Saturday, April 4, 2015

Another Misdiagnosed Blighted Ovum Because Of High hCG Levels and No Baby Seen

I really do believe high hCG levels with no baby seen is the most common reason for a viable pregnancy ends up misdiagnosed as a miscarriage. 

Today I'd like to share Korin's story.  You can find the original post here:

Korin's Story - Diagnosed Blighted ovum 5wks 6days - UPDATE!! MISDIAGNOSED!

At about six weeks, Korin had an ultrasound.  Because they saw an empty gestational sac, the midwife told her she believed it to be a blighted ovum and wanted to check her hCG levels.
A comment from me about this:  Most doctors will not check hCG levels once the gestational sac is seen.  Your numbers could be high or low and be normal.  They could rise, plateau or even fall and be normal.  All hCG levels do with a diagnosis of suspected blighted ovum is to worry Mom unnecessarily.

Korin's hCG levels came back in the 20,000s which is perfectly normal but the midwife diagnosed a blighted ovum because there was nothing seen in the sac.  Korin did not want a D&C and chose to wait. 

Two weeks later, Korin saw the heart of her little one beating away.

I know I blog about this topic a lot but hCG numbers should NOT play a role in a blighted ovum diagnosis.  I've talked to women who had numbers much higher who did not see their babies until later.  The diagnosis of a blighted ovum should be based on the size of the gestational sac if the sac is growing.  You'll want to see the sac grow to at least 25mm before a blighted ovum should even be suggested.

In fact, that reminds me of another recent story on the site.  Rachel shared how her doctor felt her hCG numbers were too low and with no baby seen yet, she needed a D&C. Thankfully Rachel's husband demanded another ultrasound two hours before the procedure and, you guessed it, they found their baby. You can read her story here:

Rachel's Story - My Ob/Gyn Almost Murdered My Son

This is why I strongly believe a blighted ovum should NOT be even suggested before the gestational sac reaches at least 25mm.  Had that doctor just said, "It's still too early, come back in a couple weeks,"  Rachel would not have been so upset.  In fact, with my first pregnancy, most doctors would have likely suggested a blighted ovum like they did with my second pregnancy.  When they couldn't see my baby, the just said that it was too early and to come back in a couple weeks.  I was probably between eight to nine weeks when they found him.  Because of how they approached it, I figured all was normal and didn't even worry about not seeing him. 

If your gestational sac is growing and still smaller than 25mm and there are no complications, take a deep breath.  This pregnancy is still too early to diagnose as a blighted ovum.  Everything may still be normal.  Hang in there and leave a message.  I'd love to hear from you.  (((Hugs)))


  1. Thanks for the post. I'm 42 and 8+ weeks pregnant. Just had 2 back to back MCs. Ultrasound Apr 1 showed gest sack yolk sack teeny fetal pole no HB. HcG levels 18000 range in slow decline 48hrs apart. Having another ultrasound next Friday and get more blood tests Tuesday. Holding out hope that this baby can fight his way through.

  2. I am so sorry you are going through this scare. Waiting a week is a great idea and I am glad you are doing that. If there are any complications while you wait, be seen immediately. ((((hugs))))

  3. I need advice! It has been so helpful to read this website. I wish all the moms out there the very best outcomes :) PG with our first child, and I had a tiny bit of spotting at 5wk5d which stopped completely (two tiny blood spots)....But of course I freaked out and called Doc on Call on a Sunday night. They told me to come in the next day for tv u/s and I was told they saw a nice smooth gest sack measuring 5wk6d but no yolk sac or fetal pole. They told me to come back a week later. I went back 8 days later, due to some staffing issues on their part, which should have put me at 7wk. Now, based on second tv u/s they are pretty much confident in diagnosing me with B.O. because there is now a Yolk Sac but no fetal pole or HB. The edges of the Gest Sac are also not completely smooth. They have given me my options, but just to be safe, still did my HGC levels, which came back at 27,000. They are doing them again tomorrow (two days later) according to the nurse, "to make sure they don't rise too high". Not sure why they are pursuing any of this if they are SURE that it is B.O/MC.

    There has been so much miscommunication with this clinic--they are now saying that there was a yolk sac the first U/S, the NP said different things to me yesterday morning than the doc did when she called me in the afternoon. Just so confusing!

    I have a friend who is U/S tech, who feels that depending on the HCG levels tomorrow, I should go in one more time for U/S next week, which would put me at 8wk, and two weeks out from first U/S. Does that make sense?? Am I just being naive about this? Our first MC happened early about 13 years ago, and we have been trying for 3 1/2 years to get PG with nothing happening until now. We were so hopeful, and at 38 1/2 yr old, this might be our last shot.

    Good luck to all the future mamas out there--
    From Nervous, Frustrated, Tired and Saddened Momma to Be (Hopefully)

  4. I think you are being diagnosed much too soon. Also, if there is a yolk sac, this is not a blighted ovum. Doesn't mean it can't end in miscarriage but a blighted ovum is an 'empty' sac. The best thing you can do is monitor the size of the gestational sac. If it is growing week by week, and there are no complications, they really should be waiting until it is more than 25mm before diagnosing you. Please, keep us updated.

  5. I'm completely freaking out! I have been crying all day I was just told by a doctor that I had miscarried two weeks ago I came to their clinic and had a ultrasound I was projected at 5w5d and seen my baby and a flickering of the heart beat came back on May 1st did my first prenatal to see no baby no heartbeat just an empty sac I became confused because the doctor proceeded to tell me that might not have been a baby and that I had miscarried and she is sorry for my loss that was actually the first thing she said to me when she came into the room. My last period was March 10th which would make me 8w today they wNt me to proceeded with a d&c or Ned's to speed the miscarriage along. I have no been bleeding or spotting no severe cramps or anything. I don't want to make a mistKe if I am pregnant and maybe in just too early or he is hiding if that is even possible! I need a second opinion because this is crazy. My husband had been trying to encourage me that we will try again but I really believe my baby is in there

    1. I am so sorry you are going through this scare. If there are no complications, most doctors will wait a week and do another ultrasound to verify. Sometimes those heartbeats are seen again. Please, keep us updated. (((hugs)))

    2. I'm going thru the same thing today

  6. This is my husbands Google name and his picture I apologize don't want to confuse you ladies :)

  7. My husband & I lost our baby the day after mothers day this year as we had been to several doctors and were told by all of them that we were experiencing a blighted ovum and that there was no baby in my sac. We were devastated and tried to hold onto hope but after 12 weeks of disappointing ultrasounds we decided to take the pills to induce a miscarriage so that we could heal and move on to try again. It was the hardest decision I have ever had to make, and its a pain that is so indescribable. I don't understand how you could be pregnant but have no baby in your sac it makes no sense and is pure torture! I wrote a blog about it as im in the process of writing a book. Please read and share it.

  8. I went in for an ultrasound at (what I think) was 8 gestational sac measured 16mm and my hcg levels were around 39,000. However they said they saw no baby and it was definitely a blighted ovum. From what I'm reading here you say it's too soon? Should I continue to hope or should I just trust the doctors. I'm so confused and hurting right now.

    1. Too soon! They should be monitoring the sac until it is more than 25mm before diagnosing a blighted ovum. Stay monitored and be seen right away if there are any complications. (((hugs)))

  9. Hi my name is Kia. I just wanted to give some hope to these mama's being diagnosed with blighted ovum very early in their pregnancies. I have a similar story with my first US on 5/6/15 (at 7 weeks pregnant) I was told that nothing had developed in the sack, there was no heartbeat and I was diagnosed with a blighted ovum. The OB gave me the choice of miscarry naturally or getting a D &C. They did test my hcg levels that day which came back 50,493 and progesterone at 30.8. We chose to wait it out even though the doc these numbers were a little low for 7 weeks preg. 2 days later the hcg had increased to 58,051 and doc aid this was not good as it should have increased much more according to the "so-called" doubling rate. We continued to wait and had another hcg drawn at 8 weeks preg that 89,000. Still not doubling but Def increasing. We continued to pray and Have faith that everything would be okay until our next ultrasound on 5/19/15 ( 9wks preg). We went in prepared for whatever the outcome may be, but we're extremely elated to see our baby's heartbeat pop up almost immediately on the screen. Needless to say I was Praising God on the Ultrasound table. I am 37 years old and was not necessarily planning on having another baby, but I was heartbroken when the doc told me the baby didn't develop. Now I am 24 weeks along (due 12/23/15) and so excited to be welcoming my first baby girl into the family. My boys are 9 and 10 but they are over the moon about getting a baby sister. I thank God everyday for this blessing and I thank Him for this website and Ms Kay's info here that gave me guidance and direction in my time of need. So all you mama's out there diagnosed with blighted ovum missed MC very early in your pregnancy, there is still hope. Just have faith! Keep praying and give your baby time to develop. You never know what God may be cooking up in your womb. -Prayerfully Kia B :-)

    1. Oh Kia, congratulations!!! And, a huge thank you for sharing your story. Your story will help so many women. I hope you don't mind that I am adding it the misdiagnosed site :)

    2. I don't mind at all. You and your site have been such a blessing to me. I appreciate your comittment and dedication to teaching us this valuable information. Your site had alot to do with my decision to wait and be patient in my situation. So you truly are saving lives and making a difference. I'm sure you have been hope for the hopeless in the lives of so many women and families. Just hope you know how special you are and I pray that you will be Blessed for being such a Blessing to others. Keep up the good work!! Take care!! Kia :-) #Kailyn'smommy 27 weeks now!!! Yay! :-)

    3. Thank you so much for the update! You are too sweet. Here is a link to 'your post'. It has already received a couple hundred views :) You are helping women. Thank you!

  10. I thot I posted before but cannot tell if it went thru or not �� I went to my first ultrasound a week and a half ago I was not thinking about how irregular my cycle is and assumed I was at 8 weeks due to my lmp of August 18th.. The ultrasound showed only a gestational sac and measured 1.17 - the nurse/midwife told me that did not look good and I had a chance this was not a viable pregnancy but there was a chance I just wasn't far enough along so she ordered a blood test for that day (a Wednesday) which was 8103 or Friday I took another hcg blood test which came out to 8609 - she called me to tell me she did not think it was a viable pregnancy and I should go to a physician that Monday and if I wanted to get another ultrasound .. I mentioned briefly that I had accidentally told her I had a regular cycle and didn't know if that could help .. She said it might so she had me coming in that next Thursday ( a week after my first ultrasound) I went in and again nothing in the sac and now the sac measured at 1.31 so it had grown but she said not enough - she brought in another dr and she said the same thing - they gave me condolences and then told me my options - I told her I wanted to wait and miscarry naturally because I don't think I would feel at peace in myself knowing there was any chance ! She scheduled me for this week to see a gp to see if I changed my mind and wanted to take the medication. Originally thought to be 8 weeks two weeks ago according to my period tracker I only ovulated on sept 7th so that would put me at 8 weeks now .. I am seeking a second opinion but wondered if my dr seems correct - I feel like from everything I have read on here it seems like she jumped the gun .. Thank you ��

  11. Did they ever check your progesterone? Sometimes slow hCG levels can indicate a problem with progesterone.Not sure what will happen but stay closely monitored. (((hugs)))

    1. Thank you - they did once and they were at 11.5

  12. Hi, I am sharing my current story in hopes of some kind of reassurance.

    I went to my first transvaginal scan at 8 weeks. It took the doctor 10 secs to tell me I had a blighted ovum. No blood taken, no questions asked, nothing. She immediately prescribed me some pills to take and have an abortion. After that, she took a blood sample. The next day I called to get my blood results, in which the first thing she asked when I called was if I had taken the pills she prescribed. I told her NO. And I'm calling to get my blood results as I want a second opinion. She gave me my results.. my hcg levels were 73,000, that's it. No other results. I called a different doctor, and scheduled an appointment 4 days later. This new doctor is the sweetest doctor! She performed another transvaginal scan which showed my gestational sac of 6 weeks, but empty. No fetal pole.. My hcg levels are 62,000 with a 13.1 progesterone and Gestational sac of 17.5 mm. According to my LDP I should be 9 weeks. She recomended another scan in a week. I have NOT bled or are cramping at all. But my pregnancy signs have been diminishing. My boobs don't hurt anymore and I haven't been that hungry. I blame it on the depression and stress I'm going through. I want to keep my hopes up, since I'm not bleeding...yet... any hope??

  13. Hi kaye! I was diagnosed with BO. GA(LMP) 13weeks and 3days but accdg to u/s i was only 6 6/7 weeks age of gest msd=2.1cm. I also have low level fluid collection of 1.8cc. Does this mean i will miscarry? I prefer to wait naturally than to end this pregnancy. It kills me inside kniwing I could not have my precious baby. The doctor never found a baby in my gest sac. No cramping no bleeding. Help...😭😭😭😭

    1. I am so sorry you are going through this. (((hugs))) Is there any chance you are off on your dates? f there are no complications, an ultrasound a week out should tell you if the sac is growing. Please, keep me updated.

    2. Just had my d&c a week ago. I was bleeding Tuesday and felt sooo much pain, then later that night, i was rushed to the hosp and the doctor had me ie and said my cervix is open already and so she has to do d&c...:( It hurts to know im not pregnant anymore but the test still says im positive. When can i have a negative result?

    3. I am so sorry. Your numbers should be dropping and should fall below 5 soon. If they do not, you need to be checked because sometimes the D&C can miss something. (((hugs)))

  14. I am supposed to be 9wks pregnant. I had a little pink showing in alittle mucous and then one day it was bright red I wiped twice and it was gone then two days later I wiped and there was a little brown mixed with mucous. It happened tues, thrus sat. Tues and thurs I was with my fiance so I thought that's why I spotted. I had an ultrasound ystrdy and the tech could only see the gestational sac no "bean" meaning the baby. I had my blood drawn today to check for hcg levels and they want me to get it done again on Christmas Eve. I have had bleeding during my last pregnancy and he is perfectly healthy at 16months. Also with my first born and he is perfectly healthy. How long should I wait to see if a baby finally shows up. I didnt know to ask how big the gest.sac is I read on here to wait until it stops growing.... idk what to do

    1. I am so sorry you are going through this. If the gestational sac is not yet 25mm but still growing, this may be too early to diagnose. Please, keep us updated. (((hugs)))

  15. Hi everyone, I am very confused and frustrated. I had my IUD removed on 11/24. I got pregnant right away, I took a pregnancy test on 12/12 and it was positive. The doctor sent me for blood work and my levels tripled in 48 hours. I then went for an ultra sound but they felt it was too early and only saw a gestational sack. They had me come back two weeks later for another sonogram and again only the gestational sack measuring 1.69 cm and that was on 1/7. He spoke to me about it being a blighted ovum but wanted me to wait a week and come back. When I went back one week later still the sack only and measuring 2.22 cm. he said that it was a blighted ovum and I suggested I let it pass spontaneously. I agreed asked him if it would hurt, what to expect and he said it will not hurt. I am now two weeks later still feel pregnant no bleeding no cramping. I called the doctor and they will not see me for another two weeks of I don't start bleeding. I don't know how to feel or what to think Rignt now. Does it sound like a definite blighted ovum to you?

    1. ((hugs)) I don't know how this will end but if the sac is growing and not yet over 25mm, there is still hope. Please, keep us updated.

  16. I am going through this as we speak. I removed my IUD may 25th and had a positive pregnancy test June 26th. I went to the doctor this past Tuesday 8/9/17 and all they see is a empty sac with irregular edges measuring for 6w4d. I have been heartbroken. No signs of miscarriage. I feel nauseous, my breast hurt, and I am exhausted. We did the first blood draw 8/10/16 progesterone is low like 5.71 but hcg was 13,760. I have another draw today. I go from balling to angry to confused all day long. My cousin had this happen and two weeks later they saw now 10yr old Jayden but I am scared to hope. Please keep your fingers crossed for me

    1. Did I mention every clear blue home pregnancy test with weeks estimator has said "pregnant 3+ weeks" for two weeks now. My name is heather by the way I don't know why Google leaves my name out.

  17. I am going through this as we speak. I removed my IUD may 25th and had a positive pregnancy test June 26th. I went to the doctor this past Tuesday 8/9/17 and all they see is a empty sac with irregular edges measuring for 6w4d. I have been heartbroken. No signs of miscarriage. I feel nauseous, my breast hurt, and I am exhausted. We did the first blood draw 8/10/16 progesterone is low like 5.71 but hcg was 13,760. I have another draw today. I go from balling to angry to confused all day long. My cousin had this happen and two weeks later they saw now 10yr old Jayden but I am scared to hope. Please keep your fingers crossed for me
