriages online or otherwise.  How do I know?  While enduring almost a month of a misdiagnosed miscarriage, I scoured the web searching for any hope.  The hope just was not there.   I tried search engine after search engine.  I visited numerous pregnancy and miscarriage sites.  I just wanted hope.  I felt as if I was stuck in limbo.  I didn't quite fit in on the pregnancy boards because, well, the doctor claimed I was about to miscarry and I didn't fit in on miscarriage boards because I hadn't miscarried yet.  True, women on the miscarriage boards embraced me and were kind but they gently encouraged me to have the D&C and move on with life.  Eventually, two women on two different boards emailed me and gave me hope.  They didn't know how this would end but they didn't believe it was over until it was over.

Thank goodness for those women.  Nobody else understood.  I was inconsolable and my family was at a loss.  Even then I was encouraged to just let the doctor take care of things.  Miscarriages happen for a reason.  Many women miscarry and go on to have a perfect baby, so on and so forth.  Just to have somebody say they understood was an amazing comfort in such a turbulent time.

As a result of my misdiagnosed miscarriage, The Misdiagnosed Miscarriage site sprang up.  Over the years, we've collected more than 600 misdiagnosed stories on the site.  Do a search online, there are many more being shared on pregnancy sites and blogs across the web.  Each and every new misdiagnosed story gives women hope.  It doesn't mean that they are misdiagnosed but they know they can indeed wait out a miscarriage diagnosis if there are no serious complications.  It is far better to miscarry knowing there was no doubt than to question whether your doctor took your baby too soon.  I hear from too many of those women.

And, most exciting, the media is picking up on these stories.  As I find new information and stories on misdiagnosed miscarriages, I'll be sharing them on this blog.  I know, speaking for myself, I was consumed with reading all about miscarriages and misdiagnoses while I went through this scare.  Perhaps. if you are in the same boat, you'll find some comfort here.  As always, a huge (((hug))) to any and all going through this scare. 

1 comment:

  1. It’s amazing how words can uplift our spirits, and find hope when all seems lost. It’s nice that you found comfort in reading other people’s experiences. I’m sure a lot of people would also find comfort in reading yours. Thanks for sharing this with us, Kay. All the best!

    Sabrina Craig @ Medical Attorney NY
