Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Want To Know With 100% Certainty That This is a Blighted Ovum?

If you have been told you have a blighted ovum but are worried because you've heard or read about all the women being misdiagnosed with a blighted ovum, there is a way you can be certain before letting the doctor end your pregnancy*.

 If you are not yet nine weeks along and your gestational sac is growing but not yet over 25mm, there is still hope.

A few things to remember:
  • One ultrasound is NOT enough to diagnose a blighted ovum
  • Your ultrasounds need to be at least one week apart to really see if there is growth
  • Measuring one to two weeks behind is common in many viable pregnancies (it's the equipment, not you!). 
  • Generally, the gestational sac will measure more than 25mm by about nine weeks.  Diagnosing a blighted ovum earlier than nine weeks is just too early.
  • If there is a yolk sac this is NOT a blighted ovum.  Doesn't mean your pregnancy can't end in miscarriage but, generally, one week after the yolk sac is viewed, the baby will be seen if the pregnancy is viable.
I get quite a few women messaging me or posting just to ask if they might be misdiagnosed.  Because I am not always able to respond promptly, I can give you my answer before you even post:

If you are not yet nine weeks along and your gestational sac is growing but not yet over 25mm, there is still hope.

*if you do not feel your doctor is doing enough or you feel pressured to end your pregnancy, seeking a second opinion might be a good idea.