Sunday, September 7, 2014

High hCG and No Baby Found? There is Still Hope and Here are the Stories to Prove It!

These are just a few of the stories from women who have had ultrasound levels between 10,000 and 20,000 with an empty gestational sac. Many times they were told they were going to miscarry or that they needed a D&C and they ended up finding their babies! Because there are so many stories, I am only including a few in this category. Rest assured, if your levels are between 10,000 to 20,000, there is still hope! Of course there is no way to tell how the pregnancy will end but, unless you are certain you are nine weeks or more, it is much too early to diagnose a blighted ovum at this point.

please remember, none of these stories will change the ultimate outcome of your pregnancy. These stories, however, will help you to know if you are possibly being diagnosed too soon.
Angel's Numbers
Empty Sac: 18,875 (with ultrasound)
Five Days Later: 51,266 (no ultrasound)
Heartbeat Found: 9 Days after empty sac ultrasound
Tao's Numbers
Only Yolk Sac seen: 12,954 (with ultrasound)
Two Days Later: 17,095 (no ultrasound) ~ D&C refused
Heartbeat Found: 13 Days after ultrasound
ShelBelle's Numbers
Empty Sac: 19,000 (with ultrasound)
Two Days Later: 26,500 (no ultrasound)
Heartbeat Found: 12 Days later
Christy's Numbers
Only Yolk Sac Seen: 19,000 (with ultrasound) ~ scheduled D&C
Heartbeat Found: 3 Days later
SwollaDad's Numbers
Empty Sac: 13,000 (with ultrasound)
Two Days Later: 25,000 (diagnosed ectopic!) ~ injection to end pregnancy refused
Heartbeat Found: One week + after initial ultrasound
BelievingGod's Numbers
Empty Sac: 23,000 (with ultrasound)
Four Days Later: 33,000 (no ultrasound) ~ D&C scheduled
Heartbeat Found: 13 Days after initial ultrasound
Eprooso's Numbers
Empty Sac: 11,000 (with ultrasound) ~ D&C recommended
Three Days Later: 29,000 (no ultrasound) ~ D&C recommended
Heartbeat Found: 10 Days after initial ultrasound
Jen's Numbers
Empty Sac: 11,000 (with ultrasound)
Six Days Later: another empty sac ultrasound ~ D&C recommended
Heartbeat Found: 13 Days after initial ultrasound
Carly's Numbers
Empty Sac: 19,000 (with ultrasound)
Later that Week: Had a D&C
The Week after the D&C: Baby survived D&C (that baby was born in March 2010)
Otis86's Numbers
Only Yolk Sac Seen: 14,900 (with ultrasound) ~ D&C recommended and refused
Heartbeat Found: Several days after initial ultrasound
Lltruc's Numbers
Empty Sac: 11,000 (with ultrasound)
Two Days Later: 16,500 (no ultrasound) ~ medication to begin miscarriage refused
Heartbeat Found: 7 days after initial ultrasound
Heartbeat Found: Several days after initial ultrasound
Tania's Numbers
Empty Sac: over 9,000 (with ultrasound) ~ D&C refused
Three Days Later: 36,000 (no ultrasound) ~ D&C refused again
Heartbeat Found: 9 days after initial ultrasound
 Over the years, I've talked to quite a few women who had empty-looking sacs with levels over 20,000. Having a doctor say there might still be hope at this point is a very rare thing and, yet, quite a few women go on to find their babies. Again, these are only a few of the many stories we've collected. If you are not more than nine weeks yet, even with higher levels, it is still too soon to know if this is truly a blighted ovum.

Jen's Numbers
Empty Sac: 30,000 (with ultrasound)
Four Days Later: 50,000 (no ultrasound)
Heartbeat Found: 12 Days after empty sac ultrasound
BelieveNPrayer's Numbers
Empty Sac: 32,000 (with ultrasound)
Two Days Later: 45,000 (no ultrasound)
Four Days after Initial Ultrasound: 42,000 (no ultrasound) ~ D&C recommended
Ten Days after Initial Ultrasound: 110,000 (no ultrasound)
Heartbeat Found: 15 Days after empty sac ultrasound
Lori's Numbers
Empty Sac: 11,000+ (with ultrasound)
Another Empty Sac: 3 Days later with hCG levels 27,000+
Heartbeat Found: 11 Days after initial ultrasound
Ally's Numbers
Empty Sac: 38,000 (with ultrasound) ~ refused D&C
Heartbeat Found: 5 Days later
Prayin4You's Numbers
Empty Sac: 25,000 (with ultrasound)
Six Days Later: 38,000 (with ultrasound)
Heartbeat Found: 18 Days after initial ultrasound
Sarah's Numbers
Empty Sac: 16,000 (with ultrasound)
Three Days Later: 24,800 (with ultrasound) ~ refused D&C
Seven Days after Initial Ultrasound: 34,000
Heartbeat Found: 14 Days after initial ultrasound
Sadie's Numbers
Empty Sac: 44,000 (with ultrasound)
Heartbeat Found: 2 Days later
Steph's Story
Empty Sac: 12,000 (with ultrasound)
Three Days Later: 45,000
Second Empty Sac: 7 days after initial ultrasound ~ D&C refused
Heartbeat Found: 14 Days after initial ultrasound
Autumn's Story
Empty Sac: 28,000 (with ultrasound)
Heartbeat Found: 13 Days after initial ultrasound
AspenMommy's Numbers
Empty Sac: 32,000 (with ultrasound)
Heartbeat Found: 2 Days after initial ultrasound
LinBran's Numbers
Only Yolk Sac Seen: 20,000 (with ultrasound) ~ D&C scheduled
Heartbeat Found: 3 Days after initial ultrasound right before scheduled D&C
Ozlem's Numbers
Empty Sac: 22,900 (with ultrasound)
Two Days Later: 32,000 (no ultrasound)
Heartbeat Found: 7 Days after initial ultrasound

These stories are truly amazing because doctors are always certain miscarriage is imminent when levels are over 50,000 and no baby is seen. These stories show that some babies just hide a bit longer and a D&C should not be rushed!
Kim's Numbers
Empty Sac: 66,000 (with ultrasound)
Heartbeat Found: 2 Days later with hCG levels at 90,000
Peanut's Numbers
Empty Sac: 69,000 (with ultrasound)
Five Days Later: 74,000 (no ultrasound) ~ scheduled D&C
Heartbeat Found: 7 Days after initial ultrasound
Katrina's Numbers
Empty Sac: 87,000 (with ultrasound)
Heartbeat Found: 7 Days later with hCG levels at 147,000
GoneToExplore's Numbers
Empty Sac: 52,000 (with ultrasound)
Heartbeat Found: 3 Days later
Tera's Numbers
Empty Sac: 80,000 (with ultrasound)
Two Days Later: 76,000 (no ultrasound)
Heartbeat Found: approximately one week after the initial ultrasound
Ginger's Numbers
Empty Sac: 56,000 (with ultrasound)
Two Days Later: 71,000 (no ultrasound)
Five Days after Initial Ultrasound: 106,000 (no ultrasound)
Heartbeat Found: 6 Days after initial ultrasound
These are only a few of the stories on The Misdiagnosed Miscarriage site.  My hope is that these give you hope.

Because so many women are fixated on hCG numbers (you really shouldn't be), please, check out my blog post:

High hCG and No Baby Seen? FORGET THE hCG! It's All About the Size of the Gestational Sac!


  1. This blog post has been so encouraging to me! I have been reading this website for a few days, gathering strength and positive thoughts while I wait in limbo. I ovulated on 7/30/14 (based on my increased BBT). On August 14, 2014 I got my BFP. I went in for my first u/s at 6 weeks and 5 days (I think - I am not sure how far along I am due to my 34-day cycle). At the appointment my Ob did a trans-vaginal u/s where she could see the gestational sac and yolk sac, but no baby. She said she believed I would miscarry soon and decided to check my hcg levels. My levels were 17,000 that day. 48 hours later my hcg level was 21,000. My doctor confirmed her belief that I would miscarry soon because my levels did not double. She suggested I do a D&C. I told her I prefer to wait for my body to do it naturally. I am 8 weeks tomorrow and I have all of my pregnancy symptoms and absolutely no miscarriage symptoms. I want to get a second opinion soon, but I am trying to hold out as long as I can so that I am far enough along to get a definitive answer from the doctor. Praying for a miracle for our first baby!-
    - dgk

  2. Ah, my post disappeared. Trying again! Sounds like it has been over a week. Get that second opinion. Since you saw the yolk sac more than a week ago, hopefully you'll see more this time. Please, keep me posted. Praying for you!

  3. Hi Kay - thought I would post an update. I went today to get a second opinion and this doctor found a heartbeat and fetal pole :) I am over the moon, but still not out of the woods. This doctor says I am measuring at 6 1/2 weeks, when I think I am 7 weeks 6 days. She thinks I will lose the baby because the heartbeat is so slow. BUT I am staying positive and prayerful! My first doctor was wrong about my baby not having developed, so I think it's possible that this doctor is also wrong. Staying positive and faithful, and leaving it in God's hands!

  4. I am so happy for you! Would you consider sharing your story at the Misdiagnosed site? If you share on this thread, I'll give it its own post. Your story will give so many women hope. I am just so happy for you! Now, are you going to let your first doctor know?

  5. Absolutely! And I will ask them to pray that my baby continues to develop! :)

  6. Thank you and continued prayers here!

  7. This article and the post above have given me a little hope. I am very confused by this whole thing. my LMP was on Sep 1/14, so that would place me at 5w +2 days. However...

    First U/S showed empty 23.7 mm gestational sac. They said that was corresponding to 7 weeks!. It also showed a 2.7 cm hemorrhagic cyst on my right ovary and 4 fibroids (largest is 4cm). My HCG was 33,112.

    Today my second U/S (2 days later) showed empty 16 mm gestational sac corresponding to 6 weeks, 2 days. 4 fibroids and it also said that the ovaries were "unremarkable" so no cyst today?

    Dr, told me afterwards that he suspects a molar pregnancy and wants to have more blood test on Friday. I'm really scared.

    Any thoughts? Please. I really don't know what to think...

  8. My comment disappeared. Well, hopefully it shows up again. That really is interesting about the molar and I'm wondering why he thinks that. It seems like the women I've talked to who ended up having molar pregnancies had really high hCG levels and yours aren't. Lets see what those levels show on Friday. Make sure your next ultrasound is done by a tech and not a doctor. (((hugs))) and please stay closely monitored until you know what is happening

  9. Thank you for your reply. Went for another U/S today (at another facility). They found a yolk sac! Dr. said to be 'cautiously' hopeful. They will have me have another one next Friday and said that if they can't find a heartbeat by then, it will definitely be a miscarriage because according to the sac's size, I'm 6W, 2days....

  10. That is such good news. Generally a week after the yolk sac is seen, the baby will be seen if the pregnancy is viable. I hope you get better news! Keep us updated

  11. I've just been staring at this site. I had an ultrasound done at 5 weeks 3 days, tech stated I was 5 weeks 5 days, only gestational sac was shown. No yolk. No fetal pole. My hcg levels were 8000 at the time of u/s. I'm trying to keep hope.

  12. Everything sounds normal. This is very common this early in pregnancy. Please, keep us updated on you.

  13. Hi Kay,these stories here makes me feel better however I am so scared,my first baby and I went to my 8th week scan,the doctor says things are not looking good,only sac with nothing inside,he took tests for hcg and I am going back on monday for more hcg tests so that he must compare.I feel so frustrated as I was really looking forward,I am so sad and this wait is killing me.please help me

    1. Too early to diagnose yet. Stay monitored. Don't know what will happen but I hope you get better news.

  14. My hcg levels have been so slow to rise.

    Dec 1 - 11,000
    Dec 2 - 12,800
    Dec 9 - 16,000

    Doctor doesn't think the pregnancy will be viable. I had some brown spotting with some small clots over the weekend. My levels might be slow to rise but they are still riaing. My morning sickness isn't nearly as bad as my other 3 pregnancies but it's there. I just get queasy and my beasts are tender and fuller too.

    I got for a US on Dec 15. My periods were irregular in length so we have absolutely no idea how far a long I am at this point.

    The stories on this website have really given me a lot of hope.

  15. That is a slow rise but, some women have had this happen and been just fine. I don't know what you'll find out but, please, keep us updated. (((hugs)))

  16. Hi Kay,
    I had a frozen embryo transfer and 2 embryos implanted. At week 5.6 both sacks were visible with yolk sacs, and one had a heartbeat. My numbers at this stage were 12530. 2 days later i had another blood test and my level was 14900 so it hadnt raised very much and the doctor feared that one baby had stopped developing. I had a scan the following day at a specialist birth centre and they told me that one sac was completely empty, and the one that had a heartbeat 2 days before now she could not even see a baby only the yolk sac... how is that possible? Did my IVF doctor make a mistake ? Is it possible to see a heartbeat if the could not see a baby? Im so confused

  17. Yes, it is so early that a mistake *might* have been made. Really, until you get to about nine weeks, it can be hard to visualize the's not you, it's the equipment. I've talked to women who have been diagnosed with miscarriages and their doctors used the newest and best machines. Please, keep us updated.

  18. Hi,
    My LMP was 10/28/2014, my cycles have been irregular for the past few years and I'm not exactly of my ovulation timeframe. First u/s December 22nd showed an empty sac, hcg 69000, at supposedly 8 weeks. Second u/s December 29 also showed an empty sac, hcg 44000 at supposedly 9 weeks. Do I wait or schedule a d&c? No spotting, cramps, or bleeding. I'm paying for a private u/s today.

  19. Hi MT. Your hCG levels really don't tell us much. After the gestational sac is viewed, the numbers are pretty worthless since they can rise, plateau or decline and still be normal. Better would be to compare gestational sac measurements. If the sac is growing, waiting until it is 25mm and then waiting one week to verify is the best way to diagnose a blighted ovum. Please, keep us updated.

  20. Reading these posts are giving me some hope i guess, but im still really stressed out! My LMP was Oct 22, but I have irregular periods that are far apart, so who knows when i ovulated! I got an US on January 6 and the gestational sac was EMPTY and measuring to be about 6 weeks, I had my HCG levels checked and they were at 10000, I went back on January 8 to check my HCG again and this time it was only 11000.... This will be my second pregnancy, and my husband is discouraged with this and told me he does not want to try again and only want our 1 child, no more. I go back next week for another US and more blood tests but I fear the worst... What are your thought?? Does this sound hopeful at all???

    1. We have seen hCGs plateau temporarily and then shoot up there. Have they checked your progesterone levels? Let us know how that next appointment goes.

  21. Hi all,
    I have been reading your posts and have been given hope.
    This is my first post and first pregnancy. I got my BFP on the 2nd January 2015.
    LMP was 16/11/14, but my cycle is a 45 day cycle, so I don't know precisely how far along I am. I had EXTREMELY light bleeding on the 2nd - 4th January 2015 and have worsening morning sickness and tender (rather swollen) breasts. HGC levels were 28,084 on 7th January 2015 and then 39,888 on the 9th January 2015. There is a VERY strong family history of multiple births. I had an ultrasound yesterday (9th January 2015), and there was no gestational sac or yolk sac. I'm so confused and quite scared :( Please help.

    1. Just too early and all looks normal so far. Go with the UK's guidelines. Ditch the hCG levels and weeks in diagnosing this and make sure the sac is growing week to week. Once it reaches 25mm, then you wait one more week to verify. Of course, if there are complications, be seen sooner.

    2. Just an update. My levels continued to rise - over 62,000. Hospital scans revealed that I had a molar pregnancy. I had a D & C yesterday.

    3. How did they determine it was a molar pregnancy? Did they see the grape-like structure? They are doing genetic testing to verify? (((hugs)))

    4. Thanks for the hugs, I've needed lots of hugs lately. They did indeed find cyst like grape structures and have sent off the tissues to the lab, I'll find out in a few days. My partner and I are hoping to have a healthy baby soon.

    5. Please, let us know what they find out. I have a lot of people ask me about molar pregnancies but very few come through here. More (((hugs))) Praying for you!

    6. Absolutely we will let you know next week when we find out. Although it's a difficult time for us, I'd like to help and offer support to those in a similar situation.

    7. Just an update, yes it was a complete molar pregnancy. I had my first blood test done 3 days after surgery and my levels were already dropping to 2,300 (from over 70,000 just before surgery). I had my bloods taken again 15 days after surgery, the levels were at 32. Continuing to drop! If my levels get to zero again within 2 months post surgery, we can ttc soon. I'm hoping and praying we'll be ok

  22. This site is giving me hope, but I'm still so stressed it by not knowing anything. The doctors aren't telling me anything solid. And it sucks not knowing. My lmp was 11/10/14 and home pregnancy test was positive 12/7/14. They started doing hcg blood tests right away. The levels were:
    12/10: 365
    12/17: 2270
    12/24: 7898
    Nothing was done 12/31
    Then on 1/8 was my first appointment and they did another test and results were 26660.

    I also had my first ultrasound 1/8 because they figured i was about 8 weeks 4 days based off my lmp. But they said they didn't see anything that showed me at 8 weeks but rather more like at 5 weeks. All the tech said was that she saw a yolk sac.

    I'm just really nervous about the whole thing.

  23. At this point, hCGs don't tell you much. It is more important to see that gestational sac growing. Fortunately, about one week after the yolk sac is seen, the baby will be seen if the baby is viable. Please, let us know how that next ultrasound goes. (((Hugs))))

    1. To give an update on my situation.. I began with bad cramps and bleeding on Saturday. Called my doctors office and said it sounds like a miscarriage but to come in Monday to be checked out. Ultrasound still showed gestational sac and yolk sac and no evidence of blood clots in my uterus. Doc then took a look at my cervix and saw that this is where the bleeding came from. Said I'm not dilated at all and my mucus plug is still in place. I started to bleed again last night but my guess is that's because my cervix was irritated. We are waiting on my beta results today to see what is going on. Right now there is a 3 week difference on how far i should be and how far i look via ultrasound. I'm on strict bed rest until further notice. I'm nervous that my baby isn't growing appropriately.

    2. Thanks for the update. I bled heavily with my first pregnancy. Praying!

    3. To further confuse me, my beta test is back: No significant change. Doc thinks now it might be a vanishing twin. Still on bed rest and scheduled for more blood work Thursday and another ultrasound on Monday. I just wish I had definitive answers. Being in this gray area is for the birds! Thanks for the support!

    4. Waiting is awful! I feel for you (((hugs)))

    5. I've officially had a miscarriage. Was woken up early in the morning on Wednesday with massive pains/cramps and lots of bleeding with XL egg size clots. Went for ultrasound today which showed everything on its way out. Scheduled for d&c tomorrow morning. Just want it all behind me. Thanks for all the support Kay!

    6. I am so very sorry. Please, take it easy. Women often tell me they do too much (to keep their mind off it) after a miscarriage and complications set in. Rest! Praying for you!

  24. Hi! So glad I found your site. I ovulated on 12/14/14 and had a beta HCG done on 12/31 and it was 216 (17dpo). Had another 2 days later and it was 556 - yay for doubling! Then another 3 days later and it was 3200 - still great! Went in for ultrasound at 5w5d and no yolk sac, just a gestational sac. Took beta that day and it was 13862 so still good. The nurse is hopeful, but said it could not work out. Praying for a miracle.

    1. Sounds completely normal so far. Please, keep us updated.

    2. Hello Kay, first i'll like to commend you for giving women hope for a better tomorrow. God bless you real good. My LMP started on 12/1/14, I tested and got a BFP on 1/4/15...I went in for my first u/s when I thought I was about 6wks, the tech found a gestational sac that measured 4wks and I was scheduled to come in for a second u/s the following week which puts me at 5wks and some days. The tech said the sac had increased but still could not see anything other than the sac. I am trusting God for a miracle here!!! I spoke with the Doc after my u/s was done this past Friday and she did not give me good news! I had a m/c back in Aug of 2014 and she basically referred to it, saying that I should prepare for another m/c. Phew! My hcg had doubled from the first u/s 10,000 to 50,000 and she said that usually if nothing is seen at 50,000 there is an imminent m/c. Please, give me your opinion on this. However, she's referred me to a Perinatologist for further examination whom I am scheduled to see on the 6th of Feb. I'll greatly appreciate your opinion and prayers. My heart goes out to every woman going through this. Let's all be strong!

  25. Oh! BTW, she's diagnosed me with Blighted Ovum. :(

    1. Oh my goodness, you are being diagnosed MUCH too soon. Of course, there are no guarantees, but, at your next ultrasound, ask about the gestational sac. If it is over 25mm, then yes, this could be a blighted ovum but it isn't usually that size until about nine weeks or so. Keep me updated. I hope you better news.

  26. Thanks Kay, I'll definitely keep you posted.

  27. Hi Kay, thank you so much for your site! I'd love to know what you think of this timeline:

    12/24 - ovulation/conception(using ovulation test since my pd is really irregular)
    1/12 - BFP
    1/22 - u/s showed me at 5w1d when I had calculated 6w1d. Only sac and yolk, no pole or any baby seen. Hcg 21,000 progesterone 15
    1/24 - hcg 24,000 progesterone 10
    1/29 - u/s showed sac had grown 1mm per day as appropriate but still only yolk and no pole or baby. Dr was called in and told me it's not looking good
    1/30 - hcg 44,000 progesterone 16 but nurse says it could have peaked and is now on the decline so it's inconclusive. Have U/S on 2/5 which will put me at 7w1d by preg us calculation but 8w1d by the actual date i ovulated. I've had no bleeding or cramps this far and I'm just so confused. Is there any hope for a healthy baby in there? Thank you so much for your words of wisdom

  28. I don't know what will happen but I think it is still too early to diagnose. Find out what the measurement of the sac is. If there are no complications, I really do like the new UK guidelines of waiting until it measures 25mm. Keep us updated.

    1. Thank you, I will! Just trying to relax and not get too worked up or get my hopes up. This feels like such a limbo. I believe it was 16 at my last U/S so + 8 days should put me at around 24mm.

  29. Well I found out I was pregnant on 01/26 the hospital didn't see anything and my HCG level was at 2,564 they drew blood on 01/28 and it went to 4,764. I'm in the hospital right because of bleeding but HCG level is over 9,000 and there stating that they can't find anything but a sac that maybe outside of the uterus. I'm just so confused on how my levels are going up but something went totally wrong. Just very confused, I just wanted to find a forum with positive stories even though mine is a disaster!!!!

  30. I am so sorry you are going through this. First things first, they need to determine quickly if this is an ectopic pregnancy. If it is not ectopic, it is too early to diagnose the pregnancy. Please, let us know what you find out.

  31. Lmp 12/11/14 estimated o date 1/2/2015

    Positive test 1/15
    Positive digital 1/16
    Positive digital 1/18 2-3 weeks
    Positive digital 1/24 3+ weeks

    Estimated 5w4days by ovulation or 6 weeks 5 days by lmp
    Dr 1/28 HCG level 10739
    Ultrasound showed sac but nothing else.

    Dr 1/30 showed sac and supposed fetal pole (I didn't see it) and didn't get blood work because I was already late to work. Dr said it doesn't look good.

    Go back 2/5

    1. Correction showed supposed yolk sac - no fetal pole. Not sure why that all wasn't there.

  32. All looks normal so far. Hope you have a good report for us soon. Hang in there :)

    1. Went today and saw baby and heartbeat of 118! 6w1d 2 weeks off from my lmp 8w1day

    2. 10 days from original ultrasound.

  33. I went for a dating ultrasound two days ago, where I was informed that the tech believes she saw a baby but no heart beat. Was advised to take blood test for levels and come back in two days. Went back today to be given a report that a fetus was found measuring at 8w 3d with no heartbeat. When another ultra sound was done in office today I was told the sac was empty and showed a tiny white dot where the baby was "going away". My hormone levels were high still, but the dr said that it didn't matter. Could this have been a simple mistake. Baby there than completely gone in two days? No spotting/bleeding nothing. A D&C was offered by dr but I just don't know.

  34. I went back to the doctor today and I'm measuring 7w6 days so the sac grew again. There was also a new smallish development that the doctor thinks may be some debris or the beginning of something that didn't take :( it was also a little far from the yolk so there was some discussion about whether or not it even was a fetal pole. My sac was 20mm btw. So we will go back in 6 days to check but dr said the chances are slim.

    1. Ask to your ultrasounds spaced out by a week each. You need to give everything enough time to grow and be seen. Of course, if there are complications, be seen sooner.

  35. This website is great in giving hope.

    Helly Kay,

    My LMP was 11/28/14.
    Found out I was pregnant via digital home pregnancy test 12/31/14.
    My cycles range from 29-39 days making my periods irregular.
    I had my first check-up Feb. 5th with a midwife. Because of my LMP she automatically said that I was 10 weeks, but I kept mentioning to her that because of my long cycles that I didnt think I was that far along, so she then assumed I was 8-9 weeks. Part of my check up was to hear the babies heart beat with a doppler, but she was not able to find a heart beat. So then she proceeded to find the baby via abdominal ultrasound, but was not able to see much, so then she did a vaginal ultrasound and was only able to see an empty sac. My husband and I only kept looking at each other with great worry. The midwife then calls in a doctor and she takes a look via vaginal Ultrasound and she said she couldnt make out if my sac was deformed, or if there were two sacs, but that it still looked empty. My last HCG showed that I was at 6,042 and she said that with that level they should have been able to see something and heard a heart beat. Then the midwife proceeded to tell me that I could have had a miscarriage or the baby just didnt develop, in which case I would need to take a D&C. I was soooo sad, my world came tumbling down, I had to hold back the tears. The other doctor then recommended that I get blood work done to check my HCG, and get an ultrasound by a specialist at the hospital in radiology. So I had my bloodwork and went in yesterday Feb. 6th for my ultrasound with specialist. The did vaginal ultrasound and I was probed for what seemed like quite a while. They snapped a lot of pictures and when they were done they took them for the specialist to review. After a while the doctor came back to tell me that there are indeed two sacs in there! As of yesterday, Sac A measures 5 weeks 6 days and they were able to see a yolk sac inside of it, and Sac B measures 5 weeks 4 days and that sac looked empty. My blood work came back at 10,000 and the doctor said that she thought it was low in comparison to my previous level which was at 6,000. But she she said that at this point they cant tell if I had ovulated later in my cycle, or if the babies are not developing, so I am scheduled for another ultrasound in 7 days, this upcoming Friday. My husband and I were expecting the worst at this last ultrasound ( I cried all day before my appointment and had to call in sick), but the news we received gave us hope!!!! We are hoping that my due date was off and hope to see more development on the next appointment. Waiting is the hardest part.

    1. Great news!!! Hang in there!!

    2. You really don't want to rely too much on hCG levels now. Once the sac is seen, they can do many things and be normal. It's more important to space those ultrasounds out by a week and see if there is growth. Of course, be seen sooner if there are any complications. Keep us updated.

  36. Hi
    I did a FET with two embryos. At. 6 weeks, 6 days I did a blood test HCG 44,253, 2 days later 46,123. I am 7 weeks 3 days and have no pregnancy symptoms. Last week was nauseated and breasts were sore. Now I feel complelty normal. Scan isn't until next week.
    Should I go in earlier due to slow HCG rise?!

  37. Numbers rise slowly for many women at this point. More important is to monitor the size of the gestational sac(s). If they are growing, you shouldn't be diagnosed before they measure at least 25mm. Please, keep us updated.

  38. I have two boys and have suffered two previous miscarriages and one ectopic. Went for my first scan Monday and I measured six weeks with empty sac. Bloods were taken Tuesday and measured 38000. I had tiny bit of spotting this morning on tissue so hospital wanted to rescan today. Sac slight bigger and possible yolk seen. Dr cannot see any signs of ectopic and wants to rescan me on Monday and take bloods. If hcg levels higher and still empty sac, concerned could be ectopic. Dr advised extremely slight chance could be twins but I'm not hopeful of a positive outcome. Any advice welcome

    1. How are you doing? Did you have that second scan? How did it go? I hope you got better news.

  39. So, our US yesterday 8 weeks showed the yolk sac had disappeared and the gestational sac had begun to collapse. I had a DNC today. The weekly ultrasounds and the doctor's advice prepared us emotionally so we are now just ready to move on and try again. I am happy to have found your site, though, because reading these stories influenced me to wait before rushing into a DNC way earlier. If I had done it then, I would have always wondered. Now, because we waited we had confirmation that this time just wasn't meant to be. Thank you Kay

    1. I am so sorry for your loss. I do hope you get good news soon. When you are pregnant again, I hope you come back and let us know. Those stories give women hope as well and we like to celebrate too :)

  40. Hi everyone, love this site you a BIT of hope. Here are my dates, numbers and info and would like your opinion if possible.
    LMP is Dec 26, 2014. I've always had 28-day cycles but since my 3rd miscarriage in October 2014, my next three cycles were at 35, 33 and 31 days. My husb lives in another country temporarily and went to see him from Jan 10-14. We had sex Jan 10, 11, 12 and 13. I think I ovulated later/conceived around Jan 13 because I started spotting very lightly on Jan 23 which probably was implantation bleeding. At 4 weeks 6 days since my LMP, my HCG level were at 4157 and prog at 110. A few days later, at 5 weeks and 3 days, HCG levels were at 20 444 and prog at 80. I had my first ultrasound on Monday Feb 9, at 6 weeks and 3 days since LMP and only a gestional sac was seen, no fetal pole, no yolk sac. I didn'T ask for the measurements but I heard the technician and my doctor at the fertility clinic say that at that size, they should have seen something. They said it was most likely a blighted ovum. Doctor told me to come back so I am supposed to go back in two days, on Wed Feb 18, at 7 weeks 5 days, to confirm the blighted ovum before they prescribe Misoprostol. I don'T really have my hopes up but reading these comments make think there might be a little bit of hope. I guess I am looking for your comments and also, I want to understand where they could have made a mistake. Is it because they automatically calculate ovulation at 14 days. I know that I ovulated late....I have for the past cycles. Also, I think it implanted close to 10-11 days after ovulation.... Thanks everyone!!

    1. Responded but don't see it so I'll try again :) This is just too early to diagnose. Unless that gestational sac is measuring more than 25mm, you just can't know with certainty what is happening. More importantly, the sac should be growing. Please, stay monitored and keep us updated.

    2. Hi, thank you. So, I went for a second ultrasound today. I am supposed to be at 7 weeks and 5 days today (even though I know this is wrong due to late ovulation of approx 4-5 days). The weird thing is that there was no yolk sac last week at 6 weeks and 3 days and today at 7 wks and 5 days, there was one. The bad news is that the gestational sac did not grow. It is the same as last week's ultrasound. They said it measures 6 weeks and 2 days....I just don't know in millimetres. The doctor did not feel comfortable in prescribing Misoprostol today. He wants me to go back next week, next Tues, Feb 24, at 1pm, where I would be 8 weeks and 4 days since LMP (but I would remove 4-5 days due to late ovulation). They did not check my HCG cuz at this point there is no point....We'll see next week.

    3. I just got an answer from the doctor. My gestational sac measured 13.5 mm last week at 6 weeks and 3 days and 2 days ago at 7 weeks and 5 days, it only went up to 15mm.

  41. We are supposed to be 9wks along. So far no baby/no heartbeat. This is our shot story so far.....

    Lmp 12/20/14
    Positive Pregnancy Test 01/15/15
    Missed Period 01/20/15

    First US at 6wks nearly 7wks along, no baby/no heart beat. Gestational Sac that was measuring good. (Not sure of exact)

    2nd US almost 8wks
    No baby/No heart beat. Gestational Sac with now yolk sac showing. Gestational sac still measuring good.

    3rd US 8wks 6 days
    No baby/No heartbeat. Gestational sac grew, yolk sac still seen, but now at the top of yolk sac we see bright (on Trans US) white line, possibly fetal pole?!?! We don't know :(

    Today 2/23/15 we go in for hcg level blood work to be done and possibly another US.....

    1. We were told we should go on and do DnC or the pill to start and proceed with miscarriage. We aren't having any signs of miscarriage. Everything is pointing at a perfect pregnancy, nausea, vomiting and all the good stuff. We are not bleeding or anything. We refuse to give up just yet :(

    2. Cheri- yours sounds very similar to mine- even the dates. My LMP was 12/11. I got a positive pregnancy test 1/16 as well

      Turns out that I was only 9dpo at my positive test! I am only just now 8weeks 4 days.

      Do not lose hope or have that dnc for another week because you could be off on your dates due to late ovulation or implantation .

    3. Oh we are holding off!!!! Had we listened to doc we would be having DnC today but we talked about it, did research, and agreed we should just wait!! Everything is going normal otherwise so we are refusing to give up just yet!

    4. Hi, I'm worried that my pregnancy is not what it seems because if he doctor and sonographer are making me so worried !

      My last 'normal' period - 2/01/15
      Missed my next one by 3 days but blood spotting happened then full on bleeding on 30/01.

      Hcg levels have been ;
      - 31HCG
      - 71Hcg
      - 9100Hcg
      - 11600Hcg

      I've taken 3 home pregnancy tests all came back positive . No sign of my menstrual period and I think I'm already 3days late with that.

      The scan shows a pregnancy sac but no baby growing . It's moved up from my uterus to the stomach area though so I'm confused ?

      Please provide me with some advice ! These docs are killing me with the uncertainty .

      Cheers, MrsTag

    5. They should be closely monitoring you. Are they certain this is not ectopic? A lot of women bleed and are just fine so stay monitored and hope you get your answer soon.

    6. Ectopic pregnancy has been ruled out . They said it is a viable pregnancy ? What does that mean ? I've been referred to see the early pregnancy unit at Greenlane hospital in Auckland .
      I'm so scared and my gut tells me I'm still pregnant and maybe just wait it out ?

    7. Hi I have been reading you site since yesterday I went for first prenatal visit yesterday at 9weeks1day she did an vaginal u/s and only saw an sac she checked my harmone levels and said that they were over 12,000 and should have been able to see fetus and heartbeat with those high harmone levels and said most likely it is not an normal pregancy go back tomorrow to check harmone levels again to see if they doubled and I'm scheduled for another u/s in two weeks I have been praying and crying all day I really wanted this baby but after talking to my doctor she has really made me lose hope do you think it's possible to see baby at next u/s

    8. Hi I have been reading you site since yesterday I went for first prenatal visit yesterday at 9weeks1day she did an vaginal u/s and only saw an sac she checked my harmone levels and said that they were over 12,000 and should have been able to see fetus and heartbeat with those high harmone levels and said most likely it is not an normal pregancy go back tomorrow to check harmone levels again to see if they doubled and I'm scheduled for another u/s in two weeks I have been praying and crying all day I really wanted this baby but after talking to my doctor she has really made me lose hope do you think it's possible to see baby at next u/s

  42. I honestly don't know what it means that the sac has 'moved up'. The best thing you can do is have another ultrasound a week out. I do hope you get better news. Please, keep us updated. (((hugs)))

  43. Hi Kay- this is my first pregnancy. My first day of my last period was 1/10 and I ovulated on 1/24. I had my first doc appointment on 3/6. At this appointment my doc told me I was 7.5 weeks pregnant but that doesnt make sense to me and I think Im 5 weeks 6 days. They did an vaginal u/s and I had an empty sac not pole nothing. I asked my doc if he was sure I was as far along as they though so he measured my sac and the u/s machine couldnt not determin it becuase the sac was too small. He sent me for blood work that day (friday) and then Im going back for more blood work to test my hcg levels on Monday and then back to the doc tuesday for another u/s. He did say to me in his heart I will have a miscarriage and I will most likely need to schedule a D&C. When the doc left the room i still felt like he was wrong about how far along I was and said something to the nurse and she said even if I was 5 weeks 6 days I would still see something inside the sac. Im so uneasy and feel defeated. I still feel the same, tender nipples, exhausted,moody and neausas early in the morning and late at night. I dont know To feel at this point.

  44. He's worrying you a bit too early. I really like the UK's new guidelines. If the gestational sac is growing, monitor it until it is at least 25mm. You have a ways to go for that. You've only had the one ultrasound. Keep those ultrasounds spaced out by about a week each. Hopefully you do indeed see some growth. Please, keep us updated.

    1. Thank you foe the hope. Will do. Is there a reason why doc jump to these conclusions early on?

    2. Went to the doc this morning. My hcg levels went up but still an empty sac. I was scheduled for a D&C Saturday afternoon. Im heart broken.

    3. Was the gestational sac greater than 25mm? Had it grown from the last time? If it is still growing and not yet 25mm, it is still too early to diagnose. Doesn't mean this won't end in miscarriage but you just can't be certain. (((hugs)))

  45. I found out that I was pregnant Sunday 3/1/15 I went to the doctor on Monday morning, I have a history of miscarriages (7). They did my blood work my levels were at 246, the following Sunday I woke up with lots of blood in my pjs, went to the bathroom passed 2 quarter sized clots. Called my doc Monday morning was told to come in for more blood work. Tuesday I had really bad cramps, went to ER, they did blood work and us, was told I was 5wks and 3 days but empty sac. My levels where 9000 at hospital the day before my levels were 5969, so they shot up even after the bleeding. I have to wait until 3/18/15 for another us, I'm very nervous :( but since my numbers are going up I'm hopeful.

    1. Update. Had another ultasound on the 18th, we have a baby and a heartbeat :)

    2. I am so happy for you! Have you thought about leaving your story at the Misdiagnosed Miscarriage site? You'll give so many women hope! Congratulations!

  46. I don't know what is happening but women can bleed and continue their pregnancies. Please, keep us updated!

    1. Hi I have been reading you site since yesterday I went for first prenatal visit yesterday at 9weeks1day she did an vaginal u/s and only saw an sac she checked my harmone levels and said that they were over 12,000 and should have been able to see fetus and heartbeat with those high harmone levels and said most likely it is not an normal pregancy go back tomorrow to check harmone levels again to see if they doubled and I'm scheduled for another u/s in two weeks I have been praying and crying all day I really wanted this baby but after talking to my doctor she has really made me lose hope do you think it's possible to see baby at next u/s

    2. Hi I have been reading you site since yesterday I went for first prenatal visit yesterday at 9weeks1day she did an vaginal u/s and only saw an sac she checked my harmone levels and said that they were over 12,000 and should have been able to see fetus and heartbeat with those high harmone levels and said most likely it is not an normal pregancy go back tomorrow to check harmone levels again to see if they doubled and I'm scheduled for another u/s in two weeks I have been praying and crying all day I really wanted this baby but after talking to my doctor she has really made me lose hope do you think it's possible to see baby at next u/s

    3. I am so sorry you are going through this scare. Are you certain you are nine weeks? Could you have conceived a bit later? Many babies aren't seen yet with these levels but, that said, these levels are more common in an earlier pregnancy. Please, keep me updated. (((hugs))) and praying for you.

  47. Monday I had an ultrasound due to some brown spotting. 5w5d based on LMP. She said she didn't even see any blood inside which was a good sign. Then during the ultrasound gestational sac measured 6w0d but was empty. No yolk sac or fetal pole. She told me I had a 50/50 shot and we would do blood work. Hcg same day came back at a little over 9800. She said we can't tell anything by that number until we do another hcg on Thursday. She originally had told me it needed to double by Wednesday but now said to get it done on Thursday. the wait is killing me. I just have such a bad feeling that the sac measured so big and hcg was so high but sac was empty. If sac was small, or hcg low then I would guess maybe I ovulated late or something. Ugh. Any thoughts? Opinions on whether her 50/50 hope is reasonable? I feel like there is no hope and she just didn't want to tell me...

    1. Your levels aren't supposed to double now. In fact, many doctors don't even check your levels once the sac is visualized. Spotting is always concerning but can happen in normal pregnancy too because of things like internal exams, sex and even bowel movements. Hang in there. You are being scared too early. You might want to find a new physician.

    2. Well my second Hcg came back as 17,070 which worked out to be roughly 93 hr doubling time. Hoping that's an ok rate - online it says over 6000 takes more than 96 hrs so hoping it's good. She told us to go ahead with the original ultrasound we had scheduled for next Friday 3/27. Longest week ever. I haven't had any spotting in several days so that's good. Hope to have a happy update next Friday...

    3. Well we saw baby today!!!! With a heart beat!!!! According to LMP I was 7w2d and baby measured 6w6d. Saw a different doctor this time and she seemed quite shocked the other doctor told me what she did. This doctor even said well you are STILL very early so we may not even see everything today even but that's ok! When we saw baby and heart beat I burst into tears and alternated crying with laughing with joy. Which by the way is NOT comfortable with a vaginal ultrasound LOL. Seems amazing to me how differently babies can grow and how doctors don't seem to acknowledge that. At 5w5d I had a 6w0d sac and no baby. Eleven days later we see a 6w6d baby. Sac grew then baby appeared and grew more later. I wish they would study the whole growing process more in early pregnancy so they knew and understood how much variation there can be! Thanks for this site and encouragement. It helped tremendously.

  48. Hi,
    I went in to have an ultrasound at what I thought was about 6 weeks - though the doctor said it was measuring 5 weeks and 5 days. They found a fetal pole and a yolk sac, but no heartbeat.

    2 days ago my HCG levels were 25,000 (at about 6 weeks 1 day according to their calculations). I just had my blood drawn again to see if they double. If they do - can I give up this fear or m/c? Or is it possible that there is a chromosonal issue? My next ultrasound is at 7.5 weeks according to their estimations. Feedback? Thanks!

    1. Much too early to diagnose and most women won't have hCG levels that double at this point, Levels start to slow, plateau and then drop. That is normal. All sounds fine so far. Hopefully you see that heartbeat at your next ultrasound. Keep us updated.

  49. Thanks - my levels went up - but did not double. Just from 25,000 to 30,000. At what week do they start to double? They seemed concerned.

    1. I'm not saying this won't end in miscarriage but, that said, a lot of women on the site have had numbers really slow down about this time and were just fine. They really shouldn't even be taking your levels after the sac is seen because they can do so many things and still be normal.

  50. Yea they did find the gestational sac, fetal pole and yolk sac. So I am thinking this is not going to end well. ;(

    1. Do you have an ultrasound scheduled one week out to see if this is a viable pregnancy? (((hugs)))

  51. I'm really glad I found this website. My first ultrasound at 6 weeks showed gestational sac and nothing else. My Doc. advised pregnancy not viable and that I would miscarry or can book in for D&C. Went to 2nd ultrasound 2 weeks later and there was a yolk sac but no heartbeat. Waiting to see Doc in next couple days. Is it possible to still develop the baby ? So worried not knowing what is going to happen.

    1. You were diagnosed too soon. I don't know how this will end but generally one week after the yolk is seen, the baby will be seen if the pregnancy is viable. Hope you get better news. (((hugs)))

  52. I'm so glad to find this website. I just gave up hope after hearing the news this morning, but I guess I can still hold on. My LMP was 2/2/15. I took an over the counter test on 3/10, and had blood taken on 3/11 to confirm pregnancy. My Hcg came back "high" according to the doctor and my progesterone was low. They performed a vaginal u/s on 3/13 and said I measured 5weeks 2 days (I had calculated 5wks 4 days). They found 2 gestational sacs, and only measured the larger one. The u/s tech said it could be dissapearing twins and I would need to come back in 10 days to see if they can find 1 or 2 heartbeats. This morning was my 2nd ultrasound. They could only find 1 gestitional sac which measured 6weeks 1 day (per my LMP I should be 7wks 0 days). The tech said she sees the yolk sack but no baby/no heartbeat. She wants to reapeat the u/s in 7 days, but I should not keep my hopes up. They did NOT take me off the progesterone. They want me to keep taking it until my ultrasound next Monday 3/30. This is my 5th preganancy. I have 3 children and 1 miscarriage. What do you think my chances are?

  53. Of course, anything could happen but all sounds normal so far. Of course, I don't know what your progesterone is but many women look one to two weeks behind. I've also blogged here about how you can have two ultrasounds the same day by two different techs and get very different measurements. Really, the measurements mean little. If there is no growth over weeks, that is worrisome but looking a week or two behind is not. Please, keep us updated.

    1. So I have an update....but I am still very confused! I went back for my 3rd ultrasound on 3/30 and we say a gestational sac and very large yolk sac but no baby! Per my LMP I should be 8 weeks. The US measured the gestational sac at 6w2-4days, and 7 days prior it measured 6wk 1 day. They took my blood on 3/30 and my hcg level was 31,335, progesterone 13.9 (lower end - but not extremely low). I had blood drawn today (48 hours later) and my hcg level rose to 33,887. I know they said it is hard to measure the further along you are because at times the sort of plateau. They said the results are consistent to what they are seeing in the u/s. I don't know what to think! I do NOT have any bleeding or cramping! They are going to repeat the u/s this Friday on 4/3 and then I will meet with the doctor. What are my chances this is still a good pregnancy? I'm on an emotional rollercoaster!

  54. Glad to find this site. I lost my baby girl to a cord structure at about 19 weeks in December. She was delivered by D&E and I bled for about a week after but never had a period after that. I got my positive home test on feb 23. On 2/24 my hcg was 56; on 2/26, it was 92. 3/16 was my first scan. We saw the gestational sac, yolk sac and a small possible fetal pole but no heart beat. They said I was miscarrying or only 5 1/2 weeks. Yesterday, I had another scan by a tech rather than my OB. He said my gestational sac doesn't measure big enough to even be 5 weeks. I couldn't see the yolk sac. We saw the fetal pole (maybe?) again and it looked bigger but still no heart beat. My dr said that everything has grown but not enough. He orders cytotek (sp?) to make me start bleeding. I asked for quants first. They were 11,900. I'm scheduled to have them tested again tomorrow. I called today and asked about testing my progesterone because it will be low because I'm miscarrying. I asked why we are testing my hcg tomorrow if he is so confident I'm miscarrying. They said they want to make sure the level hoes down. If it goes up (which he doesn't believe it will) he said I can take progesterone and they will figure out what is going on. I'm crushed and feeling very broken. I thought this little one was my little rainbow after suffering such a heartbreaking loss. Any advice or ideas?

    1. It is fairly common to look one to two weeks behind and still be okay. Not sure what is happening but I do hope you get your answer soon. (((hugs)))

  55. Correction: I called to ask about having my progesterone tested because I read that if your sac is small and hcg normal, it could be due to low progesterone but they said it wouldn't do any good to test my levels because they would be low because I sm miscarrying.

  56. Went for my second us at 7.5wks and they see a healthy sac but no fetus or heartbeat. I'm going for Hormonal blood work today and friday but dr thinks I'm going to miscarry and he also thinks that the sperm and egg never took. Idk what to think I'm heartbroken because it took us so long to get pregnant. Have you ever had someone have the same scenario but there was a baby that showed up later on on the US?

    1. At just about eight weeks, my gestational sac looked empty and then one week later, there she was. Your hCG levels won't matter much now. What is important it to monitor the gestational sac until it is at least 25mm. (((hugs)))

  57. Here is my situation. On February 27th I transferred two genetically perfect 5 day blasts.

    On March 4 I did an early HCG and I was 2.
    On March 6 I did an HCG and I was 8.
    My official beta on March 9 was 40 - my re thinks that is a little low wanted it to be at least 50.
    On March 12 my HCG was 343.

    I went in for my U/s yesterday at 6 weeks 4 days. The doctor (not my usual RE) initially said he found a 3mm sac, but then later said nothing was there. I saw it. It was there. I was unable to tell if it had anything in the sac as he kept turning the screen away from me.

    We ran another HCG yesterday and we got 13,770. So at 13,770 shouldn't you be able to see everything?

    I have a tilted uterus. But based on my numbers I truly believe I have a late implanter. Because my HCG on March 4 was 2. As you can see my numbers are rising.

    They are doubling every 45.17 hours.
    My 2 day change is 123.4 %

    Most sources recommend that the beta hCG level for a successful intrauterine pregnancy should be expected to increase by at least 35% every 2 days and mine is 123.4%.

    Even if you just look at my numbers from my official beta on March 9 to now you have a rate of 48.52 which is excellent.

    I am just frustrated because my RE was in procedures yesterday and I got the other guy. And I have a tilted uterus. So maybe he just didn't know my business well enough. Which is fine, but the worry is making me insane.

    1. Congratulations to you. Of course miscarriage can happen in any pregnancy but so for yours sounds perfectly normal. Please keep us updated and, if you need further reassurance,

  58. Last week I went in for my 1st ultrasound at 6 weeks and the doctor saw an empty gestational sac measuring 6 weeks. She told me I had had a missed miscarriage and needed to schedule a D&C. I hadn't experienced any cramping or bleeding and just felt like that was wrong. I left the doctor's office in tears and immediately scheduled a 2nd opinion appointment for the following week. The waiting was a nightmare, I had a thin shred of hope, but questioned every symptom or lack of a symptom. Today, I went in to a different doctor for a 2nd opinion and there on the screen was a cute little baby with a strong heartbeat!!! I was so emotionally overwhelmed! My baby measued 7 weeks, right where it should be. I am so glad I didn't listen to that doctor and schedule a D&C!!

  59. Last week I went in for my 1st ultrasound at 6 weeks and the doctor saw an empty gestational sac measuring 6 weeks. She told me I had had a missed miscarriage and needed to schedule a D&C. I hadn't experienced any cramping or bleeding and just felt like that was wrong. I left the doctor's office in tears and immediately scheduled a 2nd opinion appointment for the following week. The waiting was a nightmare, I had a thin shred of hope, but questioned every symptom or lack of a symptom. Today, I went in to a different doctor for a 2nd opinion and there on the screen was a cute little baby with a strong heartbeat!!! I was so emotionally overwhelmed! My baby measued 7 weeks, right where it should be. I am so glad I didn't listen to that doctor and schedule a D&C!!

    1. Oh my goodness! Congratulations. I would really recommend that you complain about that first doctor. I've no doubt she has aborted a number of wanted babies now and will continue to do so. Will you share your story on the Misdiagnosed Miscarriage? You'll give so many women hope. Thank you for sharing!

  60. Hello....I am in a weird position and would like some opinions....on march 11th i found out i was pergo....i have went to the doctor every week since getting u/s the baby has not showed....on march 26th they checked my hcg level it was 43,000 but still no baby jus a the doctor recommended a d&c and from reading Kays post i declined....they said i have a blighted ovum....when i went for ultrasound today a fetal pole showed up with like a circle around it and they are now saying its some kind of cystic thing....i am so confused because i have read you dont have a fetal pole if you have a blighted ovum.....please explain?????????

    1. I am so sorry you are going through this scare. Well, you are correct. You do not have a blighted ovum. Not sure what the circle thing is about. Do they think there is some heightened risk? Generally, a week after the fetal pole is seen, the baby will be seen if the pregnancy is viable. Could you get a second opinion?

    2. I have high blood pressure. I had a ectopic pregnancy 4 years ago so they have checked all that. I go for an ultrasound tomorrow and I also scheduled an appointment with a doctor for a second opinion. I am just left speechless of why they have been pushing me to get a d&c for the last 2.5 weeks but I felt hope when the fetal pole showed up last ultrasound. Hoping to get good news tomorrow I will keep you posted.

    3. Let us know how that ultrasound went. (((hugs)))

    4. I went to the first doctor and still nothing. When I went to my 2nd opinion doctor they did an extensive ultrasound which revealed I had a hematoma with a light bleed which lead to a missed miscarriage. I am scheduled for a d&c Monday morning.

  61. Hi kay, I need your opinion about this. LMP 2/11/15. Brownish spotting:3/26 in anf off till now. HCG was 12,000 on 3/27. 6wks&5d: 3/30: hcg 14,000 & transv u/s was no hb & no baby, there is a sac. 4/2 hcg was 17,000. 4/3 pelvic u/s: no sac, no hb and no fetus, that was 7 wks & 2days. The doc wants me to have d&c sched next week

  62. In addition to the above: he scheduled me for d&c on wed next week as the findings of pelvuc u/s was missed abortion. I asked to wait for another week but he gavee an option to have another u/s on monday and hcg prior to see him on tues to discuss the d&c on wed. I still feel that i am pregnant, the brown spotting is very minimal,just once or twice a day only when i wipe after i urinate. No cramps or pain. My breast still full and slightly sore and i still have dry heaves.

    1. I am so sorry you are going through this scare. This *might* be a miscarriage but I know hCG numbers often slow, plateau or even drop during bleeding and then rise again if the pregnancy is viable. But you are saying there was a gestational sac and now not one? Are they certain this is not ectopic? If not and if there are no complications, waiting a week to have an ultrasound might help. You can see if the gestational sac is there and if it has grown. However, if this is a suspected ectopic especially with rising numbers, you'd need to be seen right away. Please, keep us updated.

  63. Yes, he mentioned about ectopic pregnancy. He said that the u/s doesn't show that there is ectopic prrgnancy. I will keep you posted.

  64. Hi Kay,
    i am 5 weeks and 6 days pregnant,my ultrasound shows fetal's low heart rate but they did my hcg and it was 19000,i dont know what to expect right now,my next ultrasound is in 2 weeks

    1. I know how worrisome this can be but sometimes that heartbeat is just slow and then a week later, it is perfectly normal. Two weeks sounds like a long time to wait, Could you reschedule it a week out? You should have your answer then. (((hugs))) Please, let us know what you find out.

  65. Update from April 9th: Hi Kay, my hcg was 25,000 4/10 & I have my ultrasound again 4/14, there's still no gestational sac, no bb. The radiologist had talked to me that there's not much changes from the last reading & it's consistent of missed abortion & he recommends that the doctor has to do a D&C. I went to my doctor's appt. today and he scheduled me for D&C this thurs. as I still have a brownish spotting and he did an internal exam and he said that he found some clots already. I felt so sad and devastated. There's no more hope to think about.

  66. So this was ectopic? They couldn't find the gestational sac? Those are really high numbers for an ectopic pregnancy. I'm surprised they have you waiting. (((Hugs)))

  67. I asked the radiologist if it's ectopic but he said it's not. He said, it's abnormal pregnancy and it's not viable. He also said that if I have ectopic pregnancy I should experience sharp pain. My ob also said that hcg level still abnormal reading for 8 weeks and 3 days. Thanks, Kay

    1. There must be a gestational sac then. If they couldn't see it, you would definitely be diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy. Not sure what is happening but stay closely monitored. (((hugs)))

  68. Hi everyone.

    I am desperate for advice. This was my first positive pregnancy so I consider myself inexperienced when it comes to appropriate decisions with my pregnancy. I have had a series of ultrasounds beginning at 5 weeks1day. First ultrasound a perfect round gestational sac was present measuring 7mm and my HSG was around 5500. Two days later: gestational sac 9mm HCG 8500. Two days after that 12mm gestational sac and HCG 13500. They have not seen any other structures such as a yolk sac, fetal pole at all. Only an empty gestational sac. Currently I am 6weeks3days and I go for my "final" ultrasound tomorrow before they want me to schedule a D&C. This will be 3 days after my last ultrasound. Doctors are saying by now they should see something. I am hurting emotionally so much that I just don't know what to do? Give it more time? Or at this point something should be seen and I need to move on?

    1. You are being diagnosed too quickly. I love the UK's new guidelines that state if the sac is growing, they should wait until it measures at least 25mm before diagnosing a blighted ovum. If there are no complications, you are being rushed into a D&C. (((hugs)))

  69. Good morning!

    I feel like I am losing my mind, so I thought maybe sharing in this forum might help.

    Tomorrow I am supposed to be 8 weeks based on LMP date of 2/20. + PT on 3/24. 4/3 HCG was 4492, then 6754 two days later and 36000 on 4/14. They said my gestational sac measured 6 weeks on 4/14 but didn't see an embryo or anything within. Keep in mind, that on Friday, 4/10 they told me the pregnancy wasn't viable and I should prepare to miscarry since the sac was showing as "abnormal." Have been in and out of the doctor's office for the past two weeks, meanwhile am feeling increased nausea, food aversions, exhaustion, etc. over the past few days than normal. Since my levels jumped to 36k, is there any hope that my baby may just be developing slowly or late, or that I'm not as far along as I think I am -- maybe late ovulation or fertilization. They've scheduled another ultrasound for Tuesday 4/21, and I'm going out of my mind with worry not to mention frustration/anger, etc. I appreciate your thoughts!!

    1. I am so glad you have another ultrasound scheduled. I don't know what is happening but this it too early to diagnose. Are they saying the sac is 'abnormal' because no yolk sac or baby were seen yet? That can be perfectly normal. I love the UK's new guidelines which recommend monitoring until the sac reaches at least 25mm before diagnosing a blighted ovum. Of course, if there are complications, be seen right away. (((hugs)))

    2. Thank you so much for the reply! Yes, they're saying it's abnormal because there is no yolk sac or baby or heartbeat. In the US unfortunately so no guidelines there ... :( I ended up first going in because I experienced some mucus that seemed abnormally colored - they found that I had early BV (not treatable until after 12 weeks) and a yeast infection. I have been prone to these for one reason or another prior to pregnancy. Have been taking probiotics, drinking a ton of water and toughing it out until we know anything further. Thank you! Will update with tomorrow's scan.

    3. Today's ultrasound showed no growth other than the sac looking less formed, almost like it's disintegrating. It still measures six weeks and no embryo or yolk sac. My doctor ordered another blood test, and says she will be concerned if my levels increase seeing as the sac seems to be doing the opposite (deteriorating) and isn't growing and will want to schedule a D&C. If my levels go down, she says we can approach naturally or take cytotec. Am supposed to be 9 weeks on Friday. Still no bleeding, just cramping, food aversions, and consistent nausea. So confused and frustrated.

    4. I am so sorry. You could seek a second opinion or another ultrasound. If you do choose to have a D&C, I think an ultrasound before the procedure always makes sense. This far along, Cytotec can make your miscarriage even more painful. It is not recommended after eight weeks so please be cautious with that. (((hugs)))

    5. Thank you, Kay. My levels just went up to 112,000. My doctor recommends the D&C for Friday since there is no growth and she is not sure what is causing the increase, which is a huge concern. So scared at this point, and wanting to make sure I'm not acting in haste and potentially killing my baby. Definitely will request the ultrasound before the procedure.

  70. Hi. Just a quick rundown on my pregnancy situation. I had an ectopic pregnancy about 2 yrs ago. I just recently took a pregnancy test to find the results were positive. Because I have been labeled high risk for every pregnancy that will follow due to my last and only ectopic pregnancy, I thought it was a good idea to go to the doctor's immediately to make sure all is well. Now I am in a complicated situation. My menstrual cycles have been off for years. I have not had a cycle for months so I can not base my estimated pregnancy time using those dates. I do however have two estimated conception dates on
    2-26-15 or 3-22-15. This would make me either 9 weeks along or 5 weeks along. My HCG levels are currently at 110,000 as of today. I have been in and out of the doctor's office for the past 3 weeks. I had about 4 transvaginal ultrasounds and 2 regular ultrasounds. Most of them where done back to back (everyday). Tomorrow I go in for another ultrasound to determine whether we can find a heartbeat. If they do not see a heartbeat my doctor will more than likely label this pregnancy as a molar pregnancy because my HCG levels are rising without signs of a heartbeat. He would like to continue with a D&C tomorrow if there is no heartbeat. I am deeply concerned. I welcome all comments/opinions. Please keep me in your prayers as I have been trying to have another child for years now. I just want to make sure I will make the right choice for myself and my baby.

    1. Oh dear. I do hope you find the baby. Your numbers are high for five or even six weeks. Sounds like you are somewhere between seven to nine weeks. Are there any signs of a molar pregnancy other than high hCG levels with no baby seen? I've talked to women who found their babies once their levels were over 100,000 so it happens. I don't know what will happen here but if you feel rushed to end the pregnancy, you might want to seek a second opinion.

  71. Any thoughts or advise would be appreciated. I am 6 weeks 1 day today here is a list of what has been going on with me
    3/5 first day of last period
    3/27 positive pregnancy test my only symptom was I could smell everything and I was hungry constantly. No sore boobs or tiredness like I normally have in early pregnancy.
    4/6 4.4 weeks went to emergency room in a lot of pain in lower tummy they did an hcg that showed 2527 and an ultrasound that showed a 1.5mm structure in the gestational sack.
    4/9 repeat HCG it was then 6042
    4/13 another HCG this time it was only 9642
    4/16 ultrasound could not find a fetal pole and no one wanted to tell me how big the structure now was in the sack. Told me there was also some blood in there and this was not a viable pregnancy. I was a mess so my Dr. said he will draw HCG again which he did and if it stayed the same or dropped we werent going to do anything else but if it raised we would repeat ultrasound but did not say when. He called me at 9pm last night and told me my HCG was over 17,000.
    I go back in for another draw tomorrow and have appointment to see him on Monday. I think it is like a mental health check because I was such a mess yesterday. I have refused a D&C no matter what unless I get to my due date of December 10th and havent passed anything then and only then will I do that.

    I emotionally was dealing with this until the news that it went up and by alot last night. Do HCGs usually continue to rise like that if it will not be a viable pregnancy? I feel like I am in a nightmare and someone keeps putting good dreams in the middle of it. I am an older mom but this is a very wanted baby and I am getting my heart broke and unbroke and broke again feels like I have lost and gained the same baby like 4 times now!!!!!

    1. I am so very sorry you are going through so much. (((hugs))) to you. It is too early to know. Again, I know I always say it but hCG levels don't mean much once the sac is visualized. More important is to watch the gestational sac. If it is growing and there are no complications, you really can't know until it is over 25mm. Please, keep us updated.

    2. It seems my biggest problem is I am fighting getting any measurements. Ultrasound lady refuses to say anything and I dont think the Dr. wants to say anything that will give me any hope:( When I went for the first ultrasound they have medical records online and so I have read that report that says they found 1.5 mm anechoic structure seen in the endometrium. It also said no yolk sac or fetal pole. At the time of this ultrasound I was only 4 weeks and 4 days. The next report just came to me orally. I am seeing the Dr. again Monday and will be requesting another ultrasound possibly at another facility. What point in pregnancy should I ask for this? I seen my son's heartbeat at 7 weeks 1 day so I was thinking to ask for it next Friday and that is exactly how far along I will be then. Thanks so much for your help this is an awful thing to be going through and I am having a very hard time with it all.

    3. The tilt of your uterus can change between pregnancies so while you might see the baby at 7 weeks during one pregnancy, it might be later or earlier in another. I'm a firm believer that if the sac is growing, a blighted ovum should not even be discussed before nine weeks. (((hugs)))

    4. I was in a gob of pain last night and went to emergency room at the university here. They said my baby stopped growing at 4 weeks and that the sac had collapsed, My HCG went from almost 23,000 yesterday morning to 15,000 last night. It is over I know it is over I just don't want to accept that it is:( I am still refusing the D&C and whatever the pill is they offered me and will let nature take its course naturally as long as I can. Devastated, heartbroken, sad, angry nothing in one word can sum up how I feel right now....

    5. I am so sorry. Please, stay closely monitored and if there is too much pain, you may want to consider the D&C. (((hugs))) Please, keep us updated on you.

    6. Unbelievable is what this is!!!!! So I am not sure who's HCG machine is not right but clearly it isn't right somewhere. Went back today for another HCG at the hospital that I got the 23,000 at on Saturday morning and then had to see my regular OB Dr. Numbers were over 28,000. I realize this isnt a large increase if u go off of Saturday morning but it is big if u go off of Saturday night. My regular Dr. is not pushing me to have a D&C but instead has asked me what I want to do. I agreed to have HCG drawn again this Friday and if nothing was happening with my body by next Thursday that I would have another ultrasound. I am still not considering the D&C but he has told me he is 99.9999999% positive this is not a viable pregnancy. At this point the risk of infection is low and I don't plan to try to conceive after this so unless there becomes issues I still plan to have nature take its course. I know u always say HCG isn't too important at this point but I just can't do anything without 100%certainty and I have no where near that right now:(

    7. So your numbers dropped dramatically and then jumped up? That is odd. You are so early still. Yet, you've talked of pain and that is concerning. Please, keep us updated and stay closely monitored. (((hugs)))

  72. Hello, thank you so much for having this great site. There's a wealth of information here. My question daughter went in for an u/s on April 9th and the sac measured 8.18mm and it was empty. Because of her LMP she should've been 6 weeks but it measured at 5 weeks, 3 days. Today, April 17th she went in for another u/s and the sac measured 13.1 (6 weeks, 0 days). I've read in a couple of places that gestational sacs should grow 1mm a day so her sac should've measured 16.18 today. On Monday her HCG levels will come in and they want to do another u/s on April 27th. Have you run into this before, where a sac is slow growing and then it "catches up" and there's a baby inside? Right now, it's still empty. Please let me know. Thanks so much!

    1. So far, all sounds normal. I've blogged on how inaccurate measurements can be: She could have two ultrasounds by two different techs the same day and get very different measurements. There is no need to 'catch up' either. Many women look one to two weeks behind and that is generally because they have some tilt to their uterus. Please, keep us updated. Really, if there are no complications, waiting until the gestational sac is at least 25mm before even mentioning a blighted ovum is best.

    2. Thank you so much for answering so quickly. I forgot to mention that the u/s was performed at the same place and with the same technician. The doctor basically felt that it would be a blighted ovum since it hasn't grown enough in the time it should have and he hasn't seen anything in the sac. I've had lots of hope though from your site and your own story; however, I was a little afraid of the fact that the sac was not growing 1mm a day.

  73. Just came upon your website...and am feeling bit of hope. I went in for an ultrasound today and dr diagnosed blighted ovum. my hcg levels had been good until now. last tues hcg was around 10,000 and i was about 6 weeks pregnant. ultrasound showed gestational sac but no yolk sac. dr was concerned and said to come back in a week to follow up. went in today and still only gestational sac, nothing else. hcg levels have risen but he said that's expected because the sac is growing, but it's empty. he told me the options: wait it out, meds to induce, or d&c. he thought d&c may be better option to test tissue and see if they can learn the cause of it's my 2nd miscarriage. curious to hear your opinion

    1. I think you need a new doctor. He is diagnosing this way too early. I had only an empty sac until eight weeks and then, at nine, weeks, there was my baby. I don't know if this is a miscarriage or not but I think it is awful that he is even suggesting a blighted ovum this early. (((Hugs)))

    2. Thanks for your reassuring words..we'll keep on praying. I actually found out my hcg levels from yesterday, they were 20,000. so it went from 10,000 to 20,000 in one week (tues to tues). Do you think i should get a weekly ultrasound to follow up and stay on top of it?

    3. Your levels are going up so that can be reassuring. So hard to know what is happening but, yes, weekly ultrasounds until you know sounds like a good thing.

    4. Well..I had a follow up ultrasound today..not looking great. Today I'd be around 8 weeks and maybe a day or two. Still an empty sac that measures 16mm. The sonographer also saw another small black circle next to the sac that she said can either be another sac or blood, i think the later, since it wasn't there last week. not sure if that means the sac is already disintegrating or what.. :( but i guess i'll try to wait it out till next week (9 weeks) to have the final ultrasound probably followed by D&C. Do you think there's any point in waiting past the 9 week mark? especially since the empty sac has been visible and empty for more than two weeks? I'd love to hear your advice. Thanks and all the best, Esther

    5. (((hugs))) to you. I don't know what will happen but it really is still a bit too soon to diagnose.

    6. Just to update you...still empty sac at 9 and half weeks at ultrasound yesterday..had been following it for four weeks now. had d&c today.

    7. I am so very sorry for your loss. Please, take time to rest and recover. Numerous women have messaged me who have tried to do too much after the surgery and complications set it. Just rest. (((Hugs)))

  74. I don't know if you can help. I am in a deep depression right now and I am afraid to get my hopes up. Here goes
    Lmp 2/24
    Tried to conceive on and around 3/10
    Out of town the next week no sex
    Positive test 3/26
    All on track
    I had my first ultrasound last Friday when I was supposed to be 7w3d. There was an empty sac that measured 5w3d. The doctor gave me almost no hope. He said it wasn't viable and that it had ended so early that I should pass it on my own. He did order hcg tests. Friday it was 7,000, the following Monday 11,400. The nurse practitioner called me full of hope and thinks I'm just not as far along as I think. I have another ultrasound this Friday. But I know that I can't be 6 weeks. I have no reason to lie to anyone. I kept track of everything. So if I'm not, those hcg levels still seem low even if they're rising. I am supposed to be 8w1d right now and really I'm just bloating, not many other symptoms anymore. Is there any hope at all? Am I being close minded? Would the hcg have definitely gone down if I stopped progressing at 5weeks? Thank you for your time

    1. Really hard to know what is happening. Your levels are still in the normal range, although the low end of normal. Not sure what will happen but please keep us updated.

    2. Today there was a tiny bubble in the pic. The doctor was pleasantly surprised and wants me to come back next week to see how I'm progressing. Pretty sure it's a yolk sac. I am pleasantly confused as hell.

  75. Hello, ladies. This is my first pregnancy and I am hoping for some insight/ experiences. My last menstrual cycle began February, 22 and I got my positive on March 31, a week late and it was very very very faint. My first appointment was this morning, and I was measured at 6 weeks. Which they didn't seem concerned about as my cycles are 33-34 days in length and regular. I probably ovulated late. Anyways, there were two sacs and they said sac A appeared empty, but still measured 6 weeks. Sac B had a baby and a heartbeat of only 105 which they believe is because it just started. I am going back on May 1 for another ultrasound.The OB said to cautiously expect twins for now, but I do not want to get my hopes up. I want to be realistic of what to expect, I would be devastated to expect twins and go back to find one sac. My blood work is coming back tomorrow afternoon, so I still don't know my HCG levels.
    Does anyone have experience with a seemingly empty sac at 6 weeks? If so, what happened?

    1. Also, since they are in separate sacs, it means I ovulated two eggs (both from the left ovary). Could they have implanted at different times? A couple days after my positive I experienced sharp, stabbing pains to the right of my belly button, where the empty sac is. A couple days after the sharp pains, I had very light pink on the tissue when I wiped. I never spot, so it was uncommon.
      I'm driving myself crazy. I'm very much hoping to see two little flickering hearts instead of one.

    2. I wouldn't worry about your hCG levels. Most doctors won't even take them once the sac is seen because they could do any number of things and still be normal. A lot of pregnancies do start out as multiples and end as singletons. That's another problem with early ultrasounds. Used to be that we were none the wiser, Hopefully you get great news at that ultrasound. Please, keep us updated.

    3. Quick update from this mornings appointment. Sac is still empty, they believe to be a blighted ovum. Baby is measuring 8 weeks already, so he/she is ahead of last measurements and heart rate is 155 :)
      They also found a cyst from the right ovary, and told me with the blighted ovum and the egg that turned into a cyst means I ovulated 3 eggs, one from the right and two from left. So I am likely to have a multiple birth with subsequent pregnancies, as she believes with twins in my family that I carry the hyper-ovulation gene.
      It is a relief to see my baby healthy and all caught up. And I am so glad I had an early ultrasound for this diagnoses so I can be prepared for possible multiples next time :)

    4. I am so glad to hear your little one has a good, strong healthy heartbeat! Congratulations!

  76. Ye of little faithApril 23, 2015 at 2:38 PM

    Hello all, my story is as follows:

    My lmp is 3/1/15 and I had a positive test on 4/9.

    I had a little spotting so i went in for a viabilty ultrasound on 4/20 and was told i was measuring about 6wks 4days. There's a gestational sac and yolk sac but no fetal pole.

    I had my hcg levels checked and on Tuesday they were 69,700 and today they are near 82,000. The midwife has told me that all my measurements seems to fall in with cycle so they expect to have seen a fetal pole and heartbeat by now.

    My gestational sac is only 22mm but my yolk sac is 6.2mm. I've read that a yolk sac larger than 6mm is a sign of miscarriage. I have another ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday but my hope is slowly fading.

  77. I am so glad you have another ultrasound scheduled. Generally a week after the yolk sac is visualize, the baby will be seen if the pregnancy is viable. Hope you see that little heart beating away. Keep us updated.

  78. I need advice on what I should ask my doctor to do or for me to do ...I am 11 weeks pregnant as of my last period was in feb. 15th and I had my first ultrasound done yesterday and was told there was no baby just an empty sac and was schedule for another ultrasound today and was told the same thing as well ... What does this mean? My doctor schedule a D&C for May.12 should I proceed with this or wait a little longer ? My older sister was told the same thing at 4 months and later on found out she was having a baby girl she didn't follow up with the D&C ... Some other girl at my appt was told the same thing at 10 weeks and at 15th weeks she was able to see her baby....I'm hoping this happens to me as well

    1. Are you sure you are eleven weeks along? Generally doctors schedule ultrasounds a week apart to check growth.

    2. Thank you for replying im really depressed ...I'm not even sure anymore ... My doctor just went by what I told him that my last period was in February 15th and from there he just caculated I was 6wks when I got told I was pregnant and as I've been counting I'm 11wks going to 12 as of sac measured 21 when I went to the ER because I was having light bleeding they checked everything and got my first ultra sound there was told no baby just sac after I left the ER I started bleeding pretty heavy with a couple of blood clots but as of now it stopped ...I was schedule for another one the following morning and same results I even got the vaginal ultrasound...I'm really worried because I haven't even heard my baby's heart beat just ultrasound that was done to me in the ER... My Actual doctor didn't even listen if there was a heartbeat at 8wks because he said it's too early so he just examin me and that was it ...some other doctor didn't allow the others doctors to terminate my pregnancy at the ER "Pill" because he said my sac measures 21 and I'm right on the border line so he schedule me for an ultrasound next wk husbands wants me to hold on to 2 wks instead ....

    3. I think waiting just one week will be enough. If there are any complications of course, be seen right away. (((Hugs)))

  79. I am supposed to be 8w 6d today and went in for my first ultrasound. The sac appears empty (all black) and they could not find the yolk sac either. Any hope? Sad day today.
    What is D&C?

    1. I think one ultrasound is not enough to diagnose a blighted ovum. If there are no complications, you may want to see about having another ultrasound one week out.

  80. Hi there we have had an emotional roller coaster and hoped someone could help. The date of my last period was 5 th March im on a 35 day cycle. I went for as an on the 16th April where the found a gestation sac and dated me about 5 weeks. I had two bhcg tests done and went got a scan 4 days later because they had more than doubled and they wanted to rule out ectopic. They found gestation sac and yolk sack. I was told to come back 10 days later and they found a 3mm baby and the gestation sac had grown. The yolk sac was a perfect size but no heart beat. Stil being told 5weeks 4 days. So I had to go in a week later on the Thursday just gone where they found a slow heart beat but baby ws still measuring 3 mm. Gestational sac had grown but look a little un healthier than last week. Sonographer said she's sitting on the fence a bit and can't ignore that we now have a slow heart beat and the sack has grown but she would of expected baby to have grown aswel. Midwife just said I will misscarry and she can't talk options til ive had a scan in a week and baby's heart has stopped! Can anyone help x

    1. (((hugs))) to you. I have to ask, have they been monitoring your progesterone levels? Sometimes slow growth and slow heartbeats can indicate progesterone problems. If progesterone levels are the cause, supplements do seem to help some women. Not sure what is happening but I do hope you get better news.

    2. Hi thank you for replying. I've had two children and a miscarriage 2 months before conceiving me second child. I wasn't on progesterone with either of those. But I will ask my gp. I find it strange that the have dated me 5 weeks right from the start when all they could see was a gestation sack right through to last week when they found a 3mm baby with no heart best they still dated me 5 weeks 4 days. Then a week later this week baby is still 3mm and I'm still 5 weeks 4 days but there is a slow heart beat and gestation sac has grown although looks a bit unhealthy compared to last week.

  81. So thankful for your site!! Not just for the hope it has given me, but to see women who are questioning their doctors and making sure if their situation before doing anything drastic! We had a positive at home pregnancy test April 1st then went for our first appointment on May 7th, thinking we were about 9 weeks based on my LMP (but my start was strange, couple days of brownish spotting then a full period). My cycles seem to run about 30 days. Anyway, at our appt they saw the fetal pole and yolk sac, but no heart beat and said I was measuring only about 6 weeks 4 days. My hcg levels were 41000 that day so we are waiting for our next ultrasound on May 18th to see if there is any growth. I am hesitant to hope, but praying life over this little one. Thank you again for your site!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I am so sorry you are going through this scare. Yes, the best thing your doctor can do if there are no complications is to wait a week for another ultrasound. You should have your answer then. (((hugs))) Please, keep us updated. Praying for you.

  82. Hi I really need advice on this.. So I found out that I was pregnant March 9.. I have two boys already and my husband and I planned to have another one after 3 years I've had 2 miscarriages in the past.. So on March 16 I went for my first doctors visit and had my ultrasound which estimated that I was 5wks 3days and my due date was November 16 2015..So I went last Wednesday for my 12wk check up.. The doctor was unable to hear a heartbeat �� so he did an ultrasound he said that their was no baby only a sac.. To come back next Wednesday for a more accurate ultrasound.. So I prayed and hope that what the doctor had said wasn't true.. So I went today for another ultrasound and there was a baby but no heartbeat ��.. According to the ultrasound I'm 8wks 3days.. But the ultrasound technician said that if I'm supposed to be 13wks today that the baby has shrunk to look like I'm 8wks 3days and that she saw some blood around the baby... Then they did the beta check today and i need to go back in two days to do another beta.. I don't know what to do.. This is really depressing and sad...

    1. I don't know what is happening but (((hugs))) because I know how scary all of this is. Really, if there are no complications and if you are being closely monitored, ask for an ultrasound a week out to see if there is any change. Your hCG levels could rise, plateau or drop now and be normal. (((hugs)))

  83. Reading these stories helps to ease the stress a bit...I have two children currently struggled to have the first, second came as a surprise and then had one very early miscarriage. Then this time...I have always had an irregular menstrual cycle. Have some months, others I don't. I have used Clomid to stimulate a cycle from time so time. So in February I took a round of it. I had a cycle Feb. 10th but not since then. I tested a few times just to ensure I wasn't pregnant but always negative. May 1st I tested positive on a home test. Called Doctor May 4th scheduled HCG test the 5th results were 550 then again on the 7th results were more than doubled. The doctor decided since we didn't know the first day of last menstrual cycle that I should have an early ultrasound to date the pregnancy/ get due date. So May 15th had HCG level of over 32,000 but the sonographer could not find anything on the ultrasound or vaginal ultrasound she said. It has not been read by the Radiographer. I have not heard back from Doctor yet either. Suspense makes you worry... So worried about not finding anything but optimistic it was just too early?? Any thoughts?? Hoping they will just schedule another ultrasound in a week or so and then go from there...It is possible I just caught the positive test right away so too early. Praying and hopeful!

    1. Did they at least find the gestational sac? If not, those numbers are really worrisome. If they did find the sac, it is still too early to diagnose. You'll want to monitor the size of the sac if it is growing and wait until it is more than 25mm before determining there is no hope. (((hugs)))

    2. Update: After the worrying the nurse called and wanted a follow up because they only saw the yolk sack. Went in a week later for my follow up, the sonographer did vaginal ultrasound and commented it was taking longer than expected to do. After the ultrasound he consulted the radiologist and came back and delivered the news that I had twins. He found the fetal pole for both as well as heartbeat around 117. HCG levels were high because it was multiples. My risk now is that it appears they are in one sack. So more prayers and waiting again for the nurse/doctor to call for follow up.

  84. My last cycle was March 15. I had a faint positive home test. I had a faint positive a couple days later at the clinic. I had my first ultra sound done 5-12. We seen the amniotic sac but no baby. They sent me to talk to the dr who asked if I was sure of my last period. Told her I was positive my cycles have always been pretty regular. She told me she doesn't want to say for sure but I could be having a miscarriage. But to come back in a week and they'll do another ultra sound. I haven't really had any cramping just some brownish colored discharge. Really hoping I can get some answers from this next appt. It's really frustrating not knowing.

    1. It is still a bit early. The size of the gestational sac is most important. If it still growing and there are no complications, you'll want it to be more than 25mm before you are diagnosed.

  85. Last week I went in to the doctor due to some cramping. He measured the empty sac at 4w6d, but from LMP I should have been 5w6d. My hcg was 13000, and he was concerned. 2 days later my hcg had "only" risen to 17000. The doctor told me that he didn't have much hope that the pregnancy was viable. Yesterday I had another scan, and there is a baby with a heartbeat measuring 5w6d. I am still super anxious since I had a missed miscarriage in January. But the heartbeat was encouraging. Thank you so much for this site/post. It helped me survive the weekend waiting for my second scan.

  86. Oh my goodness, you need a new doctor. Many women look one to two weeks behind and your levels are rising normally. I'm so glad you saw the heartbeat but your doctor really was worrying you much too soon. I do hope you share your story on the Misdiagnosed site in the ("If you have been definitely misdiagnosed" thread). Sadly, doctors like yours are still too common and you'll give many women hope.

  87. I was admitted into the hospital Monday morning due to some light bleeding. The doctor said she was 90% sure the pregnancy was ectopic. I had surgery yesterday and nothing was seen in my or on my tubes or ovaries and all looks good there. I should be around 5 weeks 3 days. Nothing seen in ultrasound and my hcg has stayed around 19000 to 21000 the past 48 hours. Doc says there is no way the baby will grow or become anything. I just can't help but think she is wrong. I go back for a second opinion on Wednesday but I'm so worried and confused

    1. Also I forgot to say that in 24 hours my uterin wall got thicker and my cervix is closed. Not sure how much of a difference that makes but if anyone has had a similar situation with a positive outcome it would help thanks

    2. Please stay closely monitored until you get your answer. Most of the women with ectopic pregnancies that I have talked to have much lower numbers. With your numbers, something really should be seen in the gestational sac. Have you considered a second opinion?

    3. I can't be seen until Wednesday next week as a walk in if I'm lucky if not my appointment isn't until June 15th. At least I know the fetus isn't in my tubes so that's a good sign. My hcg has been rising right where it should be until the last 48 hours it has hit a platoe. They did see a spot of something in my uterus but they couldn't determine what it was. The doc said it isn't perfectly round enough to be a viable pregnancy even if that's what it is. They wanted me to do a DNC but I refused. Really hoping to see a healthy baby next week but I am very scared as to what may be going on.

    4. I hope you can get it. They really should be monitoring you closely right now.

    5. I had blood drawn yesterday. My hc has risen to 44,000 but doctor said they needed to go up to 70,000. I get my ultrasound Monday but they don't sound hopeful at all
