If an ultrasound is done at 6 to 7 weeks and a heartbeat is not detected, does that mean there is a problem?
No it does not mean there is a problem. The heartbeat may not be detected for reasons that include: tipped uterus, larger abdomen, or inaccurate dating with last menstrual period.
When I had my blighted ovum scare, there was absolutely nothing I could find online about misdiagnosed miscarriages. I found denials that they ever happen. I found literature discussing how accurate first trimester ultrasounds are and that babies are always seen by seven weeks at the latest. Even on miscarriage boards, women tried to convince me to just have the D&C so that I could move on. One miscarriage board administrator even messaged me to tell me miscarriages were NEVER misdiagnosed.
Fast forwarding past my misdiagnosed miscarriage and sharing my story online. I started receiving emails from women wondering if they might be misdiagnosed and then finding out that they were! Over time, I started seeing a pattern. Not only were many of these women eight or nine weeks (with some being even further along than that!) but the vast majority had a tilted uterus.
I went on an email writing frenzy sharing what I had learned with researchers all over the world. Many did not return my emails. Some very kindly told me I was mistaken: A tipped uterus wouldn't make a difference because first trimester ultrasounds were the most accurate. I did have a couple of researchers who first told me there was no link and then later emailed to say something along the lines of, "Y'know, after thinking about it, I did have this one case..." or "My colleague just had this one case where he really believed it was a miscarriage." Nobody really bought into the tilted uterus thing though. As for me, I had no doubt.
Fast forward to today. I'm reading this page from the American Pregnancy Association and THERE IT IS. Reasons include a tipped uterus.
You don't even know how amazing that was to read. Nobody wanted to do the research but over the years we've collected so many stories of women misdiagnosed due to a tilted uterus. The medical community is listening. Your stories are making a difference! How many more babies will be saved now because more and more doctors will delay requesting that D&C.
This is truly exciting stuff!
ReplyDeleteI was wondering if in any of the misdiagnosed stories of success there are records of subsiding nausea but still finding a baby?
Absolutely! Many women, myself included, lost pregnancy symptoms when we believed we were miscarrying. The brain is a pretty powerful thing! Right before we found my baby though, my symptoms came back strongly!.
DeleteMy sister went to the emergency room on Friday the er doctor told her that she had a belighted ovum. Yesterday my sister was saying that she was having pain on the right side. 6 weeks ago she said she had abdominal pain and cramping but no bleeding. Last Sunday she went to the emergency room because she was bleeding and they told her that she had an uti. Friday afternoon she started bleeding heavier when they did the sono at the er they seen a gestational sac and it was measuring 6 weeks and 4 days they did not see a fetus, fetal pole or yolk sac she is 11 weeks along and her hcg levels have been dropping is it possible that she could still be pregnant she follows up with the family doctor and the obgyn tomorrow
DeleteThis is not a reply but my situation. I have a tilted uterus. I am home this whole week off work because the doctor says he expects me to have a miscarriage in the next few days.. on the ultrasound they seen 2 gestational sacks but nothing in them and no heart beats. I have to go back in on Thursday because they believe I have a embryo trapped in my left fallopian tube. And my HCG levels have gone down... I am so scared and this is absolutely devastating to me. I also have pcos and it is damn near impossible to get pregnant.
DeleteI had a 2 frozen embryos transferred. First ultrasound at 7 wks showed blighted ovum. I insisted on ultrasound before D&C procedure and sure enough there was a heartbeat. It is small so I'm not out of the woods yet. I have a tilted uterus as well
DeleteAbsolutely, in fact, seems like most women going through this scare have pregnancy symptoms that fade. Mine did and I was sure that meant miscarriage. I really believe the mind is a powerful thing. If somebody indicates you may be losing the pregnancy, you start to worry and worry and those symptoms fade.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what's going to happen with me, I'm currently waiting to miscarry. I have four beautiful children and two natural miscarriages which happened after the birth of my first child. I've had successful early ultrasounds before in spite of a retroverted uterus. I went in for an ultrasound with this current pregnancy at 7 weeks by my ovulation calculations and saw a 5 week empty gestational sac. The next week it was about 2cm and still empty. It's now a week later and I've yet to begin miscarrying at all. My symptoms have greatly reduced in nausea. So I would be about 9 weeks now. I don't have another scan currently planned but will if things don't "start"...I hold out hope for a miracle. I see a midwife so my ultrasound was at an office where a dr talks to you afterwards. The first dr at the first ultrasound wasn't concerned even though I measures behind, he was very encouraging. The second dr was apologetic and reccomended action even though I already stated I would let it happen naturally.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, I'm praying for a miracle! If not we'll have 3 little babies in heaven. If so, praise God!
Thanks for your time, your website, and your listening ear,
Hi Megan, I'm sorry to ask but how was your outcome? I read your post and it was too much like my situation.
DeletePraying with you! Generally, by nine or ten weeks, those little ones are seen. You might try to schedule that ultrasound since it has been more than a week now and see what happens. I don't know what they'll find but (((Hugs))) for you.
ReplyDeleteMy lmp was may 10, but still not sure because I had a laproscopic surgery done may 8 to remove two masses from my Fallopian tube. Couldn't have sex for two weeks and had sex on 24 and 26th of May (husband deployed after) and bam I took a pregnancy test June 5 and got a positive result! So happy and shocked it happened so fast. Because of my surgery three weeks earlier they scheduled me for an early transvaginal ultrasound and going off my lmp on May 10 I was 6 weeks 6 days, I told them that was impossible and was scared they wouldn't find anything yet. Sure enough they only saw a GS and maybe the beginning of a yolk sac but wanted me back a week later. Second ultrasound showed gestational sac with clear yolk sac and maybe a small fetal pole but no heartbeat. Third transvaginal ultrasound done a week ago showed a fetal pole measuring exactly 6 weeks 0 days with no visible heartbeat - was told it was not viable and it was a fetal demise/missed abortion and recommended a d&c which I refused. With my dates so off and knowing that two weeks after my surgery was the first time we were able to have intercourse before my husband deployed made all this hard to hear and hard to believe. I have not had one cramp or any kind of bleeding. Breasts are midly sore (noticeable) but almost no morning sickness. I just wonder if they could be wrong. My doctor has already written in my chart as a non-viable pregnancy with fetal demise and I requested a second opinion which I'm having another transvaginal ultrasound done this Friday so I can be sure. I have heard and read so many stories of the transvaginal machines being extremely accurate albeit this was a portable machine. I would love to get some advice. I'm a wreck and devastated. Is there any chance those machines and the doctor could be wrong? I know my dates and this last ultrasound which measured the fetal pole at six weeks 0 days would put me exactly where I need to be. Instead they are going off of my lmp which makes me 9 weeks and 3 days which is impossible! Any replies would be so helpful. Thank you and god bless.
ReplyDeleteHows your pregnancy? I just have my ultrasound and its 6wks and 6 days and still theres no heartbeat imlittle worried of miscarriage.
DeleteI'm glad you are getting a second opinion. I don't know what you'll find but, please, keep us updated. (((hugs)))
ReplyDeleteWent to ob/gyn about a wk ago for light spotting. According to lmp I was 9 wks 1 day but transvaginal ultrasound measured baby @ 6 wks with no heartbeat. Dr said it's a missed miscarriage & to come in the following wk for hcg lvl ck to make sure they're going down. My cycles are not regular & I asked if dates could possibly be off & they said no & gave me 3 options to pass the baby. When I asked about another scan they said there's no need to as the baby is already gone. Is it normal for something like this to happen & get a follow up scan to find that indeed dates were off & the baby is progressing? I just don't want to make a decision without knowing 100%.
ReplyDeleteHow did everything turn out? I know this was posted over a year ago, but I am currently going through the same thing and was curious as to how things turned out for you
DeleteHow did everything turn out? I know this was posted over a year ago, but I am currently going through the same thing and was curious as to how things turned out for you
DeleteYour doctor really should do a scan one week out to see if the gestational sac is growing or not especially since your cycles are not regular. Could you get a second opinion?
ReplyDeleteI've talked to my husband & agreed to wait @ least another week & see what happens. If still nothing I will be adimate about another scan if they don't do one & if they refuse, yes I'll be going elsewhere for another opinion. Thank you, I also felt they should've said they were going to do another scan as well.
DeleteI am really nervous the er doc said my fetus is not compatible with life I'm not sure what that means and that the hb was only 50 for my 6wk pregnancy doc said I should schedule a d & c next week but I don't want abort a living baby just because the hb is sloeer then normal, i have some cramping and some spotting. Does anyone else have a similar situation just looking for a little hope
ReplyDeleteAlyssa, I am so sorry your doctor is worrying you. I have two thoughts. First, this is too early to know with any certainty. The best thing you can do is have an ultrasound one week out (if there are no complications). Also, you might want to see about getting your progesterone checked. (((hugs)))
DeleteHere is my story....on December 11th 2014 I got my first hpt positive. I was spotting since I got my first positive. I had taken 3 the week prior. All 3 tests on different days and got all negative. I went to the doctor on the 12th where they did a blood pregnancy test. They called me Friday and told me it was positive. The following week I ended up in the Er for bleeding and cramps. The doctor there asked me when my last period was. It was October 30th. He did my hcg levels. An ultrasound was done and nothing was detected. He came back and told me that I was miscarrying. But to go see my OB the next day. I did as I was told. They decided to start testing my hcg every three days. It was doubling like it should. Then the 29th of December I starting bleeding and cramping and passing tissue alot. I went to the ER again. The weird thing is that even though I have no idea what a m/c feels like, this felt like a normal period for me. I have always experienced severe cramps and have been in the ER on numerous occasions due to the severity of the pain. Anywho my hcg levels were checked that day, they were in the 700 range. I was admitted to the hospital and my levels were checked again the next day and had dropped to the 600 range. Before I was discharged my OB who is the on call doctor came in and said I miscarried. But to go have my follow up with his office that friday. So I did. He had my test my hcg levels on January 5th. They came back at 2200. He asked me to come in the next day. So I did. He told me my numbers and said but it was a miscarriage "probly" I was very upset that he didn't t or couldn't give me a definite answer. He told me to come back in a week to discuss a d&c. And then he walked out of the room. I made my follow up with one of his nurse practioners because she is who I started seeing in the first place. So the day before I went in I called and asked what we were following up. The girl said my blood work and to have an u/s. I said I never had blood work done. Not since the 5th. So I had blood work done again on the 14th. And an ultrasound. I was told there was no pregnancy detected. So I went in the next day which was yesterday and she told me that my numbers are still at 2200 a week later and that she is going to have me continue to do labs to see what happens. I'm so overwhelmed. Sorry for the long story but I had to share.
ReplyDeleteHave they scanned you to make sure this is not ectopic? (((hugs)))
ReplyDeleteThanks for pointing that out, Kay. Many moms undergo false trauma, due to some inefficiency of such machines, or simply the undetectable positioning of the vitals inside the body. That’s why it’s always important to seek a second opinion, just to be sure. Take care!
ReplyDeleteSabrina Craig @ Medical Attorney
My last menstural cycle was December 20, 2014. I ovulated around January 3-4 according to ovulation tests. I got my positive pregnancy test on January 15. January 21 the doctor did one and also positive. Everything has been pretty smooth with some morning sickness. I am 8 weeks 5 days along as of today and they did my first ultrasound. They couldn't find a baby neither regular nor vaginal ultrasound. They said the sac was empty. They called this a blighted ovum. They told me my baby wasn't there and that I will miscarry. My uterus is also tilted way back the tech said. The tech didn't seem too worried as she said the uterus could be hiding the baby. The doctor wants me to do a D&C to rid my body of the empty sac. I've read several things where they could have misdiagnosed me. Has anyone had this happen to them this far along in pregnancy?!?! Please help!
ReplyDeletecould you please udate us on your experience as this is something that I am going through now and Im terrified. Thank you.
Deletehi alicia ans suzanne, i know my question is not uptodate but what happened to your pregnancy regarding blighted ovum? thanks.
DeleteIk this an old Post but I'm going thru something similar but my heart tells me I am but tests and machines say I'm not I have a extremely tilted uterus this would be my 8th baby
DeleteHi I'm 25 years old and according to my LMP I'm 7weeks today. I did an ultrasound last week Friday and was told there was a sac but they couldn't see a baby so come back when I'm 7wks to get another ultrasound cause it might be too early. So today the the person doing my ultrasound told me one that I too have retroverted uterus and second there was a sac but no baby. The PA then told me that this means miscarriage. Like they had no hope no nothing....I was really so scared. But after reading this blog I have hope. I have another ultrasound scheduled for next week at 8 wks. Also they did my blood work last week and it was at a normal range. I did another one today also and will get the results next week with the ultrasound.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry you are going through this scare. This is too early to diagnose. The best thing you can do is watch the growth of the gestational sac. It should be at least 25mm before they mention a blighted ovum. Please, keep us updated.
ReplyDeleteI believe I will see my baby soon! 4 losses, 2 kids, this is my 7th pregnancy. Week 4 I was spotting. I thought it was my period. Week 5 got my BFP. And I have a tilted uterus.
ReplyDeleteWeek 6: Paid for private scan. Empty gestational sac seen. Spotted same day. Went to ER thinking another loss, hoping for D&C because I just can't handle another loss naturally. PA was awesome. She said it's not a loss YET! My dates could be off. Cervix was closed and hcg was 4721e. Sac measured 5 weeks. No more spotting.
1 week later, another private scan. Empty gestational sac. Measured 5w 2d still no spotting or pain. Still testing+ pregnancy test
1 week later, LMP says 8w3. OB appt ultrasound: empty gestational sac. Hcg 5700. Feeling pg symptoms. Sore boobs. Mild nausea. Clothes fit snug. Dr says cannot confirm miscarriage yet because he has been wrong in the past.
Another u/s scheduled for next week. I will update. This is the first pregnancy I've come across this site and it gives me hope. A lot of hope. I even read your stories to my husband. My only concern is my hcg progression. Any insight? Thank you all for your comments and for making this website. God bless.
I am so sorry you are going through this scare. Those hCG levels are low for eight weeks. Please, let me know what you find out at that next ultrasound. (((hugs)))
ReplyDeleteEmpty sac still. Hcg 5700 down to 5000 2 days later. Prescribed cytotec to insert after natural miscarriage begins. Spotting began Thursday. Cytotec inserted Sunday afternoon. Complete loss. :/
ReplyDeleteI am so very sorry :(
ReplyDeleteHi. I am curently 8w3d pregnant withmy rainbow baby. Yesterday I had my first doctor apointment. She tried to do an abdominal ultrasound. After about 50 seconds she stoped. She said she can not see what is going on but the machine doesn't pick up the heartbeat. She said that she saw maybe something for a second but she isn't realy sure. She tried to measure but she couldn't do it. Because I have a tilted uterus I need a vaginal ultrasound and she doesn't have the wright equipment. She said that there stil is a chance but just one chance that the baby is ok. Now I have to wait until next week to go to the high risk clinic to have an ultrasound. I am so worried! Dare I hope that my baby is ok? Could it be that the machine couldn't pick up the heartbeat even if the baby has heartbeat? I do have like verry light pink cervical mucus but I still have morning sicknes and all the rest of the symtoms.
DeleteDory it took me so long to update. Unfortunately my baby was really gone. I couldn't miscarry naturally so after 3 weeks of pain I ended up in the hospital and had a D&C. This was my second loss in 6 months.
I think this is just too early to diagnose especially since this was an abdominal ultrasound. Hopefully you get better news next week. Please, keep us updated. (((Hugs)))
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to so say thankyou for the encouragement of your sites/blog. I have a two year old son but my last pregnancy was a miscarriage - probably a BO. We are in a developing country and my care was not in English so we aren't 100% sure why I miscarried (but it did start naturally.) I'm pregnant again and we've seen a doctor earlier. Yesterday showed my HCG levels rising slowly. I had a repeat ultrasound a week after my first and the sac had grown to 24mm but they couldn't find anything else. I should be about 7 1/2 weeks pregnant. The doctor wanted us to come back today to see the best ultrasonographer at the hospital. But I wasn't sure - if they didn't find anything (they can only do abdominal ultrasounds) I wouldn't be comfortable ending the pregnancy until I was sure there wouldn't be a mistake. So why go in only one day later if we were going to tell them we wanted to wait anyway (in a second language). I did some research online confirming waiting and then I found your site. After reading what you said about your findings (especially about the retroflexed uterus) and the UKs policy (I'm actually American :) ) and the happy stories I felt great peace at waiting until at least 9 weeks and seeing what God does. So we told the doctor we'd be back in a couple weeks unless I had signs of a miscarriage. I'm not sure I have much hope but I feel more peace and the happy stories have helped me a lot in not stressing out. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteIf there are any complications, though, be seen right away. With the sac being 24mm, really, waiting a week should be enough. Please, keep us updated. (((hugs)))
DeleteI went back in today still feeling pregnant with no miscarriage symptoms (which I felt the same way up until I miscarried at 11 weeks last time.) I'm about 9 1/2 weeks now. After a less than 5 minute abdominal ultrasound the tech measured the gestational sac as only barely bigger than 1 1/2 weeks ago and still nothing inside. The doctor thankfully isn't in a hurry since I don't have any miscarriage symptoms. She wanted to do a serial HCG and I think progesterone to see if my body is noticing a miscarriage. I'm a little disappointed the ultrasound wasn't more thorough but I don't think he could have been that off with the size measurement. So we're ready for bad news. Thank you still for the encouragement of your site. It's kept me from being an emotional wreck this week.
DeleteI went for my dating scan yesterday and was told they could see a baby but they wasn't able to see a heartbeat or anything. I was upset and didn't really ask any questions. This morning I called my midwife who told me that the us had measured the baby to be 7 weeks and 4 days. That takes me to the day I did my pregnancy test so surly I should be a bit further as I did not get pregnant the day I did my test. I have to go back in a week but I'm terrified this means I'm going to miscarry. Just wondered what your thoughts were?
ReplyDeleteThe best thing you can do if there are no complications is wait one week to verify there is no heartbeat. Sometimes it is just too small still to be seen. Please, keep us updated.
ReplyDeleteI am 25, I found out I was pregnant april 8th, 2015, I went for a early ultrasound a few days later, to find out it was a confirmed pregnancy, I have two healthy children, both born by C-section, first had some complications, but second went well. Today I had just one time spotting. So I called my doctor and went in for another ultrasound. They said they see no baby just the gestational sac, and they are testing the hcg levels to see if they are rising, or if they are falling to determine if I am miscarrying. I am heartbroken, and terrified as she had discussed on the pills, and I have heard it is painful. not to mention the heartbreak of it all. However when they did the ultrasound, she said I was measuring at only 7 weeks but there is no baby?? The doctor thinks its a possibility I could have become pregnant right after, but with no bleeding? But however she does suspect miscarriage. I am so terrified to have to come home, I am still having so many pregnancy symptoms, I never heard of miscarrying without bleeding, and becoming immediately pregnant, also, is it possible the dates could be wrong, I suspect the worse, and have been trying to do research, I have never heard of this. I am heartbroken, but I feel like reading some of these, I feel I really would want a second opinion before going through with taking the pills, as well as I feel maybe I do have a tilted uterus, is that possible, I know this may be tmi, but everytime I swear that I have conceived I had tilted my body in a way where it was able to go upstream, any other time that I didn't do this, I never became pregnant, but when I do, I become pregnant, please let me know if you have ever hear of this turning out to something other than miscarriage, when there is a sac, just no baby.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry you are going through this scare. Really, the best thing they can do is go with the UK's new guidelines. If the gestational sac is growing, you want to wait until it is at least 25mm before diagnosing a miscarriage. If there are no complications, you should have an ultrasound one week out to see if there is growth. Of course, if there are any complications, be seen right away. (((hugs)))
DeleteI was so happy to find this article today. I went In this past Thursday for my first u/s at 8 weeks (this was done vaginally) and was told the baby measured 7 weeks and 6 days and everything looked great and looked precise for 7 weeks 6 days but they were unable to see a heartbeat and I would have a miscarriage. Apparently they felt the death was very recent. This past November of 2014 the same thing happen at 7 weeks 3 days and after speaking with the Dr on my options I chose to insert a pill vaginally to go ahead and induce my miscarriage. I was very saddened after speaking with friends who had also experienced seeing no heartbeat but weeks later went on to see a heartbeat and now have a healthy child. Happy for them but sad I had maybe made a wrong decision. So I expressed my concerns with my Dr Thursday and she saw no problem with waiting another week and having another u/s if it would give me a piece of mind. I still have pregnancy symptoms and no bleeding so far. I am praying for the best but I do understand the likelihood of me having a miscarriage. Thank you and everyone that has posted here for giving me the knowledge of your experiences to help me make better decisions about my situation and care. It could literally save a life. I do have hope and if things do not work out this time we will continue to try because so many people do go on to have children after miscarriages. I did blood work on Thursday to see if maybe something was going on in my body to cause this to happen twice and the blood work came back great. If you have any advice or suggestions they are greatly appreciated. Thank you again for making light of misdiagnosed miscarriages.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry you are going through this scare and for your prior loss as well. I know that makes this even more difficult. I love the UK's new guidelines. They state that if the gestational sac is growing, you want to wait until it is at least more than 25mm before diagnosing a miscarriage. We found my baby when the sac measured 28.5mm. Please, keep us updated. (((hugs))) to you.
ReplyDeleteMy start of my last menstral period was March 19th. Dr said I am 8 weeks as of Sat. I have been diagnosed with a Blithed Ovum. I have had some light spotting, tilted uterus and Hcg has dropped. Ultrasound showed no baby, but my tilted uterus could be the reason for that. Hcg could be dropping for normal reasons. I have lost almost all hope, until I found this site and due to the fact that the Dr said for me to come back tomorrow for another ultrasound. His words were hopefully we will find a heartbeat. Do you guys think there's a chance this pregnancy will be successful? I'm 34, have a healthy 9 yr old and had no problems with that pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteWhat were your hCG levels and when were they taken?
DeleteI am 12 weeks today by my lmp (march 24, 2015). Took a 2 hpt and it was positive. I went in for my first ob appt. on May 16 and had a transvaginal ultrasound and a well gestational sac was noted. Yolk sacis intact. A single embryo is present with good cardiac pulsation (132 bmp) crown-rump length of .53 cm compatible with 6 weeks 2 days. So there! Hubby and i were so happy because we finally got to see our baby after 2 mc (both blighted ovum) and ttc.. On May 21, i went back to my ob because of very slight brown discharge andob put me to bedrest and prescribed a progesterone and duphaston which turn out great because i never had a brown discharge since then. On my 2nd visit to my ob (12 week) which was yesterday, i was sent on ultrasound to see if baby was okay but sonographer didn't find anything. No fetus, no yolk sac, no heartbeat, just the GS that measures 7 weeks 5 days.. How could this happen? Is this possible? I'm loosing my sanity here ... Please help!
ReplyDeleteI am so very sorry you are going through this. Do you have another ultrasound scheduled? What are they recommending. ((((hugs)))
DeletePlease help in any way my last period was April the 6th based off of that I should be 11weeks and two days but I went for my first appointment which was a ultrasound it showed amion sac an yolk sac but no baby or heart beat on June 15 an my sac measured to be 6weeks an to days that was a belly ultrasound so I went back June the 17th an it was a vaginal ultrasound again this time my sac measured 7weeks an 1day still no baby or heart beat then I was scheduled to go back today for another ultrasound an still nothing my doctor scheduled me for a dnc tomorrow but I don't want to get it cause I have no symptoms of m/c any answers could help this is my 4th pregnancy I never had a problem before I'm so worried an scared
ReplyDeleteIf the sac is growing, there could be the possibility you actually conceived later. I really like the UK's new guidelines. They wait until the sac measures at least 25mm before diagnosing a blighted ovum. Not sure what will happen but if the sac is growing, they should be giving you an ultrasound a week out to see what is happening. (((Hugs)))
DeleteI had an ultrasound on June 24th, Tech said I measured around 7 weeks and have a tilted uterus and no baby! gyno came and confirmed while doing a transvaginal ultrasound. Right after he called me into his office to explain my 3 options which are a D&C that he wants me to do tomorrow, Misoprostol or let nature take it's course. I was ready to do it in the office but backed out and just took the pills home with me so I can take them that night....but didn't cause I was scared. woke up the next morning posted my situation on a secret womens group on Facebook asking for advice from ladies who have been in similar situations. asking what option was better (d&c, pill or nature) everyone who responded been through or knew someone who was diagnosed with blighted ovum and all took the pilll or had a D&C. except this one lady who said she got a 2nd opinion and waited 2 weeks for another ultrasound. So with this information I started my research and seen that everyone who was diagnosed was around 7 weeks or too early to be diagnosed and that a tilted uterus is common. Everyone should follow the UK's guidelines and wait till about 10 weeks to confirm anything, it's scary knowing how often blighted ovum is mis diagnosed! But Now I'm anxiously waiting for my next appointment which is July 8th. hoping for the best and prepared for the worst.
ReplyDeleteIt is so hard for me when I hear that women have D&Cs for a blighted ovum before nine weeks. True, these may have been blighted ova but it was too soon to know. Stay monitored and keep us updated! Praying for you!
DeleteI recently went to get my first ultrasound but no baby was found even with vaginal ultrasound. According to my last mentrual period I should be 9 weeks and 3 days. But before that period I had missed a whole month without one so the gestation weeks can be a little off. When the doctor saw the sac but no baby she autmatically assumed I had miscarried and said that they might have to perform a d/c next week on my next appt and gave no hope. I have next appt a week from now. Is there any hope?
ReplyDeleteThe best thing you can do is see if the sac is growing. If the sac is growing and not yet over 25mm, there is still hope. Just stay monitored. (((hugs))) and praying for you.
ReplyDeleteHi i cant believe so many womenn is going through the same thing am going through i concieve on may 11 is was to be due febuary 2 i went in for a proof of pregnacy on june 8 at that time i was supposedly suppose to be 6 weeks i got a ultra sound done but my doctor never came back in to let me know everything was ok . So at that time o didnt have insurance , i finally applied and was slected for free health insurance so i thought i make me a appointment . well i did just that bit my appointment wouldnt be until 2 weeks later. So around my 11 week mark i started to spot pinkish , only when i wiped , so i was rushed to the hospital they did a ultra sound and said that i wasnt far along as i thought i was in that there is a sac but they cant hear a heart beat . my levels that day was about 5000. The doctor in the emergancy room told me the doctor befor never did my hcg levels that day so she had nothing to compare it to so go home and rest . That Wednesday i started to see small spots of blood when i wiped in was rushed to the hospital then doctor did ultrasound then also told me the sac was there but still no heart beat in that he think i was miscarrying .because my levels drop to about 3300 so. I have a ob appointment a week from now on friday. And hopefully evrything clears up. Hoping for a drastic turn around i no my baby can do it . first baby
ReplyDelete(((hugs))) to you. I know how scary and worrying all of this is. I hope you get your answer soon.
DeleteI am 7 weeks today. I went in for my ultrasound yesterday and was told that the sac and yolk were there, but no fetal pole. I have another ultrasound schedule in 6 days. I am wondering what are the real chances of having a fetal pole visible next week. Doctor was not too optimistic, but said it was possible. She said I might have B.O., but come back one more time to make sure. This is so scary as I feel very pregnant and have symptoms. I am hoping to see something next week. I guess I will hold off on a D & C if there is not a fetal pole next week.... Sounds like women should keep up the hope and wait for it to happen naturally.
ReplyDeleteGood day everyone. I'm not too sure how far I am but my hcg says 5400. My dipstick test also shows positive. This morning I went for a scan and the dr says the sac is there but with no heartbeat. I've started bleeding 5 days ago and when I was checked 2 days ago my cervix was closed and I was told it's a threatened miscarriage. Ever since this happened I've been feeling stressed and the thought of the misscarriage just kills me. Please advise if anyone has gone through such and what was the outcome. Pummy
ReplyDeleteBleeding can be a sign of miscarriage but many women bleed during viable pregnancies. If your hCG numbers are going up (even if they are not doubling), you have reason to hope. (((hugs)))
DeleteHi. I am going through the same thing. I am supposed to be 9 weeks based on my counting. I have spotting so I was brought to ER. first US said they see gestational sac, but no fetal pole or yolk sac- this was October 9th. I kept going, and spotted again and went to ER- this is oct 23rd- the ER Doctor I have threatened miscarriage, they don't see no fetal heartbeat and that I only measured 5 weeks and 5 days. Said my cervix is closed but if my cervix was open they will do D&C. Thank goodness it was closed. Today 10/25- I have a follow up with my OB. She saw fetal pole, yolk sac but no heartbeat. She is giving me 1 week to do another ultrasound next Friday Nov 3rd and hopefully- God's hand touch my baby. I be praying for you too. I am just being positive and surrendering it to the Lord.
DeleteHi Kay, I'm so thankful you posted this. I went in for my first ultrasound yesterday I think I was about 8 weeks. She did the abdominal and didn't see anything but a sac. She did the Transvaginal and the Dr. Came in to tell me that I had a blighted ovum and there is just a sac and no chance that a baby is in there. I am devetated but still want to hold onto hope. It just seems weird she diagnosed me so quickly. Do you think there's any hope? Or should I just trust the doctors?
ReplyDeleteThere are no guarantees but you have been diagnosed too quickly. Most importantly, they should be monitoring the size of the gestational sac. If it is growing, it should be more than 25mm before the diagnosis and one ultrasound is just not enough. If there are no complications, many doctors will wait a week and rescan to verify. (((Hugs))) and keep us updated. Stay monitored in the meantime.
ReplyDeleteHi Kay, Thank you for posting this. I am trying to be hopeful with my situation. I went in for my first ultrasound on July 27th and i believe i was 4 weeks then. However, my LMP was on May 26th. The doctor then told me that would make me 10 weeks. Then again, i told him i have irregular period and that i know i did not ovulate till around week of June 21st. Anyways, he did not see anything but a sac on my first visit and said that this is an early pregnancy. He goes " i guess you are right about your weeks and wrong about your lmp." I said, no that was really my lmp. I mark everything in my calendar. He told me to come back in two weeks which was August 10th. Again, he did not see anything but a sac/yolk sac. He then diagnosed me with possible blighted ovum. I felt sad and i cried all night and i cried more the next morning. That week i had an hcg blood work 8/10 & 8/12) My hcg was 3600. It did not double but it remained 3600.He asked me to come back in a week which was August 17th. This time we saw a fetal pole but no heartbeat. He then diagnosed me with possible missed abortion? He sent me to another clinic yesterday (8/20) for a better ultrasound. The technician did not really give me any information. She said, they are not allowed because they are not doctors. I asked her if there is a heartbeat. She said, "i actually don't know. I don't know how to tell" She said, she will be sending the results to my doctor. The only thing i found out when i was looking at the screen is I am measuring exactly 7 weeks yesterday (8/20). But based on my lmp, I'm 12 weeks. (i don't think so! ). I am scheduled to see my doctor again on monday (8/24th) but i feel like moving it to Thursday (8/27) that will make exactly 8 weeks. I just want to give it more time. But all this wait is killing me though. I keep wondering about the baby's heartbeat. By the way, i had spotting after i went to that other clinic for ultrasound. It does not worry me though. I know it's because of vaginal ultrasound. It wasn't heavy bleeding. Just spotting. I am also a little worry that i feel okay yesterday and today. I mean, i don't feel nauseated. I've been feeling nauseated since i test positive on July 20th. If on my next appointment doctor will tell me no heartbeat found. I am going to get a second opinion somewhere else. This is my third pregnancy by the way. I have two healthy 4 yrs old and a 5 yrs old. (boy and girl). But i am really hoping to hear heartbeat next week.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry you are going through this. Generally one week after they see the baby (without a heartbeat) the heartbeat should be visible if the pregnancy is viable. You should have your answer soon. (((hugs))) I do hope you get better news.
DeleteI have a ? I went to doctor a week ago and they told me it didn't look like a normal pergancy when they did ultra sound it had me scared so I went to er and they told me that they could see baby and heart beat but looked like they wasnt a sac around and they was scared I was going to miss carry I hadn't bled any and I'm still having nausea every morning and my boobs are still hutting bad has anyone else experience anything like this
ReplyDeleteI think you need a new doctor. Hang in there and please keep us updated. (((hugs)))
DeleteI am having the same problem i went last sunday and went again on friday and they told me at the er that i have a bo they have seen a gestational sac but no fetus pole and no fetus but yet the dr at the er are telling me the fetus is measuring 6wks and 4days when they do my ultra sound my hcg levels are going up and down i am still having pregnancy symptoms such as tired hungery boobs are tender and sore and nausea i have a follow up ultrasound tomorrow at my ob office please please say a miracle prayer for my husband and i we could use a miracle and alot of prayers thank you
ReplyDeleteYou meant the gestational sac is measuring 6 weeks and 4 days they did not see a fetus, fetal pole or yolk sac but you are still having pregnant symptoms
DeletePlease, keep us updated! (((hugs)))
DeletePlease say a miracle prayer for husband and I as we do a ultra sound follow up at my ob office I will give everyone a update when find out something thank you
ReplyDelete(((hugs))) and prayers being said.
DeleteHi, according to my lmp I should be about 11.5 weeks. However I went to my ob 9/08/15 and He could not find a heart beat with the Doppler machine but said He was not worried because it was most likely due to how tilted my uterus is. He said I could return 9/15/15 for an ultrasound to "put my mind at ease". So I returned and the Tec told me that there was a empty sac with no baby nor heartbeat. She said that the sac measured at 7 weeks and it seemed to have a point to it. My Dr advised that I schedule a d&c and I'm So scared. I don't want to lose my baby and I'm not ok with the d&c... I have an appointment on 9/22/15 for a second ultrasound because I begged for another chance. I have had mild cramping since I was told I was miscarring on 9/15/15 but no bleeding or spotting.
DeleteThis is my first experience and I'm heart broken. I just don't understand how one day he had no worries than 1 week later I need a d&c. Why did he lose hope so fast.
Also my hormone levels were never checked..
Any advise or encouragement is greatly appreciated.
(((hugs))) I am so sorry. Do you think there is any chance you might not be almost 12 weeks? I think a second ultrasound is indeed a good idea. Be seen wright away though if there are any complications. Please, keep us updated.
DeleteStill no bleeding, but most signs are gone... No breast tenderness, nausea only occasionally, sense of smell is back to normal. Doing my best to remain positive until this Tuesday.
DeleteHi! It was interesting to read your stories, so I would like to share mine as well.
ReplyDeleteBased on my LMP, I should be around 8-9 weeks during my 1st trans-vag ultrasound. It showed the fetus was about 7 weeks. Probably my ovulation was late, so the age of the fetus was not really concerning. The problem was, there was no heartbeat seen and the yolk sac was too big. The normal yolk sac was supposed to be 0.6mm but mine was already 1mm. The doctor said it was already a sign of a defect, but it wasn't conclusive enough. She said to wait a week to have a repeat ultrasound.
I had my 2nd ultrasound last Friday. I should be about 9-10 weeks along, but the fetus didn't grow a bit. Also, no heartbeat was still seen. The yolk sac also wasn't seen anymore. But I haven't been bleeding and I didn't experience any cramping. My symptoms eased up a bit, but just a bit! My OB prescribed some medicines to soften the cervix and to make the uterus contract. This is to stimulate the normal miscarriage process. I have been taking the medicine for 2 days now. My doctor also said if it could take more than a week to take effect, and if I couldn't wait anymore, I could opt for a D&C.
I have 3 kids already, but this is my first miscarriage so I'm really disappointed. I was really hoping that the 2nd ultrasound would be better than the 1st one. I would also like a 3rd one, but it seems kinda extreme, don't you think?
I am so very sorry. I think that if you think there could be the slightest bit of hope then another ultrasound is a good idea. Even if this is a miscarriage, I know it was my doctor's policy to do a weekly ultrasound to see what was happening. After 10 weeks, many times a D&C ends up being needed. (((hugs))) to you.
DeleteHad an ultrasound and the sac measured at 6 weeks, 6 days. No yolk sac and no fetal pole.
ReplyDeleteI think there's no way I could be that far along but that's what the ultrasound is saying.
Took another hcg blood test and will get results to see hormone levels. Doc says baby's suppose to be there?
I miss carried 3 years ago and it was truly a traumatic nightmare. Hope this isn't happening again. Perhaps dating is off? Should just wait it out? Too soon to see the baby ?
If you are not yet nine weeks and the sac is still growing and not yet over 25mm, yes, there is hope. (((hugs)))
DeleteI went to my ob today and had my first ultrasound, going by my LMP I should be 7wks 6days. All the Dr seen was the pregnancy sac and the yolk sac. No feeL pole. My yolk sac is larger than normal. Is that a sign of a miscarriage? They did blood work, but didn't tell me my hcg level. I'm worried and scared. No cramps or bleeding or anything. However since me appt my stomach is feeling alil funny. I am supposed to go back in a wk for another ultrasound.
ReplyDeleteThe good news is that generally a week after the yolk sac is viewed, the baby will be seen if the pregnancy is viable so you should have your answer at that next appointment. I've blogged about the enlarged yolk sac. Sometimes it is nothing more than an error measuring and we've talked to women who continued on with the pregnancy. Please, keep us updated. (((hugs)))
DeleteLooking for some light on my situation, I'm pregnant with my 2nd child and went for my first ultrasound yesterday, Dr found no baby no heartbeat and a bleed, they did blood work and I go back on Monday has anyone else had this?
ReplyDeleteThe best thing they can do is wait one week for a follow-up ultrasound (if there are no complications) and see if the gestational sac is growing. If it is and not yet over 25mm, it is too soon to diagnose. (((hugs)))
ReplyDeleteI am so glad I found your article! It has given me so hope. I am 39 years with 2 kids ages 13 and 11. I've had 6 miscarriages and found out last month Sept 12th. that I am pregnant again. I also found out I have MTHFR a genetic blood clotting disorder which was probably the cause of my prior miscarriages. MY OB has put me on aspirin & Lovenox shots everyday. They have checked on me weekly doing vaginal ultrasounds and have yet to find the baby or anything. I started spotting very light pink discharge at 6 weeks. I spotted for a few days and had a clot come out but then the spotting stopped, no pain, no cramping, nothing. I'm 7 weeks pregnant. I also have a titled uterus. Of course they couldn't even find my left fallopian tube or ovary. My tubes are spread very far apart but of course they didn't know that. My HCG levels are going up slowly so when I went last Friday at my 7 week vaginal U/S and to check my levels he said they still can't see anything that I'm probably going to miscarrying if I haven't already. His nurse called me a few hours after I got home and told me my levels had gone up again but very slow. I'm wondering if maybe I'm not as far along as they are thinking? Is there any hope. My levels went from 700 to 1230, 1385, 1871, 1885. I know they aren't doubling the way they should, and I am still having symptoms. Craziest thing ever is not know if you're pregnant or not. People ask and my reply is I have no idea!
ReplyDeleteOh Christine, I am so sorry you have just been through so much. Take heart though. We've had women who have had multiple miscarriages due to MTHFR and then go on to carry to term. As for your pregnancy now, looking behind isn't at all concerning and neither is an empty-looking sac at only seven weeks. Your numbers are not doubling as they should though and that is very concerning. If the gestational sac is not seen, this sounds ectopic and something may need to be done if so. (((hugs))) and please keep us updated.
DeleteKay, firstly thanks for bringing so much awareness and hope in all people who have been told they have BO or will miscarry. My story is similar to Christine and after 3 years of infertility, I am now pregnant on many mix of medicines - Lovenox, neupogen, prednisone, metformin to name a few. We did an IVF and got a CGH tested embryo which implanted. I assumed after this nothing could go wrong, My 6 weeks U/S showed an empty sac of 5 weeks and and my 6 weks 3days showed 5 weeks 3 days. My 7 weeks 3 days shows 5 weeks 5 days. I have retroverted uterus and the sac is empty.
DeleteDoctor is talking about D/C and my East coast RE is asking to do an U/S and continue the medications until then. I am so lost and feeling miserable. If I continue and it doesnt work i am spending thousands on some uncovered medicines. I it works I will be a mom.
To make things more complicated, my RE says, if he would have done the U/S he would have been more confident whether the sac is empty or not. I stay in CA and he in EastCoast.
I had endo when these embryos were created and docs says that could have caused BO. Looks like the whole of medical community is not really sure why BO occur. I dont even know should i wait or do d/C. Any suggestions?
Unless that sac is not yet measuring more than 25mm, it is too early to diagnose. If the sac is growing and you end the pregnancy, you just can't be certain it was not viable. (((hugs)))
DeleteAlso wanted to check if the sac is measuring 2 weeks behind as well as empty can it be attributed to the uterus being retroverted.
ReplyDeleteIs there hope for me? I had a Vag. U/S and the baby measured 6 weeks 5 days with no heartbeat. HGC levels were tested and compared with a test 2 days later. There was a 5% increase and I was told they should have doubled. I have another ultrasound coming in3 days. What are the chances of seeing a heartbeat?
ReplyDeleteIf the gestational sac is already viewed, hCG levels can go up, plateau or down and still be normal. Generally, one week after the baby is viewed without a heartbeat, the heartbeat should be seen if the pregnancy is viable. (((hugs)))
ReplyDeleteNot good news for our little one, but I appreciate your insight and all the help you offer to women in need of information they don't get from their doctors.
DeleteI am so sorry :( (((hugs)))
DeleteI find this site and I'm in the same situation. I started to spot on 10-12-15 and had a slight pain on my upper left side abdominal. So I went to the doctors and they did a scan. I measured at 5w5d when I was supposed to be 6w0d. There was a small sac but it was empty, no baby. I was devastated. So told me I was going to miscarry and had options to go about this. I looked at her and said can I want and see what happens in a week. She said okay but knows nothing will change. I went back for an U/S on 10-20-15. This time my sac measured 6w6d and I was supposed to be 7w0d. Still no baby. Only a sac and a light figure of a yolk sac. Doctor told me I am definitely going to miscarry.. Give me options. I said I want to wait let my body do why it needs to do. I still have hope that my baby will show. I did a hcg level test and I'm at 17990. I only gone up 200 since my last hcg which was on 10-14/15 which was at 15992. Could they be wrong. They also want me to stop my progesterone supplements. Please I need answers. I go back for another u/s in a week..
DeleteI am so sorry you are going through this scare. I don't know what will happen. Your hCG numbers do look like they are on the low side but still seems too early to diagnose. Please, keep us updated. (((hugs)))
DeleteFirst of all, thank you so much for this site! So last week I went to an urgent care clinic for very slight brown discharge. My LMP was sept. 11th so I thought I was 5w5d. They did a vaginal U/S & reading from the report they saw a "gestational sac, yolk sac, & possible fetal pole with No cardiac activity. They also gave a crown-rump measurement b/t 10.5, 11.6, 12.1 consistent with 7w1-3d." The next day I went to my Ob's office & saw sono tech who did a quick vaginal U/S & found large gestational sac at 7w3d, NO yolk sac, NO fetal pole. The tech told me that it looked like I had a blighted ovum. I'm so very confused!! How could there be a yolk sac & possible fetal pole one day & the next nothing. I have had no heavy bleeding or cramping & my HCG level is more than doubling. It was 5058 at 4w4d and 71,670 at 5w6d. Again, I know exacly the 1st day of my LMP sept 11th so I certain I'm not 7wks +. Please help, I'm trying to keep hope alive.
ReplyDeleteThey just couldn't get a good picture in there. It happens. It is more important to know the size of your gestational sac. If there are no complications, you should have an ultrasound one week out and make sure the sac is growing although, I suspect, if the pregnancy is viable, you'll see your baby at that next ultrasound. Please, keep us updated.
DeleteThanks! I'll update ASAP. I have an appointment Nov. 5th.
ReplyDeleteUPDATE!!!! Went to doctor today and got another vaginal U/S done. And by God's grace, the sono tech was able to find my sweet baby with a heart rate of 123 bpm!!! Baby measured ~6w1d, right on target b/c my LMP was 9/11/15. Gestational sac was still measuring large right at 8w1d and doctor does not know why. My doctor was very happy to be wrong!!! She had called me earlier in the day & we discussed miscarriage and D&C options. I'm so happy right now!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am so happy for you! Congratulations! Would you consider sharing your story on the Misdiagnosed Miscarriage site? You'll give many women hope :)
DeleteHow does this apply to an empty gestational sac? I just had an transvaginal ultrasound that showed an empty gestational sac... so I was ordered to take blood to check HCG levels this past Tuesday and then I have to do another HCG level check on Friday and then a follow-up on Monday. I'm already preparing for the worst. Our OBGYN did not seem hopeful. Thoughts?
ReplyDeleteThe most important thing is, if the gestational sac is growing from week to week not to be diagnosed before it is more than 25mm. (((hugs)))
DeleteThis was a good article that seemed hopeful. I am 30 years old with two previous successful births... i was told it would be hard to get pregnant again due to my weight and tilted cervix..Nine years later i was finally pregnant...I was extatic my kids were happy everyone was..how ever that was short lived when i went to the ER on Sunday and the ER DR said i had miscarried, devastated i left the hospital and called my OB on monday.. the OB told me my blood levels were 1900 and that there was no sign of a miscarriage to come back today 11/10/15. Is it possible that the ER dr didnt see the baby sac because of my tilted cervix or because i was only 7 weeks?? I am so confused any answers would help!!
ReplyDeleteDo you have an update? (((hugs)))
DeleteI am dealing with the same thing. I did my first U/S on this past Monday at 5w 4d he couldn't find anything but the yolk sac. So they took my HCG levels that day then again on thrus and they only went up by 215 and still didn't see anything today but the yolk and the Gsac did not grow at all within them few days. He said it's a missed miscarriage. I have not bleed or anything just lil cramps here and there. What do I do at this point.
ReplyDeletehe most important thing is to watch the size of the gestational sac from week to week. If it growing, they should not diagnose a blighted ovum before it s more than 25mm (about nine weeks) (((hugs)))
DeleteI'm having a rough time figuring this all out. I'm 36, and lost my last pregnancy in very early August of this year at 7 weeks 0 days. I have a history of 26 day cycles. My doctor ordered progesterone levels to be checked after my miscarriage at 7dpo. They came back at "adequate". Fast forward one month, and here are my dates: LMP 9/18, opk pos 9/30, dtd 9/30 (and not again since). Spotting on 10/2-10/3 (never had ovulation spotting before!), and heavy pain in my left ovary. I got a 10 miU very faint positive test on 10/9, tested on 10/11 with a 25miU and got a positive. My next period was due 10/14. Blood work on 10/14 (hug 143 prog 35), 10/16 (hug 409), 10/22 (hcg2870 prog 19.9, started progesterone suppositories). Went in for first us on 10/5 at 7w 1d, doctor said the baby was too small, but there was a heartbeat. She also said the yolk sac was too large. She instructed me that my only options were to d/c or go off of the progesterone and miscarry naturally. She didn't look at the scan very long, and I just didn't want to do anything that seemed hasty when there was a heartbeat. I got a second opinion on 11/9, doc said the baby was measuring at 6w1d, gestational sac at 5w 6d, but had me in his system at 7w3d (I guess he doesn't account for cycle length). He thought the yolk sac might be too large, but the heartbeat was nice and strong. He said to come back in one week (that's this Monday!). He did hcg tests, and they came back at 42992. When his nurse called me back, she did not say if he said that was a good number or not. I'm basically worried I'm doing all of this waiting just to have the same heartache as before. I'm not sure I can go through another miscarriage and want to try again. It feels painfully late now for me to be trying at 36.5. Also during all of this my mom was diagnosed with metastatic cancer, I found and had core biopsies of a breast lump, and was very sick in between. Maybe it's been too much stress? I have increased symptoms this past week, including a back ache I haven't had since week 5. Can you help ease my mind at all? What if there isn't significant growth at my next us? Do I d/c if there is a heartbeat? Thanks in advance.
ReplyDeleteI hate to hear that your doctor was pushing to abort your baby. That is just terrible. Measurements vary from doctor to doctor and tech to tech. It is not an exact science. Hang in there. Of course anything can happen but all looks fine so far. (((hugs)))
DeleteIt's happening again. I went to the hospital Nov 17th &there was a visible fetus and Heartbeat and ask the blood work was where is supposed to be and I measured at 6weeks 3days but was supposed to be almost 8 weeks&i get my first ultrasound today and it's empty sac
ReplyDeleteIf you have any answers please feel free to email me at sinfulshugah6686@gmail.com
DeletePlease put in subject; mfm help
I am so sorry. Usually, if there are no complications, they will do an ultrasound one week out to verify the loss of the heartbeat. (((Hugs)))
Delete(((hugs))) for you. I am so sorry to hear of your losses. Many women look one to two (or more) weeks behind. That really isn't concerning. Waiting a week after you see the baby is a really idea. If the pregnancy is viable, that gives everything time enough to grow and really be seen. Sometimes the heartbeat can take another week after that to be visualized. It's for that reason that I hate to hear of D&Cs before nine weeks unless there is an immediate medical need. Stay closely monitored and please keep us updated.
ReplyDeleteHeres my current situation.....11 living kids 9 pregnancy losses im 44yrs old
ReplyDelete10/6 LMP
10/30 first +hpt on 4 different brands of test
10/31 digital confirm 1-2weeks
11/2 Dr confirmed HCG~217 3w5d
11/5 HCG~ 579
11/12 HCG 1805
11/17 HCG 2376
11/20 HCG 4505 ER visit US showed 8MM gestational sac- i went in because i was having a lot of right sided pain that went up to ribs and rectal pressure they also found 2 cyst on the right ovary one 3.3 cm and one 3 cm
11/26 HCG 7759 seen in ER for bleeding Gestational sac measuring 2.5 cm with 2 yolk sacs 2 fetal poles not heart beats one was quit a bit smaller im 7w1day from LMP
12/2 HCG~9358
12/7 US by a rude cold callous tech who gave me no measurements, but, today i got info from dr Gestational sac with only 1 visible yolk sac and fetal pole no heartbeat. I'm 8W5D from LMP
I go next wed for a repeat US and repeat HCG level if there is no heartbeat detected he wants to schedule a D&C
(((hugs))) Generally, one week after the baby is seen, a heartbeat will be seen if the pregnancy is viable. You should have your answer soon. How has your progesterone been?
DeleteThey havent tested it since my first hcg draw on 11/2 and it was 25.86 I have requested for the last 3 weeks to have it checked i dunno if the nurse is not relaying my concern and my request or what. Im having some bleeding today heavier then the staining ive had for the last 2 weeks, could be from the loss of the one twin and or the pelvic i had yesterday. i will update when i find out next week im still hoepfull for one bean with a heart beat
DeleteThoughts and prayer to you img going through the same thing......im 44 my story is posted after yours Good luck momma!!
ReplyDelete~* Update*~
ReplyDeleteUterus still has gestational sack & yolk sac and what looks to be fetal pole tech thought she saw heart beat but because of my very tilted uterus even with trans vaginal she couldn't get a tracing on it my hcg is 7101 last week it was 9378 told it wasnt unusual for #'s to go down with loss of twin. Cervix is still closed. Its believed that i past the non surviving twin. Im on COMPLETE & STRICT bed rest. I really dont know what to think or how to feel right now.
So i still have US on tues and follow up with my OB and hopely the next few days the baby will big enough to easily see heartbeat. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, i know your prayers have helped!
Gestational sac measures 11mm and yolk sac measures6mm
By lmp im suppose to be 9w2d US says im 5w1d
(((hugs))) and praying for you.
DeleteI went the hospital and found out I was pregnant at 5 1/2 weeks according to their measurement of the sack but they could see no hsartbeat but they told me it could be to early. So I went back at what should be 6 weeks and 4 days and they still could hear no heartbeat they could just see the sack everything looks fine and the sack is growing but no heartbeat. I decided to go to an ob doctor at 7weeks and 4days and all they did was take my urine Nothing else not even another ultra sound and read my results from when I went to the hospital at 6 weeks and bout 4 days. he said that I will most likely miscarry and that it would be very unusual if this progressed to be a normal pregnancy. He said that my levels we're already 5000 and that my chances we're prolly 1 in 4. I got so upset and started to lose all hope. He took my blood before I left and told me to come back on Tuesday and he'll check my levels again I should be 8 weeks and 3days when I go back in Tuesday and I'm so nervous, is there any hope and does this doctor even sound like he knows what he's doing??? even the woman who took my blood messed up while taking it and only got half a vile and almost had to take more. This is my first pregnancy and I'm just so scared I really don't want to lose the baby God please! :(
ReplyDeleteI went the hospital and found out I was pregnant at 5 1/2 weeks according to their measurement of the sack but they could see no hsartbeat but they told me it could be to early. So I went back at what should be 6 weeks and 4 days and they still could hear no heartbeat they could just see the sack everything looks fine and the sack is growing but no heartbeat. I decided to go to an ob doctor at 7weeks and 4days and all they did was take my urine Nothing else not even another ultra sound and read my results from when I went to the hospital at 6 weeks and bout 4 days. he said that I will most likely miscarry and that it would be very unusual if this progressed to be a normal pregnancy. He said that my levels we're already 5000 and that my chances we're prolly 1 in 4. I got so upset and started to lose all hope. He took my blood before I left and told me to come back on Tuesday and he'll check my levels again I should be 8 weeks and 3days when I go back in Tuesday and I'm so nervous, is there any hope and does this doctor even sound like he knows what he's doing??? even the woman who took my blood messed up while taking it and only got half a vile and almost had to take more. This is my first pregnancy and I'm just so scared I really don't want to lose the baby God please! :(
ReplyDeleteThe most important thing is to monitor the size of the gestational sac. If it is growing and not yet over 25mm, this may be too early to diagnose. You may want to consider a second opinion. (((hugs)))
DeleteI am in a similar situation. I went in for first ultrasound at 7w1d according to my last period. Well my cycle is not regular... it can vary from having a period anywhere from 2 to 8 days with a cycle length of 16 tp 40 days... well the found a sac and yolk sack said it measured 6w1d with no heartbeat. I didn't think anything of it, just assumed it was too early. So went back for repeat scan at 8w, still no heartbeat but she didn't give me any information. Dr is saying fetal demise. I happen to be a medical laboratory scientist so I tested my hcg myself and it was 36000. So I called Dr office told them my hcg, which I know isn't super high, and stressed how irregular my cycle is. So they had me come in to the office for a repeat hcg and scheduled another ultrasound for Monday which according to lmp will be 9w1d. I'm hoping we will find something. I still have no symptoms of miscarriage and today I was very nauseous. Then I found this thread and I also have a tilted uterus. I'm really hoping everything is ok, but I am very high risk... I am 40, this is my first pregnancy, I have lupus, antiphospholipid syndrome and MTHFR. I am already taking lovenox and aspirin... so I'm just praying for a good outcome, but preparing for the worst
ReplyDeleteI do hope you get better news. Not sure what will happen but we've had women report viable pregnancies with numbers hovering in the 30 and 40,000s. Please, keep us updated. (((Hugs)))
DeleteWell hcg went up to 44,000 so I guess I'm still hopeful. Just waiting on ultrasound on monday...
DeleteSadly still no heartbeat. Dr will be scheduling a D&C.
DeleteI'm so thankful to have found this site. I'm 41 and have had three healthy pregnancies (no miscarriages). My youngest is 9 so this pregnancy was a bit of a surprise. Today was my first appointment and transvaginal u/s. According to my LMP I'm 7w4d today. First, the midwife did transvaginal u/s. She had trouble finding fetus and I mentioned that I have a tilted uterus. Her response: "who doesn't?". She then located the fetus & yolk sac. Fetus measured 7w2d. No heartbeat. She went to get the doctor. Doctor did transvaginal u/s and found fetus right away. Doc measured fetus slightly smaller than midwife had - 7w0d No heartbeat. Doc then immediately said she was sorry but I had lost the baby. She said she could tell us 100% that the fetus was not viable and gave the standard three options including d&c. However, the midwife said we could come back in a week for one more ultrasound. I said I wanted to let nature take it's course anyway so I scheduled another u/s for 1/6/16 (we'll be out of town for new years holiday next week). I am trying to prepare for the worst while still saving a little hope. They didn't do any blood work, so I have no idea what my hcg levels are. I haven't had any spotting or cramping. I'm just amazed, after reading some of these stories that the doctor would have said she was "100% certain" that I will miscarry.
ReplyDeleteHi. Im 34 years old and 8 weeks and 3 days for my first us yesterday. The doctor could not see the pregnancy on the us. He sent me for bloodwork. My hcg came back at 5000. They said this could mean miscarrying, ectopic or theres a chance its still viable. I go back tomorrow for my 48 hr bloodwork.
ReplyDeleteIs there still hope??
I am so very sorry you are going through this scare. With numbers that high, they really should have seen the gestational sac by now. An ectopic pregnancy, of course, is risky. (((Hugs)))
DeleteHCG betas:
ReplyDelete1/2 (Sat) 50,000
1/4 (Mon) 72,000
1/7 (Thur/today) 110,000
Went to ER on Saturday, which was 7wks based on LMP or 7w2d based on O', due to some pain and spotting. DX with 3 infections, dilated pelvic vessels, and cyst on right ovary. In ultrasound the ER dr said there was only a yolk sac and was measuring 6w0d. So they checked my betas and told me it was possible I was having miscarriage but was too early to tell and to get betas checked again on Monday.
Monday I went and betas increased. But Ob called and wanted to be cautious due to ERs finding and wanted me to come in on Thursday for scan and betas again. Yesterday, Thursday, betas are still increasing and both the tech and dr said they were high. Today would be 7w5d based on LMP or 8w0d based on O'. But There was still only a yolk sac and no fetal pole still, yolk sac still measuring at 6w0d just like Saturday and said my uterus was slightly tilted. There was also second yolk sac in the same gestational sac right next to the first sac but it was lighter and looks like it is deteriorating (vanishing twin) which he said could be the reason my betas are high and that the other sac hasn't developed a fetal pole yet because my body was dealing with 2 yolk sacs. He said he can't say confirmed yet because no fetal pole and heart beat which again he said is weird because betas are high. Wants to do another scan in 2 weeks to see if I have progressed. If I have then all is good, if I haven't I have lost both babies and not just 1. I feel more discouraged now than before even though my Hcg levels are going up. Anyone know of a possible good outcome to measuring 2weeks behind and without fetal pole?
(((Hugs))) It is common for gestational sacs to look one to two weeks behind but there should be growth. That said, doesn't sound like you waited a week and that is really important. Studies have shown that measurements can be off by up to 4mms. For that reason, waiting a week is a really the best idea. Two weeks is a long time though when you are stressed. Is there any chance you could get your doctor to schedule another one a week out?
ReplyDeleteI didn't wait a week because the Ob wanted to follow up from the ER visit and I'm a a new patient. He said it was definitely not BO because I have a yolk sac and seemed optimistic about the stronger sac but didn't ask what yolk sac was measuring 5days before and that's one of the concerns. He actually was really nice and did discuss miscarriage options as a possibility but he wasn't going to state that I was indeed having a mc. Due to my betas is why he wants to wait for 2 weeks. I've decided to schedule a private scan with a ultrasound company in a week and then have the scan with him the week after that. I am trying to have hope that I will still have 1 of my babies 😓
DeleteDo you have an update?
DeleteHello Ms. Kay,
ReplyDeleteSo this is my issue. I found out i was pregnant 01/01/16 . That following week i had a hcg test done & my levels were 156 . 2 weeks ago i had another one done my levels was 2,662. A few days ago i started some bleeding & had one little clot pass. I went too the doctor and they said i was having a miscarriage yesterday being that my levels are 442 . But i'm still having sym,ptoms & they didnt read me my ultrasound results... They also told me earlier this month they could give me something too make sure my hormones are where they needed too be but when that time came they didn't even bother too give me anything... i bleed this past Tuesday & Wednesday & i'm still having my normal symptoms... So does that mean its still a possibility i'm pregnant or ???
I also havent bleed anymore today but occasional spotting but i also didnt have any cramping with the bleeding... What does that mean???
ReplyDeleteI think you need to go back in and have your levels checked again. (((Hugs)))
DeleteI had believed that my last menstral cycle was the beginning toward middle november i wasnt very sure seeing how i have abnormal periods. But then also in december there was 3 days where i had bled brown blood but for 3 days only and since i dont keep track of the days i wasnt sure what day it was so that made things difficult i found out i was pregnant January 11th 2016 unfortunately 2 days later I went to the ER for bleeding not alot but enough to scare me since I just had a miscarriage in august of 2015, they did an ultrasound and seen nothing so they said I was just to early to follow up with my OB in a few days so they could check my levels and do another ultrasound, when I checked them on the 15 they was 1900 and the ultrasound showed just a gestational sac so they scheduled me for another ultrasound the following week so a week passed and all I could do was worry for good reason. As the day came for me to get the next ultrasound I was so scared that I was going to get bad news, they did the ultrasound and sat me in a room to wait for the results when he came in he said well all we see is still just the GS it's grown slightly but not as we would like come back in a week for another ultrasound. Well I was waiting and waiting for the week to pass and ended up back in the ER on the 28th for yet again more bleeding they assured me that bleeding was normal in early pregnancy and with my levels being at 25000 now that everything should be fine and sent me on my way.. well today on February 1st 2016 I go for my ultrasound and still no baby, they told me im going to end up having a miscarriage unfortunately. They gave me 3 options to wait 2 weeks and come back for another ultrasound if it don't happen natural, take the pill, or have the surgery I couldn't make the decision because I feel in my heart that they have it wrong and I'm just not as far along as they think... I'm going to go back in 2 weeks and find out more until then I believe I'll have blood work to see if my levels continue to rise or if they start to drop.. I just need to know if anyone else is going through this and what was the outcome? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteIf the gestational sac has stopped growing and you've waited at least a week from your last ultrasound, you likely have your answer. (((hugs)))
DeleteHello Kay, I am so glad I found this site, I am going through hellish times. I am 25 years old, diagnosed with pcos two years back, had a m.c last year (exactly these days). Got pregnant via treatment. (still on metformin after getting preggo). My lmp was 19 dec, according to my lmp I should be 6w5d. Yesterday I went for an u.s and the tech saw just a gestational sac, no yolk sac. Ges sac was measured 5.88mm. Went to my gyn, she said with 600 hcg levels (did hcg test on 29th of jan) nothing could normally be seen. I am just afraid, i just dont want to go through that time again.
ReplyDeleteIt really is too soon to diagnose anything. Generally, if the gestational sac is growing from week to week, women are about nine weeks or so before they a growing gestational sac can be diagnosed as a blighted ovum. (((hugs)))
DeleteHello kay, I just want to ask what is the effect of duphaston if one is pregnant with a blighted ovum? Will they still bleed for miscarrying or does duphaston stop miscarrying naturally?
ReplyDeleteTaking progesterone if you are going to miscarry can delay a miscarriage.
DeleteHello! My name is Katie. I am young and currently 7 weeks and 2 days pregnant by the embryo measurements. I went to the doctors on Wednesday February 24th for my first ultrasound (also my first pregnancy)and there was no heartbeat found. My doctor suggested a D&C which I was going to get today Friday February 26th but, denied still clinging onto hope. I now am scheduled for another ultrasound Tuesday March 1st and if there is still no heartbeat my doctor wants me to come back the next day for a D&C and honestly I don't believe I want to go through with it because I still have hope because I read up on some things that say you can have a hard time detecting a heartbeat at 7 weeks due to a tilted uterus and more. I guess you could say I am stumped and need another upon because I'm afraid of going through and constantly having that regret that the baby could have made it. I have no cramps and no bleeding but, my doctor still says I am in chance of miscarry because my baby has passed away. I want to wait longer just in case there is still a chance of a heartbeat.. but I don't want to put myself at risk or have a stillborn. please help me.
ReplyDeleteYou need a new doctor! If your gestational sac is growing week to week, your doctor should wait until the sac measures more than 25mm before diagnosing. Please, get a second opinion.
DeleteHi Kay. I'm glad I found this forum as am finding things quite difficult at the moment. I've had 3 miscarriages, the last a D&C 6 months ago. I'm currently 7w 4days pregnant by LMP. I had very slight spotting last week, so went for an early ultrasound. They said gs was 22mm but that they could only see a yolk sack no fetal pole or anything else. They dated me at 6w 1day instead of the 6w 6days I thought I should have been. This was an abdominal scan. The Dr put me on aspirin and duphaston and said to re scan in 2 weeks... I'm finding the waiting really hard and my pregnancy symptoms have reduced so scared I will lose another baby. If my gs is 22mm but no sign of a baby is there any hope?
ReplyDeleteIt is still a little too early to diagnose. Really, though, you should have your answer a week out. If the sac is growing a mm a day, it'll be well over 25mm. (((hugs))) to you.
DeleteI just found this site.. I am 7 weeks,5days. Went in for my first ultrasound today and they didn't see anything but said the sac was measuring correctly. . My hcg levels were 4000 on 3/9/16 and 8200 today. Just wanting to keep hope that everything is ok. Very mild pregnancy symptoms for me.. not normal I've had 4 children and I'm 34 years old.. any advice would be great. My doctor hasn't said that he really suspects anything is wrong and will have blood work in 4 days and another US in a week. The wait is killing me!
ReplyDelete*he doesnt
Delete*he doesnt
DeleteI just found this site.. I am 7 weeks,5days. Went in for my first ultrasound today and they didn't see anything but said the sac was measuring correctly. . My hcg levels were 4000 on 3/9/16 and 8200 today. Just wanting to keep hope that everything is ok. Very mild pregnancy symptoms for me.. not normal I've had 4 children and I'm 34 years old.. any advice would be great. My doctor hasn't said that he really suspects anything is wrong and will have blood work in 4 days and another US in a week. The wait is killing me!
ReplyDeleteI know how hard it is to wait. Hopefully they are also monitoring your progesterone. Please, keep us updated. (((Hugs)))
Deleteto update, I ended up seeing the heartbeat the next week, and the following week no heartbeat. ended up having a d&c on March 31st and now ttc again.. it was very rough all of the waiting 😣
Deleteto update, I ended up seeing the heartbeat the next week, and the following week no heartbeat. ended up having a d&c on March 31st and now ttc again.. it was very rough all of the waiting 😣
DeleteI don't know what to do but I am looking for any answer that could help me even in the slightest. My husband and I tried for a year and a half to get pregnant. I was diagnosed last November with PCOS so they put me on Clomid to force me to ovulate. After 4 rounds of Clomid I found I was pregnant (FINALLY!!) on 3/19/2016. The pregnancy was going along well (or so I thought) and when I went to my first ultrasound on 4/20/2016 they said that I was only measuring at 6 weeks when, by my LMP, I should have been at 9 weeks. I had 2 positive ovulation tests on 3/4/2016 so I know my dates are spot on. I got a call from my Nurse Practitioner yesterday (4/26/2016) saying that when they did the ultrasound they could not see a fetal pole or a heart beat and said that I am either not as far along as they originally thought or it is a threatened miscarriage. They have me scheduled for another ultrasound tomorrow morning. I have been bleeding a little bit but only when I wipe and only for one or 2 bathroom breaks at a time. There is no cramping and no other feelings of discomfort. This has happened 3 times now about a week apart each time. The first 2 times it was dark brown (second time, more blood than first) but yesterday it was on the redder side. I also have a tilted uterus. I am so scared, we want this baby so badly but it is not looking good for me.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Rita Ruby. i live in Australia, and am married for 15years without conceiving or getting pregnant until the issue resolved to problem in my home, i was really worried and bothered because i don't want to loose my husband to another woman. i have went to hospital, the doctor told me that i cant get pregnant again i thought i have lost my husband and my marriage already.i decided to check the internet for updates on healthy living and i came across a story of a man of God who PROPHET JEREMIAH Trust helped his wife(Garry Linder) to conceive a baby. i decided to put a try because this has been my greatest problem in life.i contacted PROPHET Jeremiah. Trust via email and tell him my problem and he assured me that he will help me, he told me what to do which i did and today i am a proud mom with a son and daughter. Words will not be enough to explained what this man did for me.i know there is someone in this same condition and you feel there is no way. i urge you to contact prophet Jeremiah so that him can payer for you .Tust now i have giving birth to twins a boy and a girl. and my husband now love me more than before. if you are in need to get pregnant or you need your xe back or you want to win lottery, contact him through his via email prophetmercyland@gmail.com or watch him television marcylandtv com or +2347055176617 .
Hello. I have read through posts similar to mine but wanted to ask you about your thoughts. I am pregnant with my his ab and I's first child, and it's totally a God thing that if happened. The Saturday before last hubby and I were intimate and the next day I bled some old blood, but no cramping. I hadn't been seen for my initial appointment at the OB yet, so they couldn't see me, but my appointment was scheduled for Tuesday. When I went in there they got me in the next day (last Wednesday) to see the doctor. She did an ultrasound and I measured at 6w 2d, when they originally had me at 8w 5d based off of LMP. However, I KNEW that I conceived April 1st and ovulated the next day, so the dating scan seemed more accurate. They couldn't detect a heartbeat so had me return in 6 days (which was yesterday).
ReplyDeleteThe tech was very quiet which was worrisome. She basically told me the doctor would talk to us in a few minutes, but that things didn't look too promising. The doctor called us back and basically asked how we were doing, and talking about D&C and stuff. Hubby and I were like, "Wait, what's going on?" She exposed that the baby was measuring at 6w 3d which is only 1 day bigger than 6 days prior, and that my yolk sac is large, and there's no heartbeat. Yesterday I was approximately 7 weeks pregnant. I have been grieving deeply since then and am trying to hold onto faith.
Hubby didn't want to schedule a D&C, but have me return in a week for another ultrasound. He wants me to pass it naturally at home, and I would rather do that, but the pain emotionally from all this has been so great I can't imagine going through the pain of contractions and passing my baby... Do you think there is any hope? Please be honest. I can handle anything at this point. ��
I am looking for advice. I know my exact date of my last period and when I went for ultrasound I would have been 7 1/2 weeks, gestational sac measured 5 weeks 4 days no yolk sac present so was told to come back in a week. went back exactly a week later and measured a week later 6 weeks 4 days but still nothing in the gestational sac and now have been told to come back in another week. Is this possibly still a viable pregnancy? Please help
ReplyDeleteAny advice would be greatly appreciated.
DeleteWell to fallow up incase anyone has similar experience, I went a week later and sac was still empty so next day I took pills to try to progress the miscarriage and I bled some but passed only a small clot so on Sun I took another dose and same thing light bleeding but nothing passed. Went in that next wed and hormone levels were still at a 6 week pregnancy and now a week and a half after taking pills originally I am starting to bleed on my own so think this will be the end the miscarriage. I hope my story can help someone although not a positive outcome someone who may be going through the same thing and is researching everything they can like I did may find this useful. good luck to you all!
DeleteCurrently going through a similar issue. I had my 9 weeks ultrasound today and they were unable to find any activity in the gestational sac. The sac is measuring 7.5 weeks. I'm so worried I'm sick. They did blood work today to check my levels and will compare them to my levels in 48 hours to see if there is ano increase. Praying this baby is there!
ReplyDeleteI found out I was pregnant around April.When I went to the clinci to take a pregnancy test it was negative but I knew I was pregnant.My last period was March 2. So I went to a different clinic it was also negative. By this time I already taken over 25 home pregnancy test and they all said I was pregnant. I went again to the clinic and once more the test was negative. I still felt pregnant but really stressed .I decided to go to O.B.G.Y.N. there test was positive on July 11. I had an ultrasound done a week later on the 18th of July. There was no sign of a baby or that I was pregnant. But two in half weeks before my doc. Visit my best friend,my boyfriend and myself felt a baby moving. If I'm not pregnant what is the movement all about. I should of been 19 weeks they should of seen some thing right? During my ultrasound they couldn't find my left ovary and there was no sign of my period starting any time soon. At 19 weeks you should be able to see a baby or some thing right? They told me that I was never pregnant but I know I was I was sick for two months, I gained 18 lb. And was having all pregnant signs.I just don't know what to think about what happened. I had no bleeding and no sign of a miscarriage. I'm OK with what's going on I just don't understand it.
ReplyDeleteI went last week for a early scan and showed 6w2d and showed a ges sac and yolk sac now a week later measuring 5w and no yolk sac so confused no bleeding or cramping either
ReplyDeleteLast week I went to doc to confirm my pregnancy.on ultrasound no sac seen but pregnancy test showing +ve.i missed my last mensural periods and also my hcg is very low.Dr asked me to have a second scan on nxt week.its my 7th week running.anyone experienced the same situation.if replied,its very much appreciated.
ReplyDeletei m happy to be a mother of two kids,after so many years.me and my husband have been trying to have babies but no luck.on still one day i was browsing through the internet and i saw a site baby center ,i saw so many wonderful testimony which the women that got pregnant was give out about the great man called Dr.oduma.i said to myself let me give it a try and i was afriad because i have never do any thing like spell in my life and i contacted him.immediately he reply to my mail and ask me some few questions which i answered back and he told me that my problem is a simple one and told me to get some items for the pregnancy spell and i did so.i send him the items for the spell.to cut the story short he did the purification and the cleansing and in 8 weeks time i was pregnant.so all the women looking for babies should contact Dr.oduma on his email: odumaspelltemple0@gmail.com or tel +2347055176615,website:https:// odumaspelltemple0@gmail.com/
ReplyDeletehello am Christine and am 40years old , when i was 25 i had lost one of my fallopian tube and i have had 2 miscarriage before in the past and i keep on trying but there was no luck on my side since then, at times me and my husband will do it all day but steel no luck until i saw some testimonies ONLINE by other women having semilar case and i decided to contact jeremiah omoto OF God jeremiah omotoTEMPLE and pour out my sorrow and pain ON MY MAIL I SENT jeremiah omoto did do purification and told me the source of my problem that it was work of dark witch craft that somebody put on me ( MY EX BOYFRIEND) that i will never find joy in my marriage, to cut the story short jeremiah omoto did cast the cleanse God to remove the dark magic and then immediately the very next month i got pregnant and praise jeremiah omoto and god i delivered safely baby twins , if you passing through similar problem i urge you to contact prophetmercyland@gmail.com or watch him television marcylandtv com or +2347055176617
I have been having many pregnancy symptoms for like a couple months or so. I believed that i was 10 almost 11 weeks.but could be wrong and be 6 almost 7 weeks.
ReplyDeleteRegardless, i went to the er yesterday, and they did the urine and blood tests as well as both the abdominal a and transvaginal ultrasounds. They said im not pregnant. That i may have a hormonal imbalance.
Other people say it could be that or a "phantom pregnancy."
Some symptoms just dont feel like either...just strictly pregnancy.
I'm not sure what to think or feel. I'm trying to just believe that I'm truly not. Though i want a baby so bad.
*I have a bicornuate uterus
**I miscarried my son on April 21,2014 due to an infection in the placenta. They Dont know if it was bacterial or viral. They said that that is rare..but not that rare.
Anyone with any advice for the last comment written?...comment was from me
ReplyDeletei have been married for the past 7 years with no child and since then i have been trying to get pregnant i have been to specialist hospital and they told me that everything is fine but with no lucky of having a baby until i finally met Dr.Ologbo online who help me to prepare root and herbs that i use to get pregnant within a month am so happy now, finally am a woman to be in few months from now contact Dr.Ologbo on his via email Ologbotemple@gmail.com or his mobile number +2348073887808
ReplyDeleteWhat about at 12 weeks? I just had an ultrasound and was told there's no heartbeat.. I'd like to think it was because they had me send a urine sample first, but I may just be in denial.
ReplyDeleteHello, according to my gestational sac size I am 7 weeks pregnant I went to the er a little over a week ago and was 5 wild and 5 days according to the sac. I went for ultrasound yesterday and still no baby nor heartbeat. I'm freaking out because I have had 3 miscarriages in the past. Dr said not to lose hope and that 30 % chance everything will be on and? 70 that I will miscarry. Also I just stopped having very sore breasts and symptoms. Please tell me if I should lose hope. I don't go back to the Dr for another week.
ReplyDeleteOk so i got a scare today i missed my period like a week ago normally around the 27 28 29 of the month i have my monethly so im guessing a a week and a day or two pregnancy test shows positive blood work shows hcg 800 the us tech did a portable us in er with empty bladder and she said she didnt see anything then er dr comes in says he sees a sac nut nothing and tells me not viable because no hb. I see two things wrong one no full bladder sitting up and the us tech didnt even find my ovary with a portable us. So i have no cramping no bleeding nothing. So i got to dr in am hopefully. I still dont think you can see a heart beat at 1wk. Js the tech didnt do her job right supposed to be laying down. Im getting some advice from ob i refused to accept this load of crap of not viable till i see blood or cramps js
ReplyDeleteHi! My LMP was 9/14/16 and I was dated at 5 weeks in the hospital when I should have been 29 days, and HCG was only 18. Two weeks later, my first ultrasound at OB showed an empty sac. I was heartbroken and devastated. A week later (8 weeks according to LMP), still showed an empty sac. It measured 19 mm and my HCG had risen to almost 35000. I still have symptoms, but nausea has lessened. I haven't seen a single sign of miscarriage but feel what feels like bubbles popping in lower abdomen. I keep hanging on to hope but the doctor keeps telling me there's no baby.
ReplyDeleteI am expecting my 12th baby in July! This is our 13th pregnancy, but we lost one to miscarriage many years ago.
ReplyDeleteI had my LMP on Sept 24th & my due date is July 1st,2017.
I went in for my 1st ultrasound last Thursday & was 7wks 5 days according to my LMP. I was so excited about seeing a heart beat & knowing my baby is okay. Instead the tech only saw a gestational sac & no baby! I was heartbroken.
She said the sac is measuring 6 wks 3 days & though I'm sure of the dates, she said I could be earlier than I thought. I got a positive pt the day before my missed period, so I'm not sure how that could have been possible.
She did say that I had a tilted uterus though & now I'm wondering if that's why they couldn't see the baby.
They didn't check my levels so I'm not sure what they are, but I go back on Dec 1st for another uS. This is the longest 2 weeks of my life, but this website gives me hope! I'll keep you posted!
Please can someone help me relax a bit. @ 6 weeks pregnant I started bleeding though it wasn't heavy and passed a clot once and bleeding lasted not upto a day, in fact I used just 1 pad and the bleeding stopped only spoting afterwards. I had an u/s 5 days later and we saw 1 gestational sac containing 1 york sac but no fetal pole or heartbeat were dictated. Went back to the hospital 4 days later, and this time around a second york sac had appeared suspicious for twin pregnancy but still no fetal poles nor heartreats dictated. I'm very scared at the moment, don't know if the little bleeding caused a damage. Will be going back to the hospital in 2 days to see if fetal poles and heartbeat have become present. Please pray for me. I can't afford to loose these babies. Thanks
ReplyDeleteBefore we found priest eka, (dreka14demons@gmail.com) we had no hope for a future as parents. We were told by several physicians and their staff to “give up” …literally… we were told to give up. I spent two years trying to deal with that reality, then I ran across priest Eka Herbal Medication for Pregnancy and I read about it, I started to cry. For the first time in years, he had given me back my hope and I was allowed to start dreaming again!I was so nervous when I order for the Herbal medication, because I was afraid, that it wasn’t going to work.After Using the Herbal medication for two weeks.I got the effect of becoming a mother, My husband was very happy! The encouragement I got from there during this process give me the believe that eka is a true priest who is specialise in different Herbal medication…Try and get his herbal medication, the result will be excellent
DeleteI went in fire a check up yesterday. The doctor six I am at six and a half weeks. She couldn't find a heartbeat and has me scheduled for a d and c tomorrow. I haven't been cramping or spotting. I too have a tipped uterus. This feels off to me and im freaking out because my appointment is tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteCan someone help me please? This is my first pregnancy my ultrasound showed the sac measured 6wks 6 days a large yolk sac but no fetal pole nor heartbeat. My doctor thinks it might be a blighted ovum but rescheduled me to do another ultrasound in 6 days to confirm.she said at this stage they should have seen a fetus and heartbeat .I am devastated i really need a miracle
ReplyDeleteIf there is a yolk sac, this is not a blighted ovum. Generally, a week after the yolk sac is viewed, you'll see the baby if the pregnancy is viable. Sometimes it takes a week after that to see the heartbeat. (((hugs)))
DeleteThis is such a wonderful website!! I know that it's brought hope to so many! I need to know if there is any hope in my situation. I am currently 13 weeks along. I went in for my 12 week scan when I was 12 weeks 3 days. The baby was measuring 11 weeks 2 days, but with no heartbeat. I am not showing any signs of miscarriage-- no cramping or bleeding. I have a tilted uterus and have heard that it can cause difficulty with locating the heartbeat. I even read that it can cause it to not be seen on an ultrasound! (I don't know how true that is). I am going in for a second opinion with a different doctor and a transvaginal ultrasound, instead of the abdominal one that was previously used. What are my chances that they will see a beating heart? Is there any hope at all?? I'm praying for a miracle!!! I can only find hope-filled info on fetuses that are in the 5-9 week range. I was really hoping for some encouraging feedback on those in the 10-14 week range. Anybody?
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness Susan, I am just so sorry to hear about this. How scary for you. I'm glad to hear you got a second opinion. (((Hugs))) to you!
DeleteSo I went in for a an ultrasound on Wednesday at 7 weeks 4 days pregnant. The baby was measuring about a week behind at 6 weeks 1 day and no heartbeat. We are very sure of my dates. We are getting my HCG levels checked they went from 13,090 to 14,460 (not sure on the exact numbers) I've had some spotting. I've had 6 miscarriages and 2 live births. I also have a tilted uterus and thought this was interesting and reasuring. I'm getting another draw done on Sunday hopefully they rise more.
ReplyDeleteThey can't find my baby anywhere or anything that would even remotely say I was pregnant...but I've felt movement I feel different in my heart ... My stomach is getting bigger and bigger (I had a pooch to begin with) they did ultrasound they say no baby or anything also no cysts tumors fibroids or anything like that .... My doctor has no clue why my stomach is growing.. my uterus is extremely tilted this would be my 8th pregnancy and baby... I was so excited because I really thought I was pregnant but now everyone else has got me down...idk what to do..I'm SO DEPRESSED!!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteDo you think it's possible I could still be pregnant even though I didn't find out heartbeat baby or anything they did abdominal ultrasound and transvaginal ultrasound ??? I'm just so stressed out I don't know what to do anymore!!! ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
ReplyDeleteHi. My daughter has just been diagnosed with a nonviable fetus. She has a very tipped uterus and large abdomen. The sac has consistently measured the right size but the fetal pole was hard to find (everything was hard to see, it's very high up in a very tilted uterus). Now the pole can be seen at 8.5 months and is exactly the right size and shape for that age, but no heartbeat can be seen. She has had vaginal sonograms every week with proper growth but no hb. My question is, how does the fetal pole grow exactly right for several weeks without a heartbeat? Or is the fetal pole perfect growth evidence of a probable heartbeat that cannot yet be seen?
ReplyDeleteI was diagnosed of HIV virus 4years,and I almost gave up on ever been cured because I have tried different medications of drugs and injections from different hospital to another, they always tell me the same thing, there is no cure for HIV/Aids all my effects to get cured was in vain, one day. But i never give up and I started making my research on herbal remedy on HIV/Aids because I believed nature has the power to cure all diseases.on my research I came across a testimony on the internet from a lady called Michelle from USA, who testified on how she was cured of HIV virus from DR JAMES HERBAL MIXED MEDICINE. I doubted at first time because i have been to different hospitals and lot of reputable doctors told me there is no cure for HIV virus but I picked up interest and gave it a try to contacted Dr James on his email drjamesherbalmix@gmail.comI told him my problem and he asked how long I have been HIV positive and how old I am, and I told him, he said I should not be worried that he will prepare me with his powerful herbal mixed medicine that will cure me from HIV, so I decided to listen to him and he commenced his treatment. 2 days later he told me that his powerful herbal cure for HIV Virus has been sent to me through DHL which got to me in 4days time. I used the medicine morning and evening as he prescribed for me for 21 days. I was totally cured and free from HIV/AIDS exactly as Dr James told me. I'm now free from HIV virus thank you so much Dr JAMES HERBAL MIX Medicine.
ReplyDeleteDR James herbal medicine is made of natural herbs, with no side effects, and easy to drink. If you have the same HIV VIRUS or any type of human illness, including,Miscaririage stop medicine, Backache, Back pain, herpes cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Pancreatic cancers, bladder cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer, Glaucoma., Cataracts, Muscular degeneration, Cardiovascular disease, Autism, Lung disease. Enlarged prostate, Osteoporosis. Alzheimer's disease, psoriasis, Lupus
Dementia.kidney cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, skin cancer and skin cancer.testicular Cancer, LEUKEMIA, VIRUSES, HEPATITIS, INFERTILITY WOMEN CONTACT EMAIL : drjamesherbalmix@gmail.com WHATSAPP: +2348152855846
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