
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Enlarged Yolk Sac? Yes, You Still Have Hope!

Over the years, I've written pages on various misdiagnosed miscarriage topics.  One of my more-read pages has to do with enlarged yolk sacs.  Because I've had to move the page (sadly the host closed its doors), I have to find a place to share these links and here is as good a place as any.

The takeaway from these stories is that a diagnosis of an enlarged yolk sac does not doom your pregnancy.  Here are the links to some women who continued on in their pregnancies:

One of my hopes by sharing these stories and links is that women who know of other stories or have their own success story will share them here as well.  These are only a few of the stories I've read but, if you've been told there is no hope, these stories will prove your doctor wrong.

Story A:
Stacy was sent home to miscarry by her doctor because her yolk sac was enlarged. Her yolk sac grew to 9mm. Her baby was born perfectly healthy.
Read  Stacy's story,

Story B:
Tulip was measuring about a week behind and the yolk sac measured 9.2mm. She went on to have her beautiful baby.
Read Tulip's story,

Story C:
Tara had a yolk sac measuring 8mm. She's just recently had her 20-week ultrasound and everything looks wonderful!
Read  Tara's story,

Story D:
One concerned husband reported that the yolk sac during his wife's pregnancy measured 8.2mm. They went on to have a healthy baby girl.
Read his story,

Case Study:
Very Large Yolk Sac and Bicornuate Uterus in a Live Birth A case report in which a yolk sac was measured at 8.1mm but resulted in a live birth. This report states that "the quality of the yolk sac might be more important than its size."

Also, if you'll find I've blogged a on the unreliability of ultrasound measurements.  It may just be that your tech was off.  It happens more frequently than you think.

If you end up being diagnosed with an enlarged yolk sac and find out all is well, could you consider sharing your story  at the Misdiagnosed Miscarriage site.  You'll give other women hope. 

Thank you!


  1. At 6 weeks 3 days I had an ultrasound and was told I was having twins. The doctor then commented that one of the babies' yolk sacs was large and that he wanted me to come back in two weeks to see what was going on. I didn't even think to ask what an enlarged yolk sac might mean. I went home and googled it. Big mistake!!! Everything I read was doom and gloom-either I would miscarry or my baby would have chromosomal abnormalities. I was so distressed and the more I read the more convinced I became that this baby was not viable. I went back in two weeks and everything was fine. The yolk sac looked fine and the baby had a strong heartbeat. I am now 19 weeks pregnant and both are healthy as can be.

  2. I was 10 weeks at my first ultrasound. I was told there was more blood than normal and an enlarged yolk sac. I just went back at 12 1/2 weeks and the yolk sac is gone which is normal, the blood is gone, the baby is growing normally, and there is a strong heartbeat. Additionally the neck and nasal bone look good which means I'm considered low risk for chromosomal abnormalities.

    1. That is awesome! Congratulations! I've talked to a number of moms now who had an enlarged yolk sac but baby was just fine. thank you for sharing.

  3. Hi there we have had an emotional roller coaster and hoped someone could help. The date of my last period was 5 th March im on a 35 day cycle. I went for as an on the 26th of March where the found a gestation sac and dated me about 5 weeks. I had two bhcg tests done and went got a scan 4 days later because they had more than doubled and they wanted to rule out ectopic. They found gestation sac and yolk sack. I was told to come back 10 days later and they found a 3mm baby and the gestation sac had grown. The yolk sac was a perfect size but no heart beat. Stil being told 5weeks 4 days. So I had to go in a week later on the Thursday just gone where they found a slow heart beat but baby ws still measuring 3 mm. Gestational sac had grown but look a little un healthier than last week. Sonographer said she's sitting on the fence a bit and can't ignore that we now have a slow heart beat and the sack has grown but she would of expected baby to have grown aswel. Midwife just said I will misscarry and she can't talk options til ive had a scan in a week and baby's heart has stopped! Can anyone help x

  4. Sorry first scan was 16th April

  5. Hi Jemma, I replied on your other post. (((hugs)))

  6. Good Evening! Thank you so much for such a positive site!! I am a 37 year old mother of two (after suffering 5 miscarriages before them) I was recently diagnosed with a large yolk sac at 8w3d measuring 10mm. While my first scan at 5w5d showed perfect growth, I was not expecting this. Also during the 8w scan, the baby measured on target and had a strong heart rate of 161, so to hear the doctor tell me to prepare for a miscarriage was not expected and devastating. She told me to come back in 10 days to see if the heart had stopped yet!?!?! Really, this is how you tell me. I went home in tears and completely devastated. I started to Google and well, that is full of depression and devastation until I came across your site. I went back at 10 weeks and the cracker jack is strong and growing, measuring on target and had a strong heart rate of 165. No mention of the yolk sac, and I am to go back in 2 days for another scan, because according to her, it (baby), will not last long:-( I am hoping that I am a luck one as this child has taken us 9 years to conceive.

  7. Ack!!! Seriously, I can't believe your doctor said that to you! Wow! Please, keep me updated. Oh, and find another doctor! I seriously think you need to submit some sort of complaint against that doctor. I'll be watching for your update.

    1. Well, this ultrasound and visit went so much better! I saw a different doctor and the yolk sac is down to 5 mm, baby is growing great and heart rate at 168. This doctor said there is no reason to make him believe that we will not have a successful pregnancy. I even got pictures to take home this time and am so grateful for the great news. I will keep you posted but at 11 weeks, they feel that I have less than a one percent chance of miscarriage. Feeling like one of the lucky ones!

    2. That is such good news! Would you consider sharing your story in the Misdiagnosed forum? Your story will help so many women.

      Yay! And congratulations again!!!!

    3. Last week-end it was m'y first échographie, the docter said that i have enlarg yolk sac ( 8 mm) and he said in his rapport à bad prégnance, i cray all my teers, the baby is well For7 weeks but i me so sceer To loss it,sorry for my bad english

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Please know that measurements can vary from ultrasound to ultrasound tech. I've blogged on how unreliable ultrasound measurements can be. Hang in there and, please, keep us updated.

  9. We had our first ultrasound last week. I was measured at 6w1d with a yolk sac of 5.5mm. We were told to brace ourselves for a possible miscarriage due to a borderline enlarged yolk sac along with my history of miscarriages. (We've had 2 in the last 18 months.) Reading the stories on this site has helped me to hold out hope. We go in for another scan tomorrow. Praying for good news!

    1. Keep us updated. There have been studies showing that measurements can be off by millimeters so the yolk sac may be just fine. Even then, I've talked to a number of women who were just fine. Of course, anything can happen with any pregnancy but hang in there.

  10. So here's a recap of my situation. My lmp was April 20, 2015. I took a home pregnancy test on May 24 which came back positive. I saw the doctor two days later. He drew blood which showed s hcg level of 6800. A week later I had my first ultrasound which showed two gestations in the same sac. One gestation measured 7 weeks and 5 days and had a heartbeat. The other measured 7 weeks and 0 days but I didn't see a heartbeat. Today I went for my second ultrasound. This one showed an empty sac. The doctor will schedule me for a d&c. Does anyone know what I can expect from that procedure? Also, why do I still have pregnancy symptoms if I had a miscarriage? I've had no bleeding so far so I'm confused.

    1. It is just too soon to diagnose a miscarriage. Not sure what will happen but if there is no reason for an emergency D&C, stay monitored and see if the sac is still growing one week out. Keep us updated. (((hugs)))

  11. I was measured to be 9 weeks 6 days on July 4th. However, I was completely devastated to learn that my baby is only measuring at 6 weeks 2 days! With my baby only at 0.36cm/3.6mm

    The yolk sac is measured at 10.06 mm which I learned was a terrible sign of misabortion. My gynae even told me that I was probably having a blighted ovum. But I don't think so as blighted ovum means there is no yolk? She told me to get a DnC immediately on the spot but i really didn't want to!

    I have another upcoming scan in 3 days and I am petrified. I feel like all my symptoms of pregnancy are slipping away. Is there any possibility that my baby is still okay? My LMP is April 26th and is always regular. And happens i think to be 6-7 day period and is always plus minus 5 days from 26th.

  12. A blighted ovum is a completely empty-looking gestational sac. I think you need a new doctor. Please, keep us updated. (((hugs)))

  13. I went into the doctor about five weeks ago and was told I was measuring at 5 weeks and 4 days. I couldn't recall my last period so I had no idea how far I was. They had me come back one week later and I was measuring 6 weeks so things had progressed. The doctor wanted me to come back in one week later again but we were frustrated as the doctors kept saying it was too early so we opted to wait two and a half weeks before returning in hopes the embryo would have arrived. I went in today and the ultra sound showed my yolk sac still present but was still measuring the same as I had been about two and a half weeks earlier (around 6 weeks). There was still a yolk sac but no fetal pole or embryo. I have never once been blood tested for HCG levels and was told my options for a miscarriage. We feel devastated and don't feel convinced its over yet. Is there hope and any ideas what I should do?

  14. Sounds like the best thing you can do is monitor the size of the gestational sac. If it is still growing and over 25mm, you likely have your answer. If not and if there are no complications, another ultrasound a week out might be your best bet. (((hugs)))

  15. Hi Kay, have you noticed that there is any stronger rate of miscarriage with enlarged yolk sacs between 5-6mm? It seems like all the success stories of enlarged yolk sac are when the yolk sac is 8 and over, which may have been a sign of the sac giving way to the placenta. I thought I saw something in the medical literature that to that effect as well?

    1. I have blogged on the unreliability of ultrasound measurements in the first trimester. Studies have shown they can be off by up to 4mm (or more). I have talked to women who had ultrasounds the same day by two different techs and gotten two different measurements. Please, keep us updated.

  16. I am now 6 wk 3 d pregnancy from IVF (ICSI). I have mild bleeding for 3 days and now begin to have regular cramping. The scan today shown an enlarged yolk sac measuring 4.6 mm. And a very small fetal pole size of 5 wk ( 1 wk smaller than it should be). Doctor says it is to small to see the fetal heartbeat.

    I am encountering the different experience from other posts. I have bleeding, cramping and abnormally enlarged yolk sac and small fetal pole... Maybe the embryo have chromosomal abnormality and the body is trying to express it...

    I am so sad and it is hard to stay positive right now...

    Anybody used to experience like this.. And what is the result... Please tell me..

    Thank you

  17. That yolk sac really doesn't sound that enlarged. I've talked to women whose yolk sacs were measured at nearly twice that and they were fine. As for the bleeding, that *could* signal miscarriage. Really, the only way to know, if you don't miscarry in the meantime, is to have an ultrasound one week out. Stay monitored and be seen right away if there are any complications. (((hugs)))

  18. Thank you very much,Suzanne. I finally miscarriaged.. The cramping was constant ... So it was inevitable... :(

    1. I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. Take time to recover. Too often women try to do too much to keep their minds off of everything and complications set in. (((hugs))) to you.

  19. I had a chemical pregnancy last June. Then got pregnant again, to our delight. Last October 27 I had a vaginal ultrasound and saw a 15mm gestational sac and a 4.4mm yolk sac. Everything was going well as it should at 5 weeks and 5 days. i was told to come back after 2 weeks to see the heartbeat. so i went last November 11, expecting to see the heartbeat, but we only saw the fetal pole. My OB (who also did the ultrasound) said the yolk sac grew to 6.6mm, the crown-rump length at 6.8mm but not heartbeat. At this time I was told to be 6 weeks and 4 days. there was also an area of subchorionic hemorrhage, about 2cc. she gave me a diagnosis of early intrauterine fetal demise and recommended me for a D/C but I chose to wait for nature to take its course. I was distraught. I sought a second opinion from another OB and was told that sometimes doctors make mistakes too, or the dates could be off. I never had cramping or bleeding. I felt my tummy was growing bigger. Going for another scan tomorrow and I feel really afraid.I'm holding on that small chance that my baby is still fighting.

  20. Please, let us know how that appointment went. (((hugs)))

  21. I had another ultrasound at a different clinic. The crown rump length was now at 2.6mm only. The yolk sac somehow disappeared because they could not find it. How does that happen? Anyhow, i had two areas of subchorionic bleed. The gestational sac is now poorly decidualized and irregularly shaped unlike the previous results. I have yet to go to my OB to show the results but I feel like not going anymore. This pregnancy is not for me guess i will have to accept it this second time around. But thank you for this blog, it has given me inspiration and allowed me to explore my options before rushing into a D/C. Good luck to everyone else.

  22. My wifes yolk sac at 11.2 weeks is 5.9mm what are the chances for miscarriage?

  23. Hi Kay,
    According to my last period today I should be 8w1d. I had my first ultrasound today and the baby is measuring a little over 7 weeks. They said my yolk sac was slightly enlarged measuring at 6mm. They also told me I had a small blood sac ( which I am assuming is a subchronic hematoma? ). She said this can happen upon implantation and most of the time your body dissolves it. They scheduled me for an ultrasound in 4 weeks. When I arrived home I obviously started googling everything and decided to call the office back for the measurements of the yolk sac. The nurse then proceed to tell me she as having another doctor look at the results. He didn't seem concerned with the yolk size but seeing at there was also the bleeding he bumped the ultrasound up to two weeks from now. So far I have had no cramping or any bleeding. The baby also had a heart rate of 136 today. Should I be concerned? My last pregnancy was such a breeze, I am a nervous wreck right now. Thanks for you help in advance!!

    1. Congratulations! There is a heartbeat and that is awesome. Of course, anything can happen as in any viable pregnancy but we've had women report that they've gotten different measurements the same day by two different techs. I don't get too worked up over measurements now. Congratulations! Please, keep us updated.

  24. I had a dating ultrasound around 5 weeks after my LMP. All the Dr. said was it was consistent growth for my LMP and there was a yolk sac (too early to see anything else). I was scheduled for another ultrasound 2 weeks later. Calculating from my LMP I should've been 7 weeks, 1 day. My Dr. Said I was measuring a week behind and I had an enlarged yolk sac measuring 8.2!! He said the slow growth, abnormally large yolk sac and my "old" age of 43 most likely means I will miscarry. The baby had a heartbeat of 112 bpm which I was told was normal. All the Dr told me was I would probably miscarry soon, he said he was sorry he wished he ha better news and basically sent me home to lose the baby! I have another ultrasound scheduled next week (2 weeks after the last one) to see if the baby still has a heartbeat and has grown at all. This has been so incredibly hard for my husband and I, there is no information on enlarged yolk sacs and what little is out there predicts horrible outcomes. Why isn't there more information? I'm trying to keep up some hope for this baby but I'm mentally trying to prepare for yet another loss!

    1. (((hugs))) to you. You should have an ultrasound one week after the last one. Two weeks is too long to wait and you should have your answer then. Please, keep us updated. (((hugs)))

    2. Hi, our second ultrasound was yesterday. There was no growth from the last ultrasound and no heartbeat. I had to have a D&C. Very devastating for us as this is our second loss in less then a year. Unfortunately our story is not one of the success stories :(

    3. I am just so sorry to read your update. (((hugs))) for you. Praying for you as you go through this.

  25. Hi, I had an ultrasound today at 7+4. Everything seemingly looked good and the tech was happy. I went as I have had some spotting, and they found a small SCH which explained that.

    When I got home I looked at my films and it said my yolk sac was 7.5mm... I stupidly googled and now am so worried. I will see the doc tonight to go over my report. The sonographer didn't mention anything.

    Baby measured exactly on dates and I've had 2 previous scans and all looked good then too, with a heart rate of 163bpm.

  26. Studies have shown that measurements can be off a good bit. We have seen that two different techs can get two very different measurements the same day. If all looks fine, hang in there.

    1. Thought I would update - I'm now 15 weeks with a healthy baby girl. Yolk sac was gone by 12 week scan :)

  27. Ciao! We are two Italian parents and we went through enlarged yolk sac issue (more than 9 mm) last year during our first pregnancy. When we were informed by our doctor we started searching in internet as we became scared. Finally we found your blog that gave us more than some hope. We are happy to share with you that our son was born last October and he is healthy and cute!

    1. Wonderful news! I hope you don't mind if I share your post on the Misdiagnosed Miscarriage site. Every additional story of hope helps give hope. Thank you for that and congratulations!

  28. Had a 6w1d scan - yolk sac was measuring slightly large at 4.1, heartbeat was 105 and CRL 3.88. Should I be concerned? Does the yolk sac continue to grow? Or will it stay the same size? I did PGS this time, so hoping it's not indicative of a chromosomal issue.

  29. well, I was just informed today that I have a large yolk sac. I don't know what the measurements of it are, other than it is about 4 times larger than what it is supposed to be. my LMP was Feb. 15th. On March 22nd, I tested my hCG levels. The first time the were at 60. On March 24th, I tested my hCG levels again and this time they were 152. I was also put on progesterone because I have a history of two other miscarriages. On March 31st, my levels were still continuing to rise, but not at the rate the doc was comfortable with. They rose to 869. That's when the doctor informed me that something is going on and they wanted to keep a closer eye on me. The doctor was a bit alarmed. I had my hCG tested again on 4/4/2016 (1712) and again on 4/11/2016 (3263) as well as an ultrasound on 4/11/2016. I have been living the past 3 weeks without any answers about this baby, whether or not it was going to be lost. I went in to hear the results today about the ultrasound. The doctor informed me I was 5 weeks pregnant, but that the yolk sac is large. She said that although there is no absolute data linking a large yolk sac with miscarriage, when she see pregnancy like mine, it usually doesn't end well. She said that she's being cautiously optimistic, but there is a chance of losing it. I'll go back for another scan on 4-18 to see what is happening. Will one week be enough time to see something develop if there is a viable pregnancy? Or should I wait for more time before taking the next step?

    1. Also, there was no sign of fetal pole or a heartbeat. But that could also be because I was getting a scan at just 5 weeks?? Right? I don't know if I should be positive or negative. This limbo is just miserable.

    2. You are just so early. I don't know how this will end but I do hope you get better news soon. (((hugs)))

    3. well, unfortunately. An ultrasound today did not reveal any heartbeat or gestational growth. I'm planning for a d&c next week.

  30. CRL measured 3.6 mm at 6 weeks 4 days with no heartbeat and was asked to come back for a re scan 10 days later...went today and while the gestational sac , yolk sac and fetal pole are all present..I'm still at 6 weeks 4 days, no heartbeat and 3.6 mm CRL . Have been told it's a missed abortion (my second) you think I should try another doctor's scan or go ahead with the the given Mifepristone tab and 2 days later have the complete procedure for abortion as the Doc has suggested

  31. I had my scan this week which would be 7+1 weeks. The gestational Sac (mean) was 24.7 mm, Yolk Sac (mean) was 6.6 mm and the CRL at 3.4 mm with a hb of 96 bpm. They said I'm likely to miscarry and I have another scan next week. I'm not feeling hopeful given my age, 41, and a previous MMC. Thank you for any insight.

    1. The best thing to do is wait one week if there are not any complications and have another scan. (((Hugs)))

  32. Thank you Kay. Follow up scan is on Thursday and I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks for your concern :-)

  33. Hi Kay - unfortunately the pregnancy wasn't successful. I just wanted to say thanks for putting together this website. Based on my readings here I shan't be having another D&C but will opt for medical management instead.

  34. I had my first ultrasound May 24, baby had a normal heart beat of 136bmp but I couldn't help but notice the large yold sac. The tech didn't say anything to me, I left got home, and hours later my doctors office called to have me come in sooner than my scheduled appointment, I went in this morning for my doctor to tell me that the yolk sac is measuring at 7.5mm and it is larger than normal for 6 weeks and 5 days. She said to stay positive but it could end up in miscarriage. I now have to go back in 2 weeks for a follow up ultrasound to see if things have gotten better or worse... I am devastated as this is my first pregnancy and we tried for months that seemed like years before we got a positive. It is keeping me hopeful seeing all of the success stories.

  35. I am 11+6 and today's ultrasound showed a yolk sac measuring 7mm. Baby measures perfectly and had a heartbeat of 168. Doctor told us she doesn't know what to expect. I am terrified. I had a full term stillbirth six months ago. I can't imagine losing this baby. Any insight would be mu h appreciated. Thank you

  36. Hi, wow I had lost all hope until finding this site. I found out I was pregnant a month ago, and my last menstrual cycle was may 25th, that would make me a little over 8 weeks today. I had an ultrasound 3 days ago and the gest sac was empty. The doc told me basically that my body was miscarrying, a blighted ovum. Well my infertility doc and GP said before taking measures to make my body miscarry (because it still has not on its own yet... No signs or symptoms of doing so), that we should retest my HCG and if it is still high than schedule another ultrasound... I got my HCG level back today and it is still over 55,000... I am scheduled for another ultrasound on Monday afternoon. I'm so nervous and don't want to get my hopes up, but I also don't want to lose hope! I want this baby so bad!!

  37. I'm so glad I came across your page, I've been freaking out for a few days now.

    On Wednesday morning I woke with light pink spotting and immediately called the Dr. They had me come in to see what was doing on. Everything was ok and he thought the bleeding may be due to intercourse since it stopped by the end of the day and was very slight. He did a transvaginal ultrasound and baby was measuring 6 weeks (I thought I was about 8) with a FHR of 120 and yolk sac of 5mm. He told me that a MC was possible and to come in a week for a follow up. I am no handling this well at all. How do you think this scenario seems? I appreciate the input, I'm hoping it helps me make it to my follow up without a complete meltdown.

  38. I am currently pregnant i had first scan at 6w 2d on the 25th august. It showed 2 empty sacs 1 measuring 7w and thd other measuring 6w 2d
    I had bloods drawn which showed i may have only been 5 weeks. I had another ultrasound 2 weeks later at what would have been revised dates of 7w 1d. Showed 1 sac grown to 7w 2d and a yolk sac of 6.6mm the other sac was still empty and had not grown. They now think its a cyst? I had more bloods drawn and my levels have well and truely more than doubled in a week. Doc and head sonographer seem confident and doing another ultrasound next week. But vaginal ultrasound this time. I should be 8 weeks. I have been told 2 times already ill be miscarrying. Im not sure how long i can keep doing this

  39. I'm 50 and pregnant. Not planned. Based on last cycle im 6w 5d . I was told yolk sac was large I wasn't given any measurements. My first blood test @ 4wks my HCg was 615. I had more blood work today which will determine next steps.Im aware I'm already @ risk because of age. Are there any success stories out there from women my age

  40. Hi all,
    I am really happy that I found your site. I have already 2 miscarriages and now I am 7 weeks pregnant. At my scan on 6 weeks and 3 days, the Yolk Sac was measuring 8,6 mm. The good news is that there is a good heart beat, the embryo looks fine as well. However, the doctor raised the concerned about the enlarged Yolk Sac. Now I am counting down the days until my next scan (in a week). I'll let you know if I am one of the lucky ones. Thank you for sharing your great stories!

  41. Hi all, I'm 39 and pregnant for the first time. My first scan at 7 weeks, 4 days showed a gestational sac of 12mm and 2 other things they referred to as cystic structures measuring 6mm and 6mm. Inside one was a 3mm fetal pole and a HB of 93bpm. They dated the pregnancy at 6 weeks, 3 days. Were these structures yolk sacs? We were told to expect to miscarry. I have a repeat US in 2 days which will be 12 days after my first. Not feeling very positive.

  42. Today was ultrasound #2
    I should be 7+4
    Gestational Sac 6+1
    Yolk Sac 5+1
    Fetal pole appeared sinc Ultrasound #2 but no heartbeat

    Miscarry is anticipated, ultrasound #3 in another week exactly

  43. I just went to my first ob appointment today I'm supposed to be almost 10 weeks along. I have had 2 normal pregnancies and fortunate enough to not have miscarried any. They doctor did external and internal ultrasound and couldn't find a heart beat, along with a large yoke sac and he said that means an abnormal pregnancy and left to deliver a baby. So here I am waiting for blood test to tell me how far along I am to know what we are looking at. I did the same thing as a lot of the other mothers and started looking on the internet, SCARY. Hoping that I don't offend anyone but I could use some prayer and positive thinking. Thank you for this site if has helped me have some faith.

  44. I finished 7 weeks today based on my LMP and went for ultrasound. However ultrasound shows fetus of 5 weeks 6 days. The yolk sac is 5 mm and technician said g sac looks smaller than what is expected at 6 weeks (no measurements). However the heart beat was good at 108 bpm. Really scared and concerned on how it will go? Looking for advice and experiences

  45. I'm so glad to have read this! Today I had my first ultrasound- I conceived via IVF. Baby is measuring on target at 7 weeks, heartbeat is strong (I forgot to ask for the BPM), and my RE was ready to graduate me. She did mention that the sack was slightly larger than it should be (I think it's 6.5mm?) and that it CAN be linked to miscarriage, but not to worry. She offered another ultrasound to be sure and so next week I will be having another one. I will update with the outcome. Thank you for this site!

  46. Measurements can vary from tech to tech. Hang in there and keep us updated!

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  48. Had my first ultrasound yesterday. I was supposed to be 6 weeks + 1 day. Doc found a heartbeat although I couldn't visually see it. Baby is so tiny at this stage that it takes a trained and seasoned eye to recognize a heartbeat this early in pregnancy. Doc didn't mention how fast baby's heart was beating. Doc also saw a fetal pole and the yolk sac measured at 6.1mm which she says was a bit concerning but not definitive of miscarriage. So doc said to return in a week for another ultrasound. Today is the very next day after the ultrasound and I broke out in hives! I don't know what's causing it but I ended up up the ER because my face and hands started to swell and my throat was starting to tingle. There at the ER, they did an ultrasound to check on baby and this time the technician doing the ultrasound couldn't find the fetal pole and couldn't differentiate between my heart bear and the baby's?! Also the same comment about the enlarged yolk sac was made. The ER doc said this pregnancy may not take and to follow up with my OB. What do you think? I don't want to give up hope. Ive been googling looking for success stories of women who have been told their yolk sacs are large but still went on to have a healthy pregnancy and baby. I'm trying to stay positive but it is hard!

  49. I have my 1st ultrasound last Nov.18, from IVF (ICSI) and everything was totally good. My hgc level is hight too.

    I am now 7 wk 2 d pregnancy. I have mild light brown bleeding for 3 days and now begin to have regular backpain. The scan today shown an enlarged yolk sac measuring 6.8mm. And a very small fetal pole size of 5 w4d wk smaller than it should be. Doctor say i cannot see the heartbeat and possible to have change a miscarry. 

    She said after 1 or 2weeks repeat the ultrasound. Thank you for this site and it help some faith.
