If you are not yet nine weeks along and your gestational sac is growing but not yet over 25mm, there is still hope.
A few things to remember:
- One ultrasound is NOT enough to diagnose a blighted ovum
- Your ultrasounds need to be at least one week apart to really see if there is growth
- Measuring one to two weeks behind is common in many viable pregnancies (it's the equipment, not you!).
- Generally, the gestational sac will measure more than 25mm by about nine weeks. Diagnosing a blighted ovum earlier than nine weeks is just too early.
- If there is a yolk sac this is NOT a blighted ovum. Doesn't mean your pregnancy can't end in miscarriage but, generally, one week after the yolk sac is viewed, the baby will be seen if the pregnancy is viable.
If you are not yet nine weeks along and your gestational sac is growing but not yet over 25mm, there is still hope.
*if you do not feel your doctor is doing enough or you feel pressured to end your pregnancy, seeking a second opinion might be a good idea.